
LIVE OPEN THREAD: The Massachusetts Senate Special Election

By now, you're likely vaguely familiar with this race.  In one corner stands 37-year Congressman and reflexive liberal Ed Markey, whose positions on certain issues are sometimes a bit muddled.    In the other corner is (very) moderate Republican and political novice Gabriel Gomez, the son of Colombian immigrants, and a former Navy SEAL with a Harvard MBA.  The latter candidate has an 'R' next to his name, which is why he's trailed in every single poll in his very blue state.  Among the electorate, apathy reigns:

When voters head to the polls on Tuesday, some will be armed with firm convictions about Republican Gabriel Gomez and Democrat Edward Markey’s policy positions and qualifications for the U.S. Senate. But many voters will be focused on party affiliation or on broad ideas like change or experience – if they bother to vote at all...Interviews with voters around the state on Monday illustrated the challenge the candidates face in swaying voters in a race that has generated little excitement. Every poll has shown Markey leading Gomez. But, a recent poll conducted by The Western New England University Polling Institute for The Republican/ 3 Springfield also found that voters generally have a lack of interest in the campaign, and many had not definitively decided who to vote for.

Will those few who turn out tonight just shrug and automatically pull the lever for the Democrat, or might historically low turnout improve Gomez's chances for a stunning upset?  Polls close at 8pm ET, and the DSCC is hoping it'll be an early night.  In the meantime, check out ABC News' useful primer on tonight's contest and stay tuned for results...

- Track the live returns HERE.

- Gomez kept it interesting, but with 78 percent of precincts reporting, the Associated Press has called it for Markey.  The rich old white guy prevails over the Hispanic Navy SEAL.  Massachusetts.