
Fox News Moving Megyn Kelly to 9 PM Slot According to Drudge

It appears the Fox News lineup is in for a major shakeup. According to Matt Drudge:

FOXNEWS is set to make its first primetime schedule change in 10 years, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

Superstar newswoman Megyn Kelly has landed the 9 PM slot, top sources reveal.

The shock announcement is set for later this month.

"It's all about Megyn," an insider explains. "She is the new face of cable news. She has it all!"


Though this story may be unconfirmed by the network, Fox host Eric Bolling is already tweeting as if it's fact, writing: "ALERT!.. some bad news for Rachel!" and "Having a bad day?... not as bad as Piers," both linked to the Drudge story. He's presumably speaking of Rachel Maddow and Piers Morgan, hosts of MSNBC and CNN's 9pm shows.

Piers, in turn, tweeted: "Bring it on" at Megyn Kelly.

If Drudge's story proves true, it's unclear what this will mean for Sean Hannity and the other primetime Fox hosts. We'll keep you updated as more details emerge.