Results for: Republican National Committee

The Real Bully is Big Government
– The current “crisis” is bullying in schools and, unfortunately, some of the best hopes on the Republican side have fallen victim to … A quick Internet search affirms that there are already national organizations that educate people on how to stop bullying. … Chris Christie is one of the shining lights of the Republican Party, and had been actively encouraged to run for President despite…
‘Occupy Wall Street’: Stamped with a Union Label‘occupy_wall_street’__stamped_with_a_union_label
– { page: Section1; }ol { margin-bottom: 0in; }ul { margin-bottom: 0in; } As Occupy Wall Street demonstrations have gone national … And New England United for Justice, which helped spearhead Occupy Boston, is headed by former ACORN National President Maude Hurd. … Its president, Larry Hanley, a member of the AFL-CIO executive committee, praises local members for voicing “huge support” for Occupy…
Guess Who's Still Raking In Wall Street Campaign Cash?
– Obama has still managed to raise far more money this year from the financial and banking sector than Mitt Romney or any other Republican … Obama’s key advantage over the GOP field is the ability to collect bigger checks because he raises money for both his own campaign committee … and for the Democratic National Committee, which will aid in his reelection effort.…
Sexual Responsibility and Fiscal Responsibility Go Hand in Hand
– The bill’s Republican sponsor, Joe Pitts (R-PA), had co-sponsored essentially the same amendment along with then-congressman Bart Stupak … Two high post Democrats – former Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif) and Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), Democratic National Committee
Congress Softens Stance on High-Skilled Immigrants
– Another, who apparently copied much of Lofgren's bill, is Idaho freshman Republican Raul Labrador. … And it appears that the chairman of the full Judiciary Committee, Lamar Smith of Texas, is interested. … That's an approach in line with current demographic realities and current national needs.…
Borrowing From Paul
– Next month, the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction, a 12-member subset of Congress that Congress created to make the hard … Ron Paul, R-Texas, who is seeking the Republican presidential nomination, unveiled a plan to cut nearly that much in 2013 alone, followed … Howard McKeon, R-Calif., chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, complains that "too many appear to believe that we can maintain…
Justice Department Accuses Issa of 'Mischaracterizing' Evidence in Probe of Fast and Furious…a_of_mischaracterizing_evidence_in_probe_of_fast_and_furious
– The Justice Department is accusing the Republican congressman who is leading an investigation into "Operation Fast and Furious" of … Darrell Issa, R-Calif, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, appeared on a Sunday morning news show and … "It is unbelievably reckless for Chairman Issa to go on national television and repeat these baseless accusations, which attack the…
Alienating the Middle
– The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee announced in a fundraising letter that it is seeking 100,000 signatures on a petition … He will run again as the outsider, the man of the people against the plutocrats of the Republican Party. … It's a depressing image of self-delusion and national suicide.…
DOJ Drops Rule That Would Legalize Denying Sensitive Documents' Existence…le_that_would_legalize_denying_sensitive_documents_existence
– Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, the top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder saying … Thursday in a letter, Assistant Attorney General Ron Weich said the Justice Department is seeking to protect law enforcement and national
Cain Campaign Backs Off Blaming Perry Camp
Republican presidential contender Herman Cain’s campaign, under pressure within his party to clarify years-old allegations of sexual … As the Perry campaign denied any role in the matter, prominent Republican Party figures, including Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour … No ‘Referee’ Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said this morning on NBC’s “Today” show that “this issue and…
Paul Ryan Schools Obama on America
– At the Heritage Foundation last week, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan demonstrated why he doesn't need to be running for … promote the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national … The President, indeed, is now denouncing what he calls "the Republican Congress."…
Still Dodging Our Harsh Budget Reality
– Nondefense discretionary spending (for everything from education to national parks to law enforcement) would grow by 12 percent.Besides … So does Arizona Republican Sen. … The supercommittee, according to the bipartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, needs to double or triple the savings "…
Black Democrat Derides Cain as "Knowing His Place" in GOP
– From calling Cain a “sell out” to “Uncle Tom” because he chooses to be a Republican doesn’t sound like progressive talk to me but … Former Democratic National Committee spokesperson, now political strategist (whose resume reads as long as a roll of toilet paper … It’s driving black Democrats crazy a black man actually has the nerve to run for president as a Republican.…
File Not Found
– commitment, he pledged fidelity to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), which he called "the most prominent expression of a profound national … reason to withhold it, such as when disclosure would violate people's privacy, undermine a criminal investigation or threaten national … In an Oct. 28 letter to Attorney General Eric Holder, Charles Grassley R-Iowa, the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee
A Time for Statesmen
– Now is a particularly dangerous moment for American national security interests. Not just because threats are growing. … All that would be bad enough.But the greatest threat to our national security, at the moment, is the manifest indifference of the voting … little evidence that the public -- even the GOP public -- cares much.For example, in a matter of weeks the congressional super committee
28 GOP Reps Join Call for Holder's Resignation
– Eleven Republican congressmen piled on Holder on Monday, demanding that he quit, adding to 17 others who had already said it is time … Darrell Issa of California, the chairman of the House Oversight Committee and Sen. … Chuck Grassley of Iowa, the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee are now combing through the documents for evidence…
"A Black Man Who Knows His Place"
– Karen Finney is not just any Democrat; she was the spokeswoman for the Democrat National Committee, served in the Clinton White House … "I think he makes that white Republican base of the party feel okay, feel that they're not racist because they can like this guy, I … In her attempt to disparage both Herman Cain and the Republican Party, Finney actually told us volumes about herself and the Democrat…
Report: Two Women Accused Herman Cain of Sexual Harassment in the Late 1990's…n_accused_herman_cain_of_sexual_harassment_in_the_late_1990s
– Politico's potential bombshell dropped late Sunday evening:   During Herman Cain’s tenure as the head of the National Restaurant … In a tense sidewalk encounter Sunday morning outside the Washington bureau of CBS News — where the Republican contender had just completed … , recalled Lee Ellen Hayes, who said she “worked fairly closely with” Cain in the late 1990s, when she was an executive at the National
Republicans and Risks
– Unfortunately, none of the leading GOP candidates has addressed our national security risks or set forth a plan to defend us. … Republican candidates are busily defending competing tax and spending plans, alternative health care policies and strategies for Social … Will any of today's Republican presidential candidates follow the Reagan model and replace the current occupant of the Oval Office?…
Obama's Illusory Student Loan Scheme
– and boasted that he still had $20 billion left over to count toward reconciling the balance sheet on his grossly over-budgeted national … the student loan section of the bill, was a hidden payoff to North Dakota Democrat Kent Conrad, chairman of the Senate Budget Committee … refinanced loans, will have extra gazillions to spend and stimulate the economy he claims is being held back by obstructionist Republican
The Wrong Guy for the Age of Anger
– “The three legs of the stool are national security/foreign policy, the social conservatives and the fiscal conservatives.” … Erick Erickson of goes even further, wailing that “Mitt Romney is going to be the Republican nominee. … urged John Boehner to risk default and national disaster rather than reach any deal with the dreaded Democrats.…
For Supercommittee, Partial Failure is an Option,_partial_failure_is_an_option
– The Obama administration, eager to maximize pressure on Republican negotiators, is now making dire warnings about the national-security … Republican Rep. … The super-duper committee?)…
The Secrets of Soros, Obama, Occupiers and the MSM (Part 1),_obama,_occupiers_and_the_msm_part_1
– it was another evidence of "what every conservative already knows -- the liberal mainstream media elites are manipulating the Republican … Like many of you, my wife Gena and I are avid watchers of local, national and global news. … Propaganda seems to be at the heart of most national news.…
Allen West Discusses Foreign Policy
– In light of the CBS News/National Journal Republican foreign policy debate Saturday evening, I thought it would be judicious to post … During his interview with Kathleen Walter from Newsmax.TV, he warns that if the Super Committee does not reach a bipartisan agreement…
Saturday Night: GOP Foreign Policy Debate
– unemployment rates have been at the forefront of most Americans' minds of late, but of arguably equal practical importance are issues of national … However, he did spend eight years on the Senate Armed Services Committee, and seems fairly confident in his foreign policy dexterity … The debate starts at 8 PM eastern, hosted by CBS, National Journal, and the South Carolina Republican Party, and will stream live on…
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