Results for: is the us at war with iran

Narcissists and Madmen
– After all, to take just one eminently foreseeable example, the US will not go to war with China or even seriously threaten China - … To understand what possesses the international community - that is, the US and the EU - to act in this way it is worth considering … This returns us to the green protesters in Iran.…
Israel's PTA Commander-in-Chief
– Many IDF commanders are happy to leave the issue of Iran to the US, which they insist is capable and willing to deal with it. … But the fact is that since Iran rejected President Barack Obama's diplomatic overtures, the US has shown clear signs of strategic dissonance … At no point has the IDF provided the government with an option for rescuing him.…
2009: The Year of Living Fecklessly
With offer after offer, gesture after gesture -- to not Iran, but the "Islamic Republic of Iran," as Obama ever so respectfully called … With this weakening dictatorship desperate for affirmation, why is the U.S. repeatedly offering just such affirmation? … The only real hope is regime change.…
America's Survival Is At Stake
The reality is that the fanatical, messianically driven radical Iranian zealots will pay any price, including Iran’s virtual obliteration … Obama is not only unfit to serve as commander-in-chief in a time of war, he is a menace to our national security. … Party is AWOL on bombing Iran and strengthening national security.…
Reconsidering the Suez Campaign
At the end of the game, the US had disavowed its strategic alliance with Israel because Jerusalem refused to give Washington veto power … Indeed, it makes clear that a breach of relations with the US is unavoidable. … He then explained what is at stake for the West.…
How a 'Surge' Fails Us, Part 1,_part_1
The main reason the "surge" in Afghanistan is on is because the conventional wisdom tells us the "surge" in Iraq "worked." … Remember "blood for oil," the anti-war mantra of the Left? "Blood not for oil" is more like it. … Likewise Iran, the nuke-seeking, genocide-promising nation that fomented much of the war, particularly the IED war, on U.S. forces…
When the Charm Rubs Off
– ("I do not bring with me today a definitive solution to the problems of war." Note the superfluous adjective.) … ("We do not have to think that human nature is perfect for us to still believe that the human condition can be perfected." … Here is a history lesson for an administration which, considering itself the culmination of history, is interested only in the last…
Socialized Medicine, and "Just War",_and_just_war
– Philosophy long has wrestled with the "just war." … Woodrow Wilson, who also won the Nobel after taking the U.S. into World War I, said: "It is a fearful thing to lead this great peaceful … people into war....But the right is more precious than peace, and we shall fight for the things which we have always carried nearest…
Democrats and Patriotism
– a global war on Islamofascists abroad and their dangerous Fifth Column within the continental US. … John Murtha Dubbed a “hawk” by the Democrat Party spinmeisters, Congressman Murtha was the darling of the anti-war news media – at … For instance, on the floor of the US Senate, Durbin accused soldiers deployed as guards at the terrorist detention center in Guantanamo…
Climate Change Hoax: Inconvenient Lies Exposed
– Trillions of dollars are at stake for the global warming movement if they can continue to fool the world that climate change is a man-made … Is he the next leader for the Party? … *Calling all “Churchills”: Look at the world, this is no time for weakness.…
A Low and Dishonest Decade
– Everyone with eyes in their heads knows that there is no chance of making peace with the Palestinians. … So, too, with its forces perched on the border, Hizbullah built up its Iranian-commanded forces, preparing for the next round of war … It was the West's obsession then with appeasement that set the world on course for the cataclysm of World War II.…
The Obama administration’s anti-terrorism philosophy is to treat terrorist attacks like criminal actions, not acts of war. … The Obama administration’s response to the deadly terrorist attack at Fort Hood in November was exactly the same. … At the multiple failures that allowed Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab to get on the plane with explosives sewn inside his underwear.…
2009 Chickens and their 2010 Roost
– In the waning days of 2009, Iran has announced it has no intention of dismantling its nuclear facilities and ignored the latest Obama … As part of our efforts to break with the Bush anti-terrorism past, President Obama also vowed he would close the facility at Guantanamo … Meanwhile, at home we operated on the same naive assumptions.…
Unrest in Iran: The Vindication of George W. Bush
– How dare anyone even suggest that the former President was correct, if not about the rightfulness of the war itself, then about his … The Iraq War-achieved-zero crowd begrudged Bush nothing even after the democratic Cedar Revolution in Lebanon. … In truth, the anti-Iraq War/Bush-hating left despises the former President far more than do the Iranians.…
WORLDVIEW: A decade in which God moved
– If He is the Lord of all history, He is the Lord of recent history. … " the fresh movement of God's Spirit is the real story of the century. … God isn't finished with us.... His Spirit is quietly, inexorably, powerfully moving -- like a vast, unseen river."…
INTERPOL Immunity: RedState Weighs In
At the federal level, the Freedom of Information Act applies. … At a time when Obama is worried about ensuring the rights of terrorists against the abuses of the American government, he has no problem … the war.…
The Wages of Weakness
– For the clear-thinking, there is no question Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab is a terrorist with connections. … Big mouths hooked to minds fogged with anti-American cant hindered U.S. defense efforts during the Cold War. … See, the Cold War was America's fault, and great leftist minds of yore told us so.…
The Real War Front is At Home
– Christmas 2009 and our nation is still at war. Afghanistan? Iraq? … But the war's front is here at home. The war we are having with ourselves. … But little soul searching or introspection was done at home. What might be wrong with us?…