Results for: Republican National Committee

Were Tea Partiers Taking Notes at CPAC?
– If attendance at CPAC is any indication, the Republican National Committee isn’t much interested in interacting with and listening … RNC Chairman Michael Steele spoke at CPAC, but according to former Michigan GOP Chairman Saul Anuzis, of the 168 RNC national committee … David Norcross of New Jersey, who is a solid conservative, was the only other national committee member even there.…
Steele Enjoys Spending Spree on Donors' Dime
– Politico has a lengthy look at RNC chairman Michael Steele and the recent spending practices of today's Republican National Committee … --practices that are causing justified angst among donors:Republican National Chairman Michael Steele is spending twice as much as … “Michael Steele is an imperial chairman,” said one longtime Republican fundraiser. “He flies in private aircraft.…
For Key Democrats, Health Care Becomes Ego Trip,_health_care_becomes_ego_trip
– (Republican-turned-Democrat Sen. … Why would they suddenly express interest, even feigned interest, in Republican ideas they derided for months? … "If they had the votes, we wouldn't have had the summit," said Tennessee Republican Rep.…
Dawn Johnsen Strikes Again
– All seven Republican senators on the Judiciary Committee voted against Johnsen -- for the second time -- citing opposition to her abortion … and national defense views. … Sessions, ranking member on the Judiciary Committee. Not everyone shares his views, however.…
Counting Heads
– previous "Yes" votes, are said to be wavering and are getting hammered by their constituents activated by phone calls from the NationalRepublican Central Committee.…
Placing Our Faith in Economic Oracles
– Unfortunately, save for a few Republican senators and outside experts, it is obvious to most of official Washington that, as Sen. … Dodd's Banking Committee gets ready to mark up the financial regulation bill, only the form that a financial systemic-risk regulator … For example, let's say the regulator spots what he believes is a dangerous national real estate bubble.…
Hard Questions for Holder
– Holder Jr., and he should face more tough questioning when he reports for the Senate Judiciary Committee oversight hearing on Tuesday … perhaps worse, whether these issues add up to an agenda to tip the legal scale sharply in favor of detainee rights and away from national … Grassley, Iowa Republican, asked Mr.…
What Happens in DC, Doesn't Stay in DC,_doesnt_stay_in_dc
– hallmark of liberal and socialist public policy, the leadership and funding for the group's Internet program is paid for by the Republican … Governors Public Policy Committee. … national identification card for U.S. citizens and legal immigrants who want a job.…
Obama Budget Will Crash the U.S. Economy
– Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, ranking Republican on the House Budget Committee, told me of the deficit numbers the CBO is now projecting … By 2020, thanks to the Obama budget, the government's annual interest payments will take up a larger share of our national economy … Obama's nonsensical answer to the fiscal problem they pose is to create a new and bigger redistributionist welfare-state program, a national
Conservatism, Extremism and the Bigoted Left,_extremism_and_the_bigoted_left
– And prominent black men (former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele and former … Again, allow me to rephrase: The conjunction of a black Republican National Committee Chairman and a female conservative vice-presidential … But Blow and Rich should consider the wisdom of America’s greatest President, Abraham Lincoln (a Republican, no less!)…
The RNC Debacle
– They are coming from individuals who, as recently as Friday, had at my urging sent money to the National Republican Congressional Committee … will have to spend effort to message that they are not the RNC, and that their practices are not the practices of the nationalcommittee.…
Obama's Defining Lie
– Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, the ranking Republican on the House Budget Committee, responding to his question about the combined budgetary … CBO says his fiscal 2011 budget proposal will increase the national debt by $9.8 trillion over the next 10 years.…
Palin Backs Election Bids of 3 Iraq War Vets
– The former Alaska governor and vice presidential contender is supporting Republican candidates Adam Kizinger, Vaughn Ward and Allen … Debbie Halvorson, D-Ill., and has also received an endorsement from the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC).Ward is…
Exorcise Obamacare!!
– As distressed as I've been about President Barack Obama's deliberate, senseless acceleration of our national debt, I was heartened … by Obama's difficulty in forcing this demon through both chambers of Congress -- despite substantial majorities -- because of Republican … But the main one coordinating their election strategy -- National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman John Cornyn, R-Texas --…
How the Left Fakes the Hate: A Primer
– On Thursday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued a tepid, obligatory statement against smearing all conservatives as national security … Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chairman Chris Van Hollen accused Republican leaders of "stoking the flames." … with Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman's real killer. -- In late October 2008, a gaggle of liberal blogs spread the rumor that a Republican
The Coming Consequences of Obamacare
– For some of the brightest, most politically aware people in the country, the yearlong debate over the Democrats' national healthcare … Kevin McCarthy, who is leading the recruitment drive for the National Republican Congressional Committee. … And those are just the hot prospects in potentially winnable districts; there will also be Republican challengers for even the safest…
Health Plan Means Bigger Deficits and Higher Taxes
– Pelosi and other Democrats have been eyeing a value-added tax, i.e., a national sales tax. … The tenor of his campaign, and of the 2004 national convention speech that introduced him to the American people, suggested that he … Ron Wyden and Republican Sen. Bob Bennett with a dozen bipartisan co-sponsors.…
Roe v. Pelosi
– It would certainly seem to follow that women have a right to be exempt from a national health care plan that would force them to make … Just yesterday, the Republican House Judiciary Committee approved the so-called Unborn Victims of Violence Act.” … I believe Congress should act now to pass the National Freedom of Health Care Choice Act.…
Steele Steals Limelight From Saturday SRLC Lineup
– Clearly, none of the admirers were Republican National Committee members, who have voiced their quiet opposition to him again and again.Haley…
2010: Highlighting the GOP's Prospects at the SRLC
– The three themes of SRLC are: repeal the health care bill, remain The Party of No, and repair the Republican brand. … But repealing health care, saying no - preferable, "heck" no, in the words of Bobby Jindal - and rebuilding the Republican party came … A number of panelists, such as Jan Larimer, Co-Chairman of the Republican National Committee, had strong feelings about the ability…
For Republicans, a Cold November Reign,_a_cold_november_reign
– Recent headlines about Michael Steele, the chairman of the Republican National Committee, are not so cheering. … The real problem facing the Republican National Committee right now is not some good publicity for the Democrats' poor fiscal decisions … At the Tea Party events I've attended, the guy who is clamoring to ditch the Republican Party may also try to tell you his theories…
GOP Attacks Obamacare's Flip-Flop Dems
– In a memorandum, the nonpartisan CRS told Republican Sen. … Last week, the National Republican Senatorial Committee sent press releases on the CRS memo to local media outlets in nearly a dozen … The National Republican Congressional Committee has been running TV ads in many of these key districts, most recently against Kosmas…
Open Season on Democrats: Betsey Markey (Colorado)
– This is part of a series that's National Political Reporter Jillian Bandes is doing on electorally vulnerable Democrats … Andrew Moylan, Director of Government Affairs at the National Taxpayers Union, called that logic “absurd.” … But Markey’s almost-certain Republican opponent, Cory Gardner, says that Markey should probably think twice before doing the happy…
RNC Chairman: Obama and I Are in the Same Racial Boat
Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele was asked this question on ABC's "Good Morning America." … A March National Journal poll of about 100 named "Republican insiders" found that 71 percent considered Steele a "liability." … Steele faces Republican trouble from Republican unhappiness about his Republican leadership. This has nothing to do with race.…
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