Results for: Republican National Committee

Law-Enforcement-Free Sanctuaries
– In this instance, it both threatens national security and undermines public confidence in our legal system. … Lamar Smith of Texas, the ranking Republican on the House Judiciary committee and the chief author of the 1996 immigration law, rightly…
GOP Spoiling for Fight Over Berwick Nomination
– Kay Hagan tried to advance two judicial nominations for debate on the floor, a move that required Republican consent. … "McConnell will be even less cooperative on nominations for the rest of the year," says one knowledgeable Republican. … An aide to Finance Committee member Sen.…
GOP Spoiling for Fight Over Berwick Nomination
– Kay Hagan tried to advance two judicial nominations for debate on the floor, a move that required Republican consent. … "McConnell will be even less cooperative on nominations for the rest of the year," says one knowledgeable Republican. … An aide to Finance Committee member Sen.…
Repeal Religious Freedom at Ground Zero?
– A group called the National Republican Trust Political Action Committee says that "to celebrate that murder of 3,000 Americans, they…
Seeking Hyde
– It would be seriously beefed up under a Republican Congress. … And then the National Right to Life Committee highlighted the text of guidelines, publicly available on government websites, of the … Which is why Republican Rep. Chris Smith of New Jersey and brave Democrat Rep.…
2010 Race of the Day: Making Sure There Isn't Moore of the Same
– The Third District is Kansas’s smallest and most affluent, and traditionally leans moderately Republican. … Moore defeated Republican incumbent Vince Snowbarger in 1998 and became the first Democrat to represent the district in 37 years. … In 2000, Moore barely held on to his seat, taking 50 percent of the vote against Republican Phill Kline.…
Newsweek, Still Devolving,_still_devolving
– So he turned away the conservatives at Newsmax magazine, as well as the publishers of the National Enquirer and TV Guide. … Harman has donated $85,000 to the Democratic National Committee (most recently $25,000 in 2004). … There's only one Republican on the list, Scott McInnis of Colorado in 2001.…
Georgia Race for Governor Could Add to "Year of the PowerChick" Trend…_race_for_governor_could_add_to_year_of_the_powerchick_trend
– The Sarah Palin Express may be gaining even more steam, at least within the Republican Party. … Deal switched from the Democratic Party to the Republican after the 1994 election, when Georgia's Newt Gingrich engineered his "Republican … She has a stellar Republican resume.…
A Democrat Goes into a Psychiatrist's Office ...
– The wizards at the Democratic National Committee have the answer. The strategy is one you may remember from past campaigns. … The newest ad from the DNC seeks to link the Republican Party with the tea party. … Then they present the "Republican Tea Party Contract on America" with 10 items.…
2010 Race of the Day: Missouri's Fourth
– But this time, this creature of Washington is facing a pro-Republican environment and Skelton's support for the Pelosi agenda at the … Skelton eagerly supported the Cap-and-Trade - better known as the National Energy Tax - which will raise the cost of energy for his … As if supporting a National Energy Tax that his constituents hate wasn't enough, Skelton has continued working for Nancy Pelosi and…
Can We? Yes
– Some are predicting a Republican retaking of the House of Representatives and significant gains in the Senate. … Recently, Terry McAuliffe, former Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, and failed candidate for his party’s Virginia gubernatorial … Prior to his election in the Obama sweep of November 2008, Republican Tom Davis had represented the district since 1995.…
Downsizing Defense
– Gates' proposal got the attention of Senator James Webb, Virginia Democrat and Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell, a Republican. … Closing a national security facility would cost jobs and Virginia, which recently announced a budget surplus and houses the Pentagon … Thad Cochran," Ranking Member on the Appropriations Committee. "Sens.…
2010 Race of the Day: Florida's Obamacare Flip-Flopper
– November, voters in Florida’s 24th Congressional District have the chance to strip another vote away from Nancy Pelosi and restore a Republican … Currently represented by freshman Democrat Suzanne Kosmas, Florida’s 24th District generally has a Republican registration advantage … Deemed one of the “Flip Flop Five” by the National Republican Congressional Committee, Suzanne Kosmas initially voted ‘no’ when the…
What McCain's Tactics Teach
– McCain's victory has cost him dearly with a national press that loathed the campaign he conducted. … Many concur with the Democratic National Committee, which charged McCain with selling his soul to win his renomination. … Voters are overwhelmingly endorsing English as the national language.…
Traditional Hackers Now Turning Their Crosshairs on Conservatives…tional_hackers_now_turning_their_crosshairs_on_conservatives
– Bush, the left wing Internet Liberation Front hacked six Republican websites and replaced them with a politically charged message, … In 2000, the Republican National Committee website was hacked on the day of the presidential election and replaced with a message urging…
House OKs ban on health care law abortions
– The measure appears to have a gloomy future after passage by the Republican-controlled House. … The National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) wrote House members Oct. 6 to say the health-care law includes "multiple provisions that…
Crunching Numbers on Obama's Third Quarter 2012 Campaign Fundraising…ng_numbers_on_obamas_third_quarter_2012_campaign_fundraising
– The Obama 2012 re-election campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) announced Thursday that their fundraising haul was … The Republican National Committee has been slamming the president all year for raising money, calling him the "campaigner-in-chief.…
Obama Raises More Than $42 Million for Campaign$42_million_for_campaign
– President Obama’s campaign raised more than $42 million in the third quarter of the year, once again outpacing his Republican rivals … Obama helped the Democratic National Committee raise $27.3 million for a combined total of nearly $70 million during July, August and … While the Republican candidates remain focused on the early primary and caucus states, the Obama campaign, Mr.…
Wingless, Bloodsucking and Parasitic: Meet the Flea Party!,_bloodsucking_and_parasitic_meet_the_flea_party!
– As a refresher: The Democratic National Committee called the tea partiers "angry mobs" and "rabid right-wing extremists." … As long as a Republican sat in the White House, those victories were enforced. In 1957, President Dwight D.…
Porous Southwest Border Allowed for Iranian Terror Plot
– Mike Rogers, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said he was told the informant was "somebody who was in one of the drug … "This guy brought it to us, and from there it was laid out in front of us as they went forward," the Michigan Republican said. … FBI Director Robert Mueller won't admit that border security is national security. …
Cain's 9-9-9 Plan Popular Among Republicans, But Buyer Beware?,_but_buyer_beware
– and will lead Townhall's coverage later these evening), Rasmussen has released a poll showing fairly strong support among the Republican … Cain has experienced a dramatic surge in national polls, pulling into second place overall among primary voters -- barely behind Mitt … That could reduce consumption and would then lower revenue from the national sales tax.…
Sharpton to broadcast from Occupy Wall Street protests
– outspoken civil rights activist and talk show host, will broadcast from Zuccotti Park, where the protests are based, according to his National … to the "reckless Republican leadership in Congress." … Eric Cantor, the No. 2 Republican in the House, that he was concerned about "growing mobs" who were "pitting ...…
Income Tax Cuts Would Boost Jobs and Growth
– All of this has opened up a much-needed debate on tax cuts among Republican presidential candidates who've proposed tax incentives … Business executive Herman Cain has his 9-9-9 flat tax plan that would impose a 9 percent national sales tax on top of existing state … To his credit, Perry's plan calls for slashing government spending to 18 percent of GDP, but the bipartisan "super committee" …
Target: Marco Rubio
– named Haim Saban, who ranks among the Democratic party’s most lavish benefactors "I don't say this lightly," said Democratic NationalCommittee head Terry McAuliffe back in 2007, "Haim Saban saved the Democratic Party." … Univision’s sleaze factor also nixed their planned Republican debate this January.…
New Obama Campaign Slogan: "We Can't Wait"
– "#WeCantWait to make @BarackObama a one-term president," tweeted Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus. … Other Republican lawmakers joined Boehner's efforts on Twitter to encourage Senate Democrats to take up the measures.…
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