Results for: is the us at war with iran

Corruption Feeds Crises Worldwide
– What links the Arab Spring rebellions with political agitation in China and at least another five dozen simmering or emerging crises … However, the common human fire in these disparate struggles is intense disgust with embedded corruption. … Corruption is innate to the human condition. To paraphrase Walt Kelly's cartoon character, Pogo, the enemy is us.…
– He said the drawdown would continue 'at a steady pace' until the United States handed over security to the Afghan authorities in 2014 … The political realities for the President (and the GOP challengers) is this: Americans are very, very weary of waging war. … Is the President's timetable for Afghanistan the correct one?…
An Obama Foreign Policy
– Outgoing US Defense Secretary Robert Gates is worried about the shape of things to come in US foreign policy. … The war in Libya is a sign that things are changing. … Not only is he unwilling to delay the withdrawal of combat troops. Obama is suing for peace with the Taliban.…
Psst: Obama Going All 'Imperial' On Libya, Media Shrugs,_media_shrugs
– specific legal advice from lawyers at the Pentagon and his own administration's Office of Legal Counsel regarding the US military's … involvement in Libya and the War Powers Act:   President Obama rejected the views of top lawyers at the Pentagon and theThe OLC is typically called “the president’s law firm” because it’s tasked with advising him on what he can and can’t legally do with
MAD in the 21st Century
– On Tuesday, June 28th, outside the holy city of Qom, the rulers of the Islamic Republic of Iran test-fired 14 ballistic missiles, including … For the rest of us, they should raise just two: Do Iran and North Korea represent threats we should take seriously? … It’s now a decade behind schedule and more than a billion dollars over budget with Americans on the hook to pick up at least half the
Unmasking the 'International Community'
– Since the success of the Palestinian initiative is entirely dependent on the US Security Council veto, by acting as he is, Obama isThe only thing that is important is that the US abides by the limitations dictated by the UN Security Council resolution. … UN Security Council, rather than the US Congress, is the source of authority for US military action.…
Tickets Home
The Taliban threw everything they had at us. … forces and Drug Enforcement Administration agents from the mountains north and east of Jalalabad to the western border with Iran and … For days afterward, the potentates of the press described the event as "proof the Taliban can attack at will" and evidence "the Karzai…
Israel's Only Two Options
– next to Israel and at peace with the Jewish state. … The goal of that war is to destroy what's left of Israel after the "peace" treaty and gobble it into "Palestine." … The second option is for Israel to annex Judea and Samaria, complete with its hostile Arab population.…
The Path to the Next Lebanon War
– And then maybe together the Israeli and the US governments might have set about fixing at least some of the damage the war caused them … More generally, by refusing to take sides, the US is in fact siding with its enemy Iran and Iran’s proxy Hezbollah against its ally … But again, what the last war taught us is that this sort of behavior is what emboldens aggressors to attack.…
Egypt: Obama Channels His Inner Neocon
The question is how -- or whether -- Islam can exist within an Egyptian government that is at peace with its neighbors and respects … Since the Iraq War, however, in Middle Eastern countries where some semblance of free elections have been held (with the exception … observed the nightmare regime that replaced the Shah of Iran and say, "Not us.…
Egypt: More Than a "PR Problem"
– hated dictator President Mubarak.On the other hand, Israel is appalled at the US's willingness to dump Israel's only friend in the … Disgracefully, as big issues with enormous repercussions are at stake, the NY Times worries about the PR problems that Egypt is causing … is actually going to result in a policy that prevents the US from "losing" Egypt to radicals -- and either distorting or squelching…
Egypt Aflame
– It is the next scene in a long-running play whose final act is the domination of the world by radical Islamists. … The group's goal is to impose Islam on the world; its motto is: "Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. … To do otherwise dulls the senses and lulls us all into a false sense of security, which is exactly what our enemies want.…
Egypt Aflame
– It is the next scene in a long-running play whose final act is the domination of the world by radical Islamists. … The group's goal is to impose Islam on the world; its motto is: "Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. … To do otherwise dulls the senses and lulls us all into a false sense of security, which is exactly what our enemies want.…
Amid Africa's political turmoil, Christians glorify God,_christians_glorify_god
– "We who are outside of the situation pray for and are partners with people inside the situation, and God is working through both of … Emetuche, assistant professor at NOBTS, fears that if Gbagbo is removed by the military, citizens from countries caught in the crossfire … "The possibility of more violence is great and reminds us that many more people could die without ever knowing the Gospel of Christ…
Talk Like an Egyptian
– , is strangling Kemalism and the Turkish military no longer has the strength to break its grip. … And in Arabia, the long-ruling al-Saud family fights terrorism with one hand and funds it with the other. … They know that even with guns and skills made in America they likely would lose were they to attack people whose back is against the
Free Trade With Protectionist China Cheats America
– It looks like the Russians fooled us again in nuclear treaty negotiations. … The whole notion of free trade with China is dishonest. … persuading us to harmonize our patent law with foreign laws, down to the levels of unfair European and Japanese systems.…
The Risk That 2/11/11 Will End up Like Iran's 2/11/79
– It looks like 2/11/11 will go down in history with 11/9/89, not 6/4/89. 6/4/89 is when the Chinese military obeyed orders to massacre … In contrast, the mullah regime in Iran is developing nuclear weapons to threaten Israel and other American allies within missile range … The danger now is that 2/11/11 will have an outcome like that of 2/11/79, the day of the fall of the Shah of Iran.…
The West's Proxy War Against the Jews
– This is the same Muslim Brotherhood whose motto is, "Allah is our objective; the prophet is our leader; the Koran is our law; Jihad … governments had fallen in line with the Soviet-Arab propaganda war. … that the Islamic war against Israel is itself a proxy war for global jihad.…
Playing Israel's Good Hand
– While excoriating Obama and the US, the PA is actively wooing Hamas. … At the same time as he publicly beseeched Hamas to join forces with Fatah, Fayyad announced that the PA is willing to forgo US financial … The direct military cost of the Second Lebanon War is estimated at $2.2b.…
The Arab Revolt
The Arab Revolt is back, this time with Arab leaders. … Or at least a leadership vacuum as the world waits to see what will emerge, or if the new bosses will be just the old bosses with different … But the Arabists at the State Department, who failed to foresee this new Arab Revolt, now seem unable to come up with a policy to address…
Nations United Against Israel
– In other words, the issue that the UN considers most critical in the world at this hinge moment in history is that Israelis have been … Hamas, Hezbollah and the theocratic rulers of Iran have been candid: Creation of a Palestinian state is, at best, a secondary goal. … That does not imply that another war with Egypt is imminent or even inevitable.…
Obama's Devastatingly Mixed Signals
– his principles and the US alliance with Israel. … He did not state that the US is ending its training of the Fatah forces. … the US alliance with the Saudis.…
It's Their War, Not Ours,_not_ours
– Before the United States plunges into a third war in the Middle East, let us think this one through, as we did not the last two. … And if we attack Libya, an act of war, we have to see that the war is won. … What is the theme, where is the consistency in U.S. policy?…
The New Middle East
– from Libya – without UN approval, it is apparent that the US will not use armed force against Iran for as long as Obama is in power … The only chance of preventing Iran from plunging the region into war and bloodshed is if the regime is overthrown. … Iran is the primary regional engine of war, terror, nuclear proliferation and instability.…
Caught in the Middle East Minefield
Iran is close to getting a nuclear weapon. … All the unrest reminds us that today's supposed friend is tomorrow's possible enemy -- with no certainly about who will end up with … height of the Cold War.…
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