Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Obama Campaign May Be Fooling Itself
– Heilemann is a fine reporter and was co-author with Time's Mark Halperin of a best-selling book on the 2008 presidential campaign. … And he's capable of directing snark at both candidates. Samples: Romney "seems to suffer a hybrid of affluenza and Tourette's." … A more plausible explanation is that big Democratic donors don't trust the political judgment of super PAC head Bill Burton -- who…
The Arab Spring
– The Egyptian presidential election was held last week. … with one that respected human rights and democratic values in the Western sense. … Indeed, the desire to become part of a democratic Europe captured the national imagination.…
Romney Up By Four in Presidential Poll
– The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows Mitt Romney picking up 48% of the vote, while President Obama … But, with the race virtually tied and demographics that favor Democratic candidates in Massachusetts, ‘‘this will be a really close…
Seven Reasons Why Mitt Romney Is The Favorite In November
– That's why candidates keep using it. However, when you throw mud, you inevitably get some of it on you in the process. … The problem for Obama is that those have proven to be poor strategies for Democrats at the Presidential level. … For example, Bob Shrum is famous for running Democratic presidential campaigns that rely heavily on populism.…
2012: Good Money (And Jobs) vs. Easy Money (And Stagnation)
– The 2012 presidential election is shaping up to include an argument over opportunity versus equality. … Both in Congress and in the presidential race monetary policy is shaping up as a potentially important political battleground. … Not that peoples whose social state is democratic naturally scorn liberty; on the contrary, they have an instinctive taste for it.…
A Battleground Leader for 2012?
– Pawlenty is coy about presidential ambitions. … There is a long graveyard of Minnesota presidential candidates who were not successful. … These are all things he will almost certainly talk about in a presidential campaign.…
The GOP's Mixed Outlook
– In the process, Republicans wasted an unusual opportunity to win a Senate seat in a heavily Democratic state. … Hayworth showed that the tea party label does not guarantee success for buffoonish candidates. … Without the primary victories of tea party candidates in Nevada and Delaware, that control would be more likely.…
Race of the Day: New Hampshire’s Sweet Homecoming’s_sweet_homecoming
– are Nashua, Salem, Keene, and the significant Dixville Notch—the community that’s been a reliable indicator in predicting how presidential … While the area has been trending Democratic, it is by no means a “safe” district for candidates running to help Speaker Pelosi: Its…
Time Magazine: Listen Up, Dummies! Obama's Stimulus 'Clearly Helped',_dummies!_obamas_stimulus_clearly_helped
– Blinder is a liberal Princeton economist who advised President Bill Clinton and presidential candidates Al Gore and John Kerry. … House Democrats happily call Zandi -- with whom they agree and who advised presidential candidate John McCain -- a "conservative Republican … At Harvard, 15 econ faculty members belonged to the Democratic or other left-wing party, and only one was a Republican or libertarian…
October Surprises
– In fact, most embattled Democratic candidates don't want the president to even set foot in their districts. … He looked decisive and presidential; his Republican opponents looked nitpicking and petty. … Democratic candidates would find a more united nation suddenly far more worried about Mideast Armageddon than unemployment and record…
Can You Smell What Obama's Cooking?
– infrastructure of the United States in brand-new ways.Have you noticed that the infrastructure always is "crumbling" in news stories and presidential … cuts help hedge fund managers, who should be drawn and quartered, not rewarded.During Labor Day weekend, I caught a number of Democraticcandidates calling themselves tax cutters in ads.…
Left Calls in the Cavalry But Forgets They're the Bad Guys
– 1972 in which the forces of George McGovern took over the Democratic Party, overthrew the Democratic Party establishment and moved … Obama’s other presidential reinforcements came from the failed leadership of Jimmy Carter. … When Obama calls for the Democratic base to help, the top constituencies respond aggressively.…
Politics & The Current Discontents: November And Beyond
– voting Republican as a protest against drunken-sailor spending and the gallop toward socialism will reluctantly fall back to their Democratic … manifested itself again last week as Republican political consultants sternly lectured GOP primary voters about choosing the “wrong” candidates … The GOP will certainly lack the numbers to overturn Presidential vetoes and the country is most likely stuck with Obamacare for the…
The Midterm Sprint -- Every Minute Volunteered, Every Dollar Donated Matters…nt_--_every_minute_volunteered,_every_dollar_donated_matters
– While not quite as exciting as a presidential election, this year's midterm elections will determine which party controls the House … Currently, the House is split between 255 Democratic and 178 Republican representatives. … The Senate is split with 57 Democratic, two independents who caucus with the Democratic Party, and 41 Republicans.…
Will The Daily Beast Hire Rick Sanchez?
– Birnbaum is also a Georgetown Professor Emeritus and former advisor to three Democratic Presidential candidates. … Within the MSM/Democratic axis such insults can only apply against Cuban-Americans. … The head explodes imagining the MSM hysteria to such depictions of any reliably Democratic ethnic group.…
Ouch: Ohio Democrat's Hometown Paper Endorses His Republican Opponent
– In 2010, the Plain-Dealer apparently wants to mitigate the damage caused by their risky presidential choice by sending a Republican … Lee Fisher, Portman's Democratic opponent in the contest to replace the retiring George Voinovich, is a talented and smart public servant … Yet after listening to both candidates for months now and watching how each man has conducted his campaign, there is no doubt that…
November Prize for GOP Isn't in Congress
– Strong governor candidates will again aid in this year’s races. … In future years, governors also make prime Senate candidates themselves. … And just as governors make very attractive Senate candidates, they also make attractive presidential candidates.…
Americans Still Cling to Ignorance
– The bookish, twice-unsuccessful Democratic presidential candidate Adlai Stevenson once sighed that if most thinking people supported … He is furious that an unsophisticated electorate might not return congressional Democratic majorities in 2010. … Note that few Democratic candidates are running on the health-care bill they passed, promising at the time that it would be appreciated…
Race for the Middle
– “Elections,” as one very wise Democratic strategist reminds, “are always won in the middle.” … Democrats, in their presidential defeat of 2004 and their victory of 2008, captured the identical percentage of Democrats but 3 percent … “The party candidates have to fashion a different image for themselves than that of the president,” Rozell explains.…
Hispanics' Missed Opportunity
– and those who are members of minority groups, especially blacks and Hispanics, turn out in larger-than-usual numbers for a non-presidential … percent -- because a larger proportion of them are under 18 years of age or are not citizens.Hispanics have traditionally voted Democratic … , but various Republican presidential candidates have been able to make substantial inroads into the Hispanic vote.…
Obama's False Alarm on Corporate Electioneering
– All this spending, said presidential adviser David Axelrod, "is a threat to our democracy." … As more than half of all political candidates discover every election year, such efforts often fail. … In 2008, candidates for the U.S.…
A Cautionary Note for GOP in Tuesday's Election
– Republicans faced a similar problem in Colorado, where Democratic Sen. … Hispanics generally vote Democratic -- but they are not monolithic voters similar to African-Americans. … In six of the presidential elections since 1972, Hispanics have given Republican candidates 30 percent or more of their votes.…
The Great Corrective
– My point is simply that Americans don’t elect presidential candidates with records and backgrounds this extreme—but they did on November … figure, from the far left, who understood what happened is Mark Rudd, the 1960s radical communist who spearheaded Students for a Democratic
If This Guy Can Pull It Off, the GOP Has Nothing to Worry About Tomorrow…can_pull_it_off,_the_gop_has_nothing_to_worry_about_tomorrow
– You might know Johnson as the Republican running against Democratic Rep. … "We've got some exceptionally strong candidates from the top to the bottom. I'll be shocked if they don't win." … Their efforts for Johnson, Boccieri, and Space underscore the importance of Ohio as a bellwether for the presidential race just two…
Standing Tall: The Rise and Resilience of Conservative Women
– Despite daily assaults from the Democratic machine, liberal media and Hollyweird -- not to mention the stray fraggings from Beltway … When Republican Delaware Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell challenged Democratic opponent Chris Coons in a constitutional debate … But these same smug mockers have spent the past two years deriding Republican vice presidential candidate and former Alaska Gov.…
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