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Gallup Poll

This new Gallup Poll is very interesting:

Frontrunner Rudy Giuliani does a bit better among the combined group of moderate/liberal Republicans than he does among conservative Republicans. On the other hand, Fred Thompson, Newt Gingrich, and Mitt Romney receive more support from conservative Republicans than from moderate and liberal Republicans. John McCain's support is relatively constant across these two groupings.

Still, it appears that the two leaders -- Giuliani and McCain -- are more separated from the rest of the pack among moderate/liberal Republicans. Among conservative Republicans, it appears there is more of an interest in voting for alternative candidates, suggesting that conservative Republicans may be less happy with the two leaders than are Republicans who identify themselves as moderate or liberal.


Rudy’s numbers are particularly strong among young voters and those who seldom or never go to church. That’s not good news in a GOP primary, but may be helpful in a General.  Rudy also does very well among women voters.

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