Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Campaign '08, the Bell Tolls for Thee,_the_bell_tolls_for_thee
– At this point, we have had black generals in our military, black members of our presidential cabinets, black Supreme Court justices … In 2004, of the 14 candidates he campaigned for, 12 lost. … When he finally referred to the 2008 Democratic candidate sitting nearby, he only diminished him.…
RNC Chair Race: Lay Of The Land...
– Here's my take on the candidates Cillizza mentions...- Mike Duncan:  (Current RNC Chair) -- Regardless of how good he is, I cannot … However, during his tenure, Michigan has gone more and more Democratic.  Of course, this is hardly his fault.  … On another note, I have heard that just prior to Huckabee's dropping out of the presidential race, the Washington Times killed a story…
Where Did the Reagan Votes Go in the 2008 Election?
– Where did the super-majority of votes gathered by Ronald Reagan in his presidential campaigns go in 2008? … Can they be reclaimed by future Republican candidates? … In 2008, there was no overriding social issue, so the Reagan Democrats returned to their comfort zone in the Democratic Party.…
Unsure About "Obama the Centrist"
– Even some conservative economists are urging stimulus (although structured far differently from Democratic proposals). … It increased Democratic majorities in both houses, thereby demonstrating coattails and giving him clout. … Ironically, when the economy tanked in mid-September, it was assumed that both presidential candidates could simply forget about their…
RNC Chair Candidates on Blagojevich
– Several RNC Chair candidates are weighing-in on the Blagojevich scandal.  Following are the statements I received today:... … Democratic Governor Rod Blagojevich has been a longtime friend and political ally of yours. … You and your Democratic colleagues in the U.S. Senate and U.S. House had nothing but praise for Mr.…
Hey Caroline - You're Not Entitled!!
– She campaigned for Obama and worked on his committee that recommended the Vice-Presidential candidate. … • She is a long time patron of the American Ballet Theatre • She is active in her father's presidential library • She was a … Other than the Attorney General, there is nobody with the stature to offer Patterson serious opposition in the Democratic Party.…
RNC Chair Candidates Respond to Morton Blackwell's Questionnaire
– All six declared RNC Chair candidates responded.  … to candidates for RNC chairman November 25, 2008, by Morton C. … on behalf of our presidential nominee. …
'If there were a Mount Rushmore for conservative leaders, Paul's face would have to be on it.'…_for_conservative_leaders,_pauls_face_would_have_to_be_on_it
– To recruit and train a new generation of conservative candidates all across America.               2. … To generate political and financial support for those candidates so they could win nomination and election.               3. …   o generating support for conservative candidates in nomination and general-election contests by introducing them to conservative…
The Real Housewives of Crook County
– The public may be wearying of indicted Democratic Gov. … Blago two days before the November 2006 elections: "Michelle Obama, wife of the Democratic U.S. senator and presidential candidate … Democratic women have long played the feminist card in arguing that their chromosomes make them cleaner candidates.…
Think 2008 Was A Bad Year? Reconsider '68 For A Sense Of Perspective…2008_was_a_bad_year_reconsider_68_for_a_sense_of_perspective
– the election of '08, saw millions of young people mobilized by political promises and demands for change, though the triumphant candidates … , Lord) since angry dissidents fought with cops and destroyed property on college campuses, in urban ghettoes, or even at the Democratic … Even the Republican presidential candidate, Richard Nixon, addressed the need to provide greater access to the American dream to families…
Next Version of Republican Party Can't Be Timid
– As I recall, Newt Gingrich gathered Republican candidates together not with torches or pitchforks, but rather with a simple "contract … I'll be the first to say that President-Elect Obama has impressed me in his handling so far of an unusual presidential transition; … But do I think Nancy Pelosi, Charlie Rangel or Barney Frank -- today's Democratic House leadership -- are less the bulls in a china…
2008 - The Year in Quotes
– ." -- Ron Paul Republican congressman and failed presidential candidate (Sept. 27) Who will pay the tab? … for national office. " -- Bob Barr Libertarian Party presidential candidate (May 17) The Real Obama "Sen. … That's a tragedy and that tragedy will become much worse under a Democratic administration." -- Regina Herzlinger The "godmother…
The Real Deal Republican Candidates
– In the space of about a week, three hopefuls have dropped out of the presidential marathon: Mississippi Gov. … the serious candidates with something to say. … overwhelming attention to candidates who are, or were, more celebrities than candidates worthy of consideration.…
Gingrich The 'Social Engineer'
– Does the aroma of presidential politics come to us on the breezes from "Meet the Press," from which vantage point Newt addressed us … Maybe he hopes to pick up Democratic votes through his new "moderation," or whatever it is.The Gingrich take on social engineering … candidacy, which is to get attention by standing out from the pack of fellow candidates while making the solving of huge problems…
Raising Cain: The Pizza Man Delivers
– The most intriguing question raised by the first presidential debate in Greenville, S.C. involves the way Republicans will characterize … Cain’s detractors liken his long-shot campaign to a three-time presidential loser and notorious vanity candidate who similarly (and … In this campaign, the most likely candidates to seize the mantle of dynamic, colorful outsider (with no real chance of victory) are…
The Scots-Irish Voting Bloc
– , after they swung toward the Democratic Party in 2006, experts say. … "They could be the margins in a tight race," said Tom McMahon, a Washington strategist who was executive director of the Democratic … Todd determined the Scots-Irish were swing voters by poring over mapping data after the 2008 presidential election.…
Getting to Know the Next DNC Chair Promises to Be Fun
– (the Republican party) being "anti-woman"...which is pretty laughable, considering a woman actually got on the official GOP presidential … /vice presidential ticket last time around, unlike what happened with the Democrats. … a foreign car, despite criticizing Republican presidential candidates for supposedly favoring foreign auto manufacturers.…
Sarah Palin's New Arizona Neighbors Offer Advice
– The Arizona Democratic Party’s spokeswoman offered a welcome message of her own. … "You won’t, however, find any successful presidential candidates."…
On Gay Rights, Divided Highway Ahead,_divided_highway_ahead
– Although Democratic officeholders have been cautious in embracing same-sex marriage, they generally favor civil unions, at least. … The current crop of presidential candidates is almost unanimous in sticking to that hard line.…
Run, Paul Ryan, Run,_paul_ryan,_run
– Oh, the "tea parties" will have plenty of candidates. Minnesota Rep. … Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, which will likely define both the presidential and congressional elections in 2012. … Still, the Gingrich spectacle confirms one of Ryan's original strategic aims: to "box in" the various presidential candidates on the…
The Self-Destructing Republican Party?
– Republicans don't resolve their differences and work as a TEAM ("together everyone achieves more"), we will go back to having a Democratic … I deeply respect his decision, but I was extremely disappointed when Mike Huckabee announced that he will not be making a presidential … All decisions and plans should be based upon that philosophical conviction.I pray one of the Republican candidates can prove to us…
Conservatives Insuperable If Inseparable
– I had the honor of speaking last weekend at the Faith and Freedom Conference, at which most of the candidates for the Republican presidential … Certainly, Democratic Party strategists hope that is how the two main components of modern conservatism see each other.And because … These principles were very well represented in Goldwater's 1964 presidential campaign, although recently, it has become fashionable…
John Edwards, Campaign Reformer,_campaign_reformer
– Do you think that could be because Edwards was the 2004 Democratic vice presidential nominee? … I get a high net-worth individual as a client who wants to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars defraying the expenses of presidentialcandidates."…
Is Obama a Shoo-in for Reelection?
– One of them should be the Vice-Presidential nominee which will definitely electrify the base. … There are at least three candidates – Governors Pawlenty, Huntsman, and Romney – who can win. … The Democratic pundits have started to argue that none of these potential Republicans candidates has foreign relations experience.…
Why 2012 looks like 1860
– As the season of presidential politics 2012 unfolds, I’m struck by similarities between today and the tumultuous period in our history … And the Democratic Party, in the election of 1860, splintered into two. … So it’s not surprising that the field of Republicans emerging as possible presidential candidates is wide, diverse, and unconventional…
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