
New Ad: Cory Booker is "Too Extreme" on Abortion

"Cory Booker on abortion?: not safe, not rare, and taxpayer funded up to the day of delivery."

Thus ends the new ad released today by American Commitment Action Fund (AC Action Fund) and Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List) targeting Newark, New Jersey Mayor Cory Booker's radical abortion record as he seeks the U.S. Senate in the special election to succeed Frank Lautenberg.

Among other rewindable moments, the ad exposes how Booker, as Co-Chair of the Democratic National Convention's Platform Committee, promoted abortion with no restrictions, even taking out language from previous party platforms that said the procedure should be “safe, legal, and rare.”

The irony in Booker’s pro-choice ideology is that despite supporting late-term and partial-birth abortion, his online health care policy statement reads he wants to “deliver seamless health coverage that starts in the womb to every child.”

I wonder how much this health coverage will matter to children in the womb if they are slaughtered before they reach the light of day?

To understand just how “extreme” Booker is on the issue of abortion, take a look at the new ad: