Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Can Joe the Plumber Turn it Around?
– Thats one question that was raised at the third presidential debate. … In the third consecutive week in which the headlines of the financial crisis have prompted both candidates to denounce Wall Street … another -- the protracted and bitter contest for the Democratic nomination, the success of the surge strategy in Iraq, $4-a-gallon…
The Coming Backlash
– By April and May, the Democratic Party was manifesting all the symptoms of buyer's remorse over how it had voted in January and February … Flip-flopping reveals the prime meridian of presidential politics. … If an analyst will collate all the positions to which all the candidates move, he will find himself close to the true center of national…
Team Sarah
candidates. … The underwear named for Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is now on super sale at only $7.95. Mr. … Now coming under similar fire is House Democratic Caucus chairman Rep.…
An Illegitimate Baby: A Blessing or a Punishment?
– WASHINGTON -- Not until 30 minutes had elapsed in the third and last presidential debate Wednesday night did the national candidates … Hillary Clinton from the Democratic Party line on abortion -- which takes the position that Democrats cherish human life, even though … This central Pennsylvania community is heavily Democratic, represented in the House by the powerful Rep.…
Let's Hope "Temporary" Isn't Temporary
– ACORN, the militant wing of the Democratic Party, has been trying to shake down banks for years, and Obama is on record as saying it … In Wednesday’s night’s third presidential debate, CBS’s Bob Schieffer missed a vital opportunity to ask both candidates whether they…
Peggy the Moocher
– That was on top of the trillion-plus-dollar "bank" bailout supported by both presidential candidates, the White House and the Democratic
Biden: The Other Half of the Dream Team
– When Barack Obama picked Joe Biden to be his Vice-Presidential running mate, he demonstrated that he was not in favor of “change … So what does Biden bring to an already far left presidential ticket? … Last year, while running for the Democratic presidential nomination himself, Biden said Obama was not qualified to be president.…
The Unexpected Campaign Season That Was
– Remember last year when Hillary Rodham Clinton was considered the shoo-in for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination, after … this campaign season's first debate in February 2007 -- actually, it wasn't really a debate, but a labor-sponsored rollout for Democratic … Carson City, Nev. -- I wondered if voters would be so overexposed by November 2008 that they would be up to here with both party's candidates
All Shall Not Be Lost
– Since 1980, Democratic presidential candidates have averaged only 42.5 percent of the vote in the five states. … Mississippi has not elected a freshman Democratic senator in 61 years (John Stennis in a 1947 special election). … This year, a Republican incumbent in Mississippi, Roger Wicker, is threatened by former Democratic Gov. Ronnie Musgrove.…
Circus Act
– host Fred Grandy, a former Iowa Republican congressman, suggested that the plumber has become the "Kato Kaelin" of the 2008 presidential … Sarah Palin's selection as a vice-presidential candidate: 90 Estimated number of votes that Oprah Winfrey's endorsement swung … by ordering various Democratic drinks or Republican drinks.…
Media's O-Colored Glasses Blank Out Leftist Truth
– Only three weeks ago I wrote about the presidential race's "third candidate." … phenomenon of Barack Obama's hard-left affiliations just then bursting into public view and catching up with the front-runner as the candidates … Puke" Ayers, whose own relationship with Klonsky (the Maoist mentioned above) goes back to the days of the SDS (Students for a Democratic
The Downfall of Faux Conservatism
– One excellent result of this election cycle is that public financing of presidential campaigns now seems sillier than ever. … from the demands of fundraising, to level the playing field and "to limit the amount of money pouring into presidential campaigns. … for Responsive Politics calculates that by Election Day $2.4 billion will have been spent on presidential campaigns in the two-year…
Just Because I'm Paranoid Doesn't Mean It Isn't True
– -- Here are just some of the strange facts surrounding this historic presidential contest: -- Barack Obama's current director … primaries. -- Republican presidential candidates Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul played a bigger role in the GOP selection process … I've been present when critical decisions were made in presidential campaigns.…
Clear and "Present" Danger
– With one week or so left in what's been an exhausting roller coaster of a presidential campaign, is there anything left to be said … or done by the candidates? … McCain, like every candidate in the Democratic primaries, has made "defining Obama" one of the cornerstones of his campaign.…
Heck, We Spend More on Pornography,_we_spend_more_on_pornography
– All told, candidates for the presidency have raised more than $1.5 billion since January 2007. … How sad that the only area the (almost) free average American is forbidden from spending excessively on is the democratic process. … Since the creation of the system in 1976, no major presidential candidate had declined this money and the limits that come with it.…
Obama: Fundamental Change? Count on It
– An unprincipled Democratic Party, aided by a morally decadent media, has demonized President Bush, the Republican Party and America … As for our real financial crisis, objective observers understand Democratic programs and policies primarily caused it, but Democrats … Democratic presidential candidates Al Gore, John Kerry and Barack Obama have all blithely and falsely accused our troops of atrocities…
Obama's First 100 Days
– Undeniably, a powerful tide is running for the Democratic Party, with one week left to Election Day. … Congress is regarded by Americans with a disdain bordering on disgust -- five of six Americans think it has done a poor job -- Democratic … This will mean that Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona will soon move out of reach for GOP presidential candidates, as has California…
Sizing Up Candidates
– When all is said and done, every voter must decide which of two (it is usually two) candidates to vote for. … The liberal Americans for Democratic Action him rated him at 15 (in 2006) out of a possible 100. … So there you have it -- the essentials concerning next week's presidential candidates (or as many of them as can be fitted into a column…
Dem Playbook Shows Dirty Tactics
– Election Day even if no evidence of intimidation existed in the 2004 presidential election. … presidential candidate Barack Obama. … Obama’s lawyers are demanding that the Department of Justice to investigate GOP presidential candidate John McCain, vice presidential
Women's Voting Patterns in Election 2008
– Unmarried women supported Barack Obama by a 70-to-29 percent margin, and they voted for Democratic House candidates by a similar margin … Men split their votes about evenly between the two presidential candidates, with 49 percent for Obama and 48 percent for McCain. … Barack Obama as the presidential nominee for the Democrats and Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as the Republican vice-presidential candidate…
The Man from Kentucky
– That disability is, however, a strength because it precludes an occupational hazard of senators -- presidential ambition. … He does not think the younger generation has acquired an indelible Democratic imprint. … Drawing upon this year's grim experience, he dryly says: "Governing is a hazardous business for presidential parties."…
GOP Comeback? Been There, Done That,_done_that
– Pouring over the numbers in the Presidential and Congressional elections of 2008, there’s an eerie parallel that deserves far more … In races for the House, the Senate and the Presidency, the final totals match almost precisely with the results of the last Democratic … Ross Perot drew 18.9% of the popular vote but, like most third-party vanity candidates, earned no electoral votes).…
Senator John McCain: Continuing to Serve America With Honor
– To that he has added an honorable presidential campaign conducted against great odds. … He should take up the cudgels against any Democratic attempt to foment class war. … Even more important, Senator McCain has the credentials and credibility to insist that the Obama administration and enhanced Democratic
Newt in 'One-Two'?
– Republicans appear chastened by the failure of seeking moderate, independent and even Democratic votes. … The consternation among Republicans is concentrated on McCain's failure to capitalize on Democratic flaws. … He had not even settled into the House speaker's chair in 1995 when he confessed to me his presidential desires for 1996.…
Conservatives, Don't Be Hypnotized,_dont_be_hypnotized
– Leftists in the Democratic Party and the media will vilify you as a right-wing extremist almost no matter how accommodating you are … critical faculties to the point they could argue that this poster child for Planned Parenthood was the more pro-life of the two presidentialcandidates.…
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