Results for: is the us at war with iran

After Geneva
– To be fair, the document signed in Geneva is not meant to neutralize the threat posed by those who rule Iran. … It’s not a treaty, just a “plan of action,” though its purpose, at least from the Western perspective, is to induce inaction — to persuade … It is today commonly accepted that the deal Neville Chamberlain concluded with Germany’s Nazi rulers was a desperate and wrongheaded…
Obama living in a Putin World, Stunning defeat for Israel…living-in-a-putin-world-stunning-defeat-for-israel-n1754417
– We can see clearly how incompetent the Obama Administration is with this recent Iran nuke deal. … used with China in the 1980s. … After all, Shia-majority Iran has the world's fourth largest oil reserves (with more being discovered), and it controls the Straits…
US Shuts Down Vatican Embassy After Striking Deal with Iran…down-vatican-embassy-after-striking-deal-with-iran-n1753925
The decision on part of the US Administration to move the American Embassy is being interpreted by many as a slap in the face to theAt the very least, it is likely to produce a tension that will lead to a deterioration of US/ Vatican communication and cooperation … Whatever the reason, the end result is the same: A sizeable devolution of US/ Vatican ties.…
China Exerts Control Over Japanese Air Space
– Multiple US commentators have described the announcement as an intensification of the war of words, but they confuse words with actions … Iran: On Sunday the US, Iran and the EU announced an agreement that freezes Iran's nuclear programs in return for a limited lifting … The momentum in favor of sanctions against Iran is broken.…
Remember When People Thought Obama Just Wanted to Tax the Rich? Yeah...…ople-thought-obama-just-wanted-to-tax-the-rich-yeah-n1763124
– No, not Al Qaeda, but Iran: From NightWatch: The real concern of the US, Allied powers and the UN should be that this … The customer in this instance is Iran. … Because, if you think the healing is going to stop with the rich in the US, you just don’t realize how much the earth needs to heal…
The Disinformation Age
– He’d conclude his CBS Evening News broadcasts with the phrase “And that’s the way it is.” … Ayman al-Zawahiri, now al-Qaeda’s leader, said in 2005: “More than half of this war is taking place on the battlefield of the media … The Islamic Republic of Iran is the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism, according to the U.S. government.…
The Hillary Advance(d) Guard
– Here's the extended exchange with her because Haberman is a fine reporter and, unlike, Cottle, hasn't been part of the Team Clinton … MH: Yes, there are others, but I’m just not coming up with them at the moment, but, and I’m not trying to avoid the question. … HH: They’ll come up with something. What I’m getting at is, how long have you been with Politico, five years?…
And They Called Me Pure Evil
– doesn’t fit with the topic, nor is it correct. … The rest of it will spend out in the years ahead -- that is, if Congress doesn’t tamper with it. … Of course Corzine himself is responsible for one of the largest bankruptcies in US history at MF Global.…
Iran’s Delays and Deceptions
– Part of the reason, I suspect, is that we too often assume that those across the table are, like us, seeking common ground and sincerely … As George Orwell observed decades ago, “the quickest way to end a war is to lose it.” … of the International Atomic Energy Agency, and Orde Kittrie, another colleague at FDD, argue that “if the negotiations with Iran
Kerry's Oh-So-90s Security Nonsense
– Even as the likes of Tom Friedman and Jeremy Ben Ami continue to tell us that the choice is between ideology – that is, Jewish rights … most likely scenario is that the Hashemites will be overthrown at some point in the eminently foreseeable future. … This is doubly true given the rise of jihadist forces aligned with Iran and al-Qaida battling for power in Syria and Iraq.…
Conservative Predictions for 2014, Including – Surprise! – More Liberal Failure…for-2014-including--surprise--more-liberal-failure-n1765806
The Iran fiasco will become an even bigger fiasco. … Give Israel at 35% chance of acting (along with a coalition of the willing consisting of Iran’s terrified Arab neighbors) to eliminate … The wonderful thing about the Obamacare disaster – and it is a disaster for the Democrats – is that their clever lies and evasions…
Duck Dynasty: I Wish Gays Would Stop Being So Gay About Speech That Offends…s-would-stop-being-so-gay-about-speech-that-offends-n1767296
– According to the Thought Police, Duck Dynasty’s patriarch Phil Robertson is a bigot because he said what the majority of the planet … The cool thing is that not everyone in the homosexual community has bought into the kneecapping of the naysayers of their penchants … week during the Duck ruckus the following: “I speak with authority here because I was openly gay before the 'Stonewall Rebellion…
The Left Against Zion
– In the 1990s, the war on global capitalism – that is, the anti-globalization movement – captivated the passions of US Leftists from … economic war against the Jewish state, anti-Israel activism has become the focal point of Leftist foreign policy activism in the US … And Marez was not out of step with his fellow Leftists who rule the roost at UCSD.…
Obama Calls for Free TSA Home Security Evaluations: Predictions for 2014…tsa-home-security-evaluations-predictions-for-2014-n1766545
The stock market finishes the month at 22,765 after analysts predict that the economy is so bad that quantitative easing will last … Unknown to the president the economy is hiding in a janitor’s closet right outside the Oval Office, with the idea that it would be … Aides remind the president that technically the United States and Iran are at war.…
Iran is to get relief from the economic pressures imposed by sanctions. … At high levels within the country’s powerful intelligence services, there are influential individuals whose sympathies lie with theAt the same time, the Saudis have felt, and continue to feel, more secure with great-power protectors — the British before World War
North Korea Propaganda Promises War
At a time when the North is making overtures for restoring normal economic activities at Kaesong, it also is threatening Baengnyong-do … Karzai is looking to the game beyond the end game of US involvement. … In South Asia, it is settled lore that US interest is transitory and the US always leaves.…
The Power of Tantrums
– That’s a shame, because the GOP is holding powerful cards, starting with public outrage over Obamacare and the lies that facilitated … There is also the disturbing and widening Benghazi scandal, and a growing list of economic victims of the White House’s war on the … There is also the dangerously bad deal with Iran, whose nuclear enrichment program will go unimpeded in any serious way in return for…
Predictions of Things to Come
– Not since the Spanish Civil War of the 1930s, when the Nazis and Communists competed at wiping out that country's civilian population … Senate have done away with the filibuster as a way to keep some of the worst possible nominees out of some of the highest offices … That's quite a dossier for someone who's supposed to protect the security of the rest of us.…
Shocker: Syrian Regime to Miss Major Disarmament Deadline
– plan and unrealistic goals, insiders say—and now American influence on the ground with the armed Syrian opposition is at a new low … At this meeting, the top U.S. officials decided to open up direct engagement with the Islamic Front for the first time in the three-year … is ill-equipped to deal with internal militant groups...The Sunni Muslim kingdom of Saudi Arabia may be seeking to bolster the army…
Khodorkovsky and the Freedom Agenda
The US defeated the Soviet Union in the Cold War. But the Soviet defeat didn’t make the Russians liberal democrats. … The same of course is the case in Iraq, where between 2003 and 2012, 4,500 US troops paid the ultimate price to bring freedom to the … He refused to sign a status of forces agreement with the US.…
Obama Isn't Telling Us The Truth About The Growing, Global Terrorist Threat…the-truth-about-the-growing-global-terrorist-threat-n1768726
– Assad is killing civilians and rebels with impunity to crush the rebellion there. … Nowhere is the situation more lethal than in war-torn Syria where Assad, aided and armed by Iran and Russia, has been given a seemingly … Terrorism is growing and al Qaeda is now stronger than ever, but why won't the White House tell us that?…
Ransom's Predictions for 2014
The stock market finishes the month at 22,765 after analysts predict that the economy is so bad that quantitative easing will last … Unknown to the president the economy is hiding in a janitor’s closet right outside the Oval Office, with the idea that it would be … Aides remind the president that technically the United States and Iran are at war.…
Obama Bombs Bombing Libya
– It would not have been difficult for Obama to have obtained the support of Congress to take military action complying with the War … Now, Republicans worried about the way Obama is handling the intervention have aligned with far left Democrats to challenge Obama on … Compounding the problem is that the War Powers Resolution of 1973 has never been accepted by presidents as binding.…
Lead in holiness, evangelism, service, speakers urge pastors,_evangelism,_service,_speakers_urge_pastors
The preparation, the work, the battle is in the soil of your heart. It is a war for control." … "God must be at work in us if He is to work through us." … Such is the case for pastor as well. "The power is not from us, but the power is from God Almighty," Orr said.…
Time for a Return to Checks and Balances
– While this does not mean that Iran is no longer a threat to the United States or its allies, it does give us time to conduct aggressive … This is why our government is constructed the way it is, with authority distributed equally among three branches of government. … Why not Iran? Are we to satisfy ourselves with the President's assurances that "he has his reasons," and leave it at that?…
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