Results for: Republican National Committee

Steele's Resolve
– WASHINGTON - Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele is in trouble again, and at a time when the GOP is riding higher … Officials at the Republican Senatorial Committee and the Republican Congressional Committee say their contributions have increased … In Pennsylvania, conservative Republican Pat Toomey continues to lead Democratic Sen. Arlen Specter.…
Obama's Capital Gain Hypocrisy
– Recall also his very public (and positive) recognition of Congressman Paul Ryan at his now-famous televised appearance at the Republican … Within days Ryan's proposal had been thoroughly attacked by the Democratic National Committee at the instance of the White House.…
Steele's Minion Gets The Boot
Republican National Committee Chief of Staff Ken McKay fell on his sword yesterday to save face for Chairman Michael Steele. … Karl Rove and Former Republican National Committee chairman Ed Gillespie have already formed their powerful RNC alternative — American…
The Ascent of Boehner
– He explained: "In November, Republican lawmakers joined with some Democrat lawmakers to stop them from using any federal taxpayer funds … He went on to continue to make the case that he and his Republican colleagues had consistently made: Let's start again. … Right to Life Committee.…
The Party's Over for Steele
– Senate in 1986 and no Republican has won the seat in 30 years. … But the best thing Steele could do now for the Republican Party is to step aside as chairman of the Republican National Committee. … The Republican Party needs real leadership from someone with a proven record.…
Health Care Bill Causes Corporate Costs to Skyrocket
– just the proverbial tip of the iceberg to the costs that will be hitting businesses and individual taxpayers alike, providing Republican … John Cornyn, chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, said in a memo to GOP Senate candidates last week.…
Just for Fun
– The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) has released the following video in celebration of April Fool's Day:…
In the Bay Area, Karl Rove Was Arresting,_karl_rove_was_arresting
– Karl Rove knew how to fire up an already fired-up crowd at a Contra Costa County Republican Party lunch in Lafayette, Calif., on … Who will fare better in November -- a moderate or a conservative Republican? Doesn't matter. … In light of a story about RNC staffers charging the Republican National Committee $2,000 for "meals" at what has been…
Crist Watch 2010
– A leaked email from the National Republican Senatorial Committee says that there is a "zero percent chance" Florida Governor Charlie … Crist will NOT drop out of the Republican primary for a U.S. … In other words, the main Republican campaign arm for the U.S.…
Tom Coburn, Nancy Pelosi, And The Likeability Factor,_nancy_pelosi,_and_the_likeability_factor
– At a town hall meeting last week Tom Coburn, the junior Republican senator from the great state of Oklahoma found himself in an unexpected … The likeability factor is now beginning to play a considerable role in national politics. … Finally, we can consider Congressman Henry Waxman of California, chairman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.…
Mean and Angry versus Angry yet Determined
– The Republican National Committee has an African-American chairman, Michael Steele, and still the GOP manages to come across as … But that's hard when the other big Republican who made news this month is Sen. … Or as McCarthy noted, "You don't have to be angry to be a Republican. You can be hopeful."…
Happy Tax Day, Earners & Spenders!!,_earners__spenders!!
– The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) wants to wish you a happy tax day and to commend Democrats in Washington for spending…
Open Season on Democrats: Scott Murphy (New York)
– Gillibrand’s opponent, Republican Sandy Treadwell, was plagued by scandals. … But Murphy has a target on his back from the National Republican Campaign Committee and from nationwide conservatives, who decried … “I believe in a core set of fundamental Republican values.…
Obama to Critics: Where's Armageddon?
– "Leaders of the Republican Party ... called the passage of (the health care reform bill) 'Armageddon.' Armageddon! … Last December, the then chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, Charlie Rangel, D-N.Y., chortled on his Web site: "I have great … lower-than-otherwise standard of living, less economic freedom, greater government dependency, and fewer resources to spend on national
No More Profiles in Caution
– This is not so much reproach of past Republican conduct as it is recognition of new opportunities. … But we could not find even one Republican member of the House Education and Labor Committee to introduce our bill. … Here's a tip to Republican senators: Be bold and explicit.…
GOP Obamacare Strategy: Repeal, Reform - and Cut,_reform_-_and_cut
– Mike Pence, head of the House Republican Conference, told me from Arizona, where he had gone to campaign for GOP candidates. … "I believe that's the uniform position of the Republican leadership." "People are livid," Rep. … Tom Price, head of the Republican Study Committee, said during a break from campaigning for Republicans in Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee…
Would Goodwin Liu Sink the Left-Leaning 9th Circuit?
– The professor is set to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee on April 16. … In a letter to the committee, Choper pointed out that Alito's view prevailed in only one of the four cases Liu examined. … Other senators, no doubt, will question Liu about the statements that the National Journal's Taylor quoted.…
Cornyn On Crist: "The funny thing about recruiting is it is a dynamic process ... it's been a learning experience."…g_is_it_is_a_dynamic_process__its_been_a_learning_experience
– That's what Cornyn, the chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), told a gaggle of reporters this morning. … course after seeing his numbers plummet so dramatically.I would say that it's rather breathtaking that the NRSC still endorses in Republican
ObamaCare: An Unmitigated Disaster
– In an April 23 appearance before the House Appropriations Committee, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius declared … Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin), ranking Republican on the Budget Committee and a leader in explaining Obamanomics, believes that the nation … In Massachusetts, a state that enacted health care reforms similar to the national plan, more than a half-dozen lawsuits were filed…
After Policy Stumbles, Obama Turns to Politics,_obama_turns_to_politics
– Democrats need Republican votes to pass a bill, but have refused to make compromises so they can provoke roll call votes that they … The Democratic National Committee has released a video in which Barack Obama calls for "reconnecting" with the coalition that elected…
Crist Goes Independent: Now What?
– As they were with Specter, the national Republican party is clearly outraged at Crist, with Sen. … John Cornyn, chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), saying that Republicans will fully support Rubio after … “The national interest has been up until now focused on… this national narrative – promoted by the left – of intra-party fighting by…
Show the GOP the Money
– The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) and Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) raised a combined $43 million … The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) and the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) raised $25 million. … President Obama has already started on a national campaign to counter Republican grassroots enthusiasm, with speeches and online videos…
Dicey Times for Dems
– Biden's seat is going to be filled by Republican Rep. … Republican Rep. Mark Kirk, a centrist with strong crossover appeal, is considered a virtual shoo-in by many observers. … But last week it unveiled an ambitious $50 million Democratic National Committee plan to reactivate Obama's 13-million- member grassroots…
Take the Painkiller and Go Home
– Until recently, ultraliberal Howard Dean from Vermont served as Democrat Party national Chairman. … The deficit under the last budget adopted by Republican Congressional majorities was $161 billion. … The only hope for President Obama is the quite possible Republican takeover of Congress this year.…
Come November, 'The Fire Next Time'?,_the_fire_next_time
– People, as William Buckley said in its opening issue his National Review magazine would do, standing "athwart history yelling, 'Stop … Party embraces five basic principles: fiscal responsibility, personal responsibility, limited government, the rule of law, and national … prove so strong in the primaries and their run-ups (as in Florida) that some seemingly invincible candidates (e.g., Florida's Republican
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