
Huffington Post Contributor Suggests Conservative Dana Loesch Should Be Raped

Leave it to a progressive male to publicly promote the rape of conservative radio host,  activist, wife and mother Dana Loesch.

Late last night, in response to a tweet from Loesch about gun control, Huffington Post contributor Pascal Robert told her she should be raped and described a sick sexual fantasy.

"I know you would look lovely with thigh high stockings and would love to have a brother give to you up the ass. Wouldn't you?" Robert said.

Are you shocked? Because I'm not. It's no wonder Robert is anti-gun, that's usually the case with progressive men who promote rape against women (conservative women in particular).

Loesch pointed out on her Twitter feed that attacks like the one above are the reason why many women don't get into politics and thanked her supporters for condemning Robert's comment.

"I appreciate you all who speak out against these morons. You show other women that if they take heat over free opinion, they have allies," she said. 

The Huffington Post has not condemned the attack.