Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

ABC News: Democrats Ask Pentagon for Information on Potential 2012 Obama Challengers…pentagon_for_information_on_potential_2012_obama_challengers
– div.MsoNormal { margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; } The Democratic … Committee formally has asked the Pentagon for reams of correspondence between military agencies and nine potential Republican presidentialcandidates, a clear indication that Democrats are building opposition-research files on specific 2012 contenders even before the…
MSM Itching For GOP 2012 Battle To Begin
– By those signs, the curtain is set to rise on the 2012 GOP presidential campaign. But what about the candidates? … Barack Obama, then just a junior senator from Illinois, stirred Democratic hearts during a December trip to New Hampshire. … A quick rejection by GOP candidates of the presumptuous declaration of inevitability by and NBC that they would be in…
"Not It" -- Democrats Avoiding 2012 DSCC Chairmanship Like the Plague
– Mark Warner (Va.), who has a national profile and fundraising base because of his 2008 presidential ambitions, would take the job.  … Other Democratic senators whose names have been floated as candidates for the job have also said no. “Sen. … Michael Bennet has decided against chairing the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee in the 2012 election cycle, according to sources…
Of Course Sarah Palin's 'Unfit': She's a Republican
– Bush also scored higher on his verbal SAT than did Rhodes scholar and "brainy" presidential candidate Bill Bradley. … Democratic former President Lyndon Baines Johnson famously quipped that Ford, who played football for the University of Michigan, " … Palin, if she decides to run, faces a grueling series of challenges -- just like the other candidates.…
Can't Buy You Love: The Essential Yet Limited Role of Money in Politics…you_love_the_essential_yet_limited_role_of_money_in_politics
– Two months ago, The New York Times reported that "Democratic officials" believed "corporate interests, newly emboldened by regulatory … Responsive Politics, Democrats and Republicans each shelled out $1.6 billion during this election cycle, including spending by candidates … The amount of independent spending was more than in any previous midterm year and nearly as much as in the last presidential election…
A New Generation GOP Is Good News for Conservative Future
– The biggest Democratic success stories involved re-elected Sens. … Rand Paul in Kentucky, and many other youthful candidates bringing fresh, conservative perspectives to high office. … , what younger generation Democratic star could plausibly succeed Obama?…
Why Jews Vote Democratic – Redux–_redux
– Many people in the Republican Party wonder why the majority of Jews continue to vote Democratic. … The last time Jews preferred a Republican Presidential candidate was 1972. … Last month, a prominent temple in Los Angeles decided to open its doors to the four candidates running for Governor and U.S.…
For GOP, History Says Mitt's the Man,_history_says_mitts_the_man
– Senator George McGovern from the sparsely-populated state of South Dakota became the Democratic nominee in 1972 but went on to lose … Yes, the GOP might follow the occasional Democratic example and select from an array of appealing and promising fresh faces in 2012 … But Huckabee’s 2008 presidential run, powered by his formidable communications skill, suffered consistently from limited financial…
SPLC: The Wolf Who Cried ‘Hate’‘hate’
– business of genuine "hate," instead pose a direct threat to the advancement of postmodern secular-socialism generally - and to the Democratic … Moreover, the FRC and AFA play host to presidential candidates, lawmakers and top conservative leaders from around the world at Washington's…
Report: Patty Murray May Chair DSCC Through 2012
– Senate Democrats may have finally identified a member willing to take the reins at the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee for … This task has proven challenging for party leaders, as a cavalcade of possible candidates have demurred in the face of a harrowing … Nothing has been finalized yet, these Democratic sources cautioned.…
Conventional Wisdom on Palin's Power, McCain's Weakness: It Just Ain't So…al_wisdom_on_palins_power,_mccains_weakness__it_just_aint_so
– According to the tally by the Washington Post, she endorsed a total of 64 candidates in the course of the campaign; 32 of them lost … The actual state-by-state results from 2008 show that in a strongly Democratic year, voters actually rewarded rather than punished … Averaging all five of the GOP presidential candidates of the last 20 years, McCain’s performance counted as slightly better than the…
Should Michael Steele Stay as RNC Chairman?
– Next month the Republican National Committee will elect a chairman to lead their party into the 2012 presidential election. … chairman Michael Steele, who has been a source of controversy throughout his two year tenure, is being challenged by a number of candidates … , Hispanic voters played a key role in defeating Sharron Angle in her challenge to Harry Reid in Nevada, and a large Hispanic Democratic
The Divided GOP
– The divide among conservatives is mirrored in the split among likely GOP presidential candidates. … Other Republican candidates will weigh in in the weeks and months ahead and their disagreements will be about tactics, not substance … They know the new House can send over a thousand bills but that the Democratic majority can turn them all aside.…
Bush believes history will vindicate stem cell decision
Candidates across the country ran TV ads that highlighted the benefits of embryonic stem cell research without mentioning that the … At one point in the fall of 2004, Democratic vice presidential nominee John Edwards told a crowd that if presidential nominee John…
The Key New Year's Resolution: Stop the EPA
– A Senate dominated by two dozen endangered Democratic incumbents should help bring the out-of-control EPA to heel. … The president's willingness to indulge and indeed encourage such radical behavior should be a huge issue in the 2012 presidential campaign … The GOP presidential candidates who help stop the EPA will also greatly improve their standing across the political spectrum, including…
Chasing Votes by Promising to Do Impossible Things
– But leading from behind is also a description of what most of the declared and all-but-declared Republican presidential candidates … there's a history of presidential candidates casting cheap-shot no votes on debt ceiling bills (e.g., Barack Obama in 2006). … But it may be weakening the Republican Party in 2012 by demanding that its presidential candidates take positions that no president…
The Reluctant Presidential Candidate
– Perry sees the momentum that put the House back in Republican control and also narrowed the Senate Democratic majority carrying over … Conservatives are nervous about whether any of the announced GOP candidates can defeat President Obama, who continues to slip in the … Thompson, the former Tennessee senator, who was a late addition to the 2008 presidential race, never seemed to have the stomach for…
Senate Dems to Obama: Leave Some Campaign Cash for the Rest of Us
– is sucking up so much cash that it will cut into the party’s aggressive campaign to hold on to the Senate next year, several DemocraticDemocratic donors, but the presidential campaign declined to make such a promise. ... … Democrats believe Obama’s robust campaign infrastructure will benefit a number of their Senate candidates in pivotal presidential swing…
The GOP Race Heats Up
– Did we learn anything from last week's Republican presidential debate? … The candidates emphasized that, and that was a very positive thing." … countered that trouble with Iran goes back to 1979, Paul corrected him, noting that in 1953 the CIA helped overthrow a secular democratic
Corn, Scorn and Forlorn in Iowa,_scorn_and_forlorn_in_iowa
– Michele Bachmann and Ron Paul -- he pulled out of the 2012 GOP presidential race.In politics, you find little sympathy for losers. … He also argued that his experience of governing a blue state with a Democratic legislature established that he could win on policy … initiatives while working across the aisle.When Fox News moderator Bret Baier asked all eight candidates to raise their hands if they…
GOP Has Momentum, Needs Clear Direction,_needs_clear_direction
– Some candidates did mention intelligent policy initiatives in the debate. … Nor is it clear these are presidential issues. … Republicans can argue successfully that Democratic promises of absolute security cannot be kept.…
Preview: Who Will Win the Ames Straw Poll?
– Today marks the first major electoral contest of the 2012 presidential cycle, as six GOP candidates will vie for an early burst of … The Fix's Aaron Blake has a useful roadmap: Candidates reserve space at the gathering – with prime locations costing … The candidates also each get to address the crowd. …
Exclusive Video: Wasserman Schultz Explains Democrats' Medicare "Plan"
candidates (and non-candidates) were the featured attractions at the Iowa State Fair today.  … Ever since her elevation to her new perch atop the Democratic National Committee, DWS has generated a great deal of attention for her … Shortly thereafter, a Democratic official approached me and tersely asked, “who are you with?”  …
How Iowa's Straw Poll Can Lead to the Presidency
– People like Mary Louise Smith gravitated toward the Democratic Party. … Iowa was the sixth most Democratic state in the 1984 presidential election, the second most Democratic in 1988. … You can see the change by the location of candidates' headquarters.…
Paul Ryan launches effort to defend budget, GOP presidential field in Iowa…ches_effort_to_defend_budget,_gop_presidential_field_in_iowa
– Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) on Tuesday made a foray into the GOP presidential race by asking for donations to launch ads in Iowa defending his … through his political organization, the Prosperity Project, Ryan, chairman of the House Budget Committee, also asked the GOP presidential … Ryan is pushing back against a campaign led this week in Iowa by the Democratic National Committee to frame GOP presidential candidates
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