Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Paul Ryan launches effort to defend budget, GOP presidential field in Iowa…ches_effort_to_defend_budget,_gop_presidential_field_in_iowa
– Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) on Tuesday made a foray into the GOP presidential race by asking for donations to launch ads in Iowa defending his … through his political organization, the Prosperity Project, Ryan, chairman of the House Budget Committee, also asked the GOP presidential … Ryan is pushing back against a campaign led this week in Iowa by the Democratic National Committee to frame GOP presidential candidates
Conservatives For Obama
– self-described “conservatives” outnumbering “liberals” by crushing, consistent margins, Republicans ought to face the upcoming presidential … First, ideological orientation seldom determines the success or failure of presidential contenders. … By concentrating on one of the most significant but frequently overlooked aspects of electoral behavior: In presidential contests,…
Paul Ryan's Secret Weapon
– All of the Republican candidates talk about spending and debt, but Paul Ryan is the acknowledged master of the subject, not just in … In February 2010, during the health care debate, Ryan was among the Republican leaders who met with the president and Democratic leadership … If that was a foreshadowing of what a presidential debate would look like, President Obama would be profoundly overmatched on this…
Same-Sex Marriage Moving Toward the Mainstream
– Mainstream media reporters pepper Republican presidential candidates with questions about the issue but seldom ask Obama about it. … They must have been turned off if they were watching the Republican presidential candidates vie with each other in opposing it in the … We will be able to see how things work out and make judgments, without much need for guidance from our presidents or presidential candidates
Left Paints the Campaign as a Religious War
– The fundamental facts of the presidential race at this moment are that unemployment is high, the economy is by far the most important … Out on the campaign trail, Democratic activists are trying to maneuver the candidates into statements to feed the Republicans-are-religious-nuts … Not even the longest of long-shot candidates is immune. Back in May, former New Mexico Gov.…
Obama's Solyndra-Gate Won't Go Away
– "Fueling that perception was the fact that George Kaiser, one of Solyndra’s top investors, raised about $50,000 for Obama’s presidential … Solyndra employees contributed over $10,000 to various Democrat candidates and committees in 2010 including Harry Reid, Gabrielle Gifford … , the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Diane Feinstein and Barbra Boxer.         …
Joe Biden, Presidential Candidate,_presidential_candidate
– Actually, I thought Biden would grasp the Democratic presidential nomination in 1988 before he was caught plagiarizing British Labor … Yet, you might say, why should he run for the Democratic presidential nomination? … Biden is a rogue, but so are most of the other potential Democratic candidates. So Biden, I say, here is your chance.…
Obama's Last Economic Policy Chance
– The Republican candidate for president as well as GOP congressional candidates would be left with almost nothing (except opposition … not gain enactment of his proposal, he will not change the economic facts, and he will not regain the public confidence in his presidential … Sadly, many presidents, both Republican and Democratic, fail because they remain enthralled to their early policy positions -- ineffective…
Americans Vote Conservative--With Their Moving Vans
– The shift in national demographics has already rearranged the playing field for the upcoming presidential election. … In the emerging presidential campaign, it’s easy to see a version of these questions dominating the debate. … Why should anyone choose to endorse liberal, Democratic policies when a single year (2009-10) saw 880,000 residents packing up their…
6 Reasons For Conservatives to Support Rick Perry in 2012
– What our economy needs is a lot less socialism and a lot more Rick Perry. 2) Governors make better candidates than members of … Fairly or unfairly, governors get to sidestep those issues and they tend to be much stronger candidates because of it. 3) Rick … McGovern is a little hard to call) the most likable candidate has won every single presidential election.…
Perry Draws Big Crowd, Hammers Obama at Virginia Luncheon,_hammers_obama_at_virginia_luncheon
– No, most of the buzz surrounded the afternoon’s featured speaker: Texas Governor and presidential candidate, Rick Perry. … He later told reporters that Republican Bob Turner’s victory in New York City portends difficult days ahead for the Democratic Party … Naturally, any of the GOP presidential candidates would covet the support of a well- liked governor of a critical swing state. …
The Defining Issue Of The 2012 Elections: Jobs Through Gold
– The candidates of both parties finally have realized that the defining issue of the 2012 presidential election will be job creation … The Washington Post sends forth a top gunslinger to attack it — “it” being the gold standard and the GOP candidates for considering … candidates, it would have to be: Repeal the 20th century.…
Obama: Republican 'Audiences' Are Booing Gay Soldiers and Cheering Death
– Several of the candidates on stage have strongly condemned the handful of jerks for their idiocy -- including Rick Santorum, an ardent … candidates.  … Finally, a hypothetical:  If a US soldier in Iraq were to submit a youtube question during a Democratic debate, extolling the importance…
Obama Criticizes GOP Field at California Fundraiser
– President Obama took aim at the Republican presidential field on Sunday, telling attendees at a California fundraiser that the 2012 … Rick Perry, one of the leading Republican presidential candidates. … The Woodside event was one of four Democratic National Committee-organized fundraisers on the West Coast that Obama held on Sunday.…
Obama Criticizes GOP Field at California Fundraiser
– President Obama took aim at the Republican presidential field on Sunday, telling attendees at a California fundraiser that the 2012 … Rick Perry, one of the leading Republican presidential candidates. … The Woodside event was one of four Democratic National Committee-organized fundraisers on the West Coast that Obama held on Sunday.…
Nations United in Annual Israel Mugging
– That includes both the congressional and presidential races. … Most American Jews have never been to Israel and identify with the New Deal that defined the modern Democratic Party. … But altered circumstances invite Republican presidential candidates to rush into neighborhoods where in the past even fools would not…
Poll: Mormonism not impacting Romney support
– are uncertain about both Mitt Romney and Barack Obama's beliefs, but a new Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life shows that the presidentialcandidates' religions will have little effect on voters come November. … and Democratic-leaning voters say they will vote for Obama," the Pew study said.…
Hmm: Elizabeth Warren Edges Scott Brown in New Poll
– A new poll released Tuesday night shows Bay State Senator Scott Brown and his Democratic challenger -- Harvard Professor and fake … Voters nationwide appear to be growing frustrated with both presidential candidates as negative campaigning intensifies, but Massachusetts … Appearing on Fox & Friends this morning, Senator Brown excoriated his Democratic challenger in part because unlike President Obama…
Quotas and Political Correctness: The Vice-Presidential Follies of 2012…d_political_correctness_the_vicepresidential_follies_of_2012
– Two weeks ago, before Matt Drudge roiled the waters by announcing that presumptive GOP Presidential nominee Mitt Romney would name … Some Republican presidential candidates chose to defuse this charge by pandering, while others did not. … It also explains the continually baffling Democratic Party love affair with Hillary Clinton.…
How the Marriage Gap Favors Obama
– It's no revelation that there are discrepancies in their voting habits too: Democratic candidates tend to get more support from women … But that was wishful thinking: Of the last eight presidential elections Democrats have only won three. … But it's certainly proving a windfall for the Democratic Party.…
Obama Donor: Stimulus Was Like a Hooker in Prison
– So far this election cycle, Westly has donated $101,000 to various Democrat candidates and groups according to data compiled by opensecrets … public relations firm, which is registered federally and in Massachusetts, organized fund-raisers in Boston for Biden during the Democraticpresidential primary."…
Questions To Ask Democrats As They Abandon Barack
– House of Representatives to not attend this September’s Democratic National Convention. Instead, Ms. … Democrat candidates at all levels of government will go about campaigning over these next few months, making promises based upon their … agenda items – all of which appear in the “issues” section of Democrats.Org, the national party’s web home – consider asking the candidates
The Most Business-Despising President in History
– George McGovern, once considered the most liberal of Democratic candidates for president, wrote a piece about his experience attempting … I had known more firsthand about the concerns and problems of American businesspeople while I was a U.S. senator and later a presidential
Real Journalism: NPR Tweaks Obama's Stance on ACA to Help Poll Results
– The poll asked swing state voters their opinions based on the positions of the two parties' presidential candidates, although they … The Democratic candidate says the Supreme Court has spoken and it’s now time for us to move forward. … Of course, the Democratic position presented in this poll won, 49% to 45% for the GOP position, but it's entirely unrealistic to read…
DNC Pulls Ad Digging At Ann Romney's Horse, Apologizes
candidates releasing tax returns:   In the House, Rep. … Sander Levin (D-Mich.) is proposing legislation that would require presidential candidates to release 10 years worth of tax returns … Carl Levin (D-Mich) are proposing beefing up financial disclosure forms for all candidates for federal office to require disclosure…
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