As a native New Yorker, sometimes I can only shake my head. In a case of ultimate hypocrisy, Governor Andrew Cuomo seems to care less about his own species than he does for sea animals. On Friday, he signed a bill outlawing the sale of shark fins, an act he denounces as “inhumane.” The decision comes soon after he pushed for radical pro-choice legislation that would significantly increase the number of abortions in the state.
With Cuomo signing the shark fin ban, New York becomes the eighth state to prevent the finning of sharks. These fins are often used in a traditional Chinatown soup.
Here’s the governor’s written statement on his decision to sign the bill:
“Not only is the process inhumane, but it also affects the natural balance of the oceanic ecosystem...[The state] “will be doing its part to help preserve this important species and maintain a stable environment for them.”
Enter Cuomo’s hypocrisy on the value of life. Back in January, Cuomo introduced the Reproductive Health Act, a bill which would make most abortion regulations in the state disappear and even promote late-term abortion by lifting limits on procedures in the third-trimester. Does Cuomo not consider humans an “important species” or a mother’s womb a “stable environment?”
The New York shark fin ban will take effect next July and indicates that sharks deserve more protection than unborn children. Cuomo’s skewed priorities make him a dangerous governor.
Hey, at least Leonardo DiCaprio’s happy:
Great news: @NYGovCuomo Signs Law Banning Shark Fin Sales
— Leonardo DiCaprio (@LeoDiCaprio) July 28, 2013