
Biden: Watch Out For Those Young Guns Rand Paul and Ted Cruz in the Senate

Get ready for the attacks on Senators Ted Cruz and Rand Paul to heat up from the Left, Vice President Joe Biden has officially acknowledged them as a threat just months after Democrat Republican John McCain called them 'whacko birds.'

From the Weekly Standard:

“I’m not talking about the character or even the quality of the minds of the people I’m going to mention. But the last thing in the world we need now is someone who will go down to the United States Senate and support Ted Cruz, support the new senator from Kentucky -- or the old senator from Kentucky,” said Biden.

“Think about this. ... Have you ever seen a time when two freshman senators are able to cower the bulk of the Republican Party in the Senate? That is not hyperbole.”

“On the gun issue, I don’t care what your position is -- I called 17 senators out, 9 of whom were Republicans. ... Not one of offered an explanation on the merits of why they couldn’t vote for the background check. But almost to a person, they said, ‘I don’t want to take on Ted Cruz. I don’t want to take on Rand Paul. They’ll be in my district.’

“I actually said, ‘Are you kidding? These are two freshman,’” Biden said, according to the pool report. “This is a different, party folks. They’re not bad guys, and they’re both very bright guys. And I’m not questioning their motive.”

Or in other words, get off my lawn, kiddos. The fact is, both Paul and Cruz have been extremely effective when it comes to going against the status quo in the Senate. Why? Because they came to Washington and are actually doing what they said and promised they would do when they were on the campaign trail.