Results for: Republican National Committee

Rendell vs. Ridge
– Both Tom Ridge and Ed Rendell are reported as in the hunt to be on the national tickets of their parties’ presidential nominees. … Ridge is Pennsylvania’s former two-term Republican governor and one-time national homeland security director; Rendell is now in his … National Committee during the 2000 recount and his stunning barnstorming for Clinton in Pennsylvania in April probably keeps that…
Biden for VP?
– John McCain say the Republican presidential candidate likes the idea of Democratic Sen. … However, Lieberman opposes Republican policy on nearly everything except Iraq, where he has backed the war effort. … Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico, Energy Committee chairman, or Sen. Max Baucus of Montana, Finance Committee chairman.…
Boost Production, Don't Penalize Big Oil,_dont_penalize_big_oil
Republican Sen. … These were the core elements in the Republican alternative bill offered by New Mexico Sen. … Pete Domenici: expand oil refineries to boost gas inventories, open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to safe, surgical drilling…
Tackling Five Modern Myths Created by Liberals
– here's the headline and the first paragraph from their article describing the results, "REVIEW SHOWS BALLOTS SAY BUSH Republican … 9/11 attacks, or at least parts of those attacks, have been investigated by the 9/11 commission, the CIA, FBI, FAA, FEMA, The National … Institute of Standards and Technology, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence…
Obama Is No Joshua
– Barack Obama's presidential campaign plans to strike at the heart of the Republican base by attempting to woo Evangelical Christians … Obama's campaign for the conservative Christian vote, which has largely gone to the Republican presidential candidate in recent elections … He certainly beats Howard Dean, now the chairman of the Democratic National Committee, who once offered Job as his favorite New Testament…
Dripping Gore
Republican receipts, on the other hand, declined 19 percent when compared to 2004. … Burr of North Carolina tapped to serve as co-chairman of the 2008 Republican Platform Committee, joining California Rep. … Kevin McCarthy in helping outline the GOP's key positions and core values at this summer's Republican National Convention in Minneapolis…
Obama's "Undivided Jerusalem" - More Meaningless Words?
– The morning after he secured the Democratic nomination, Senator Obama appeared before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee … Klein, national president of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) sounded even more disenchanted. … The Republican candidate alluded to the outrageous situation in which the U.S.…
No Rush on McCain's VP Search
Republican National Committee Deputy Chairman Frank Donatelli says John McCain is not close to making a vice presidential pick."…
Dining Room Dollars
– Dianne Feinstein taking the lead, the Democrats - that's right, the Democrats - have called a classic Republican play: Privatize … Feinstein, head of the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, was forced to deal with reality. … Obama promises a national health insurance plan overseen by the kith and kin who serve the Senate its navy bean soup.…
Bar Association and Sen. Joseph Biden Enlist in War on Dads
– The Chamber of Commerce represents corporate interests, such as seeking cheap labor to keep the cost of wages low, and the National … Biden's bill will give a half-million dollars to the National Domestic Violence Hotline to train feminists in coordination with the … Biden's bill passed the Senator Judiciary Committee last month despite Republican objections.…
Obama's Vetter Gets Vetted
– While Obama was kicking off a two-week battleground state economy tour in Raleigh, North Carolina on Monday, the Republican NationalCommittee was busy blasting out emails to reporters with “Obama’s Hypocrisy on Housing” in the subject line.…
– So recalled Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean, the leader of the pack in early polls for the 2004 Democratic presidential … Barack Obama as its presumptive presidential nominee the so-called Democratic and Republican "strategists" we are subjected to on cable … Results of a new national study of 305 Democrats, Republicans and independents reveal that Democrats are less supportive of immediate…
Dems' 2010 Strategy to Win
– exaggerated,” says Phil Singer, a Democratic political consultant and former spokesman for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee … And, to be honest, the Republican brand isn’t that swell either. … Says a Democratic insider who was intimately part of the 2006 and 2008 national gains for his party: “I think the overarching message…
The Right Book at the Right Time
– "Let me say it as clearly and succinctly as I can: we screwed up," Republican National Committee Chairman Michael … Steele's acknowledgment could translate into increased Republican Party credibility, according to one expert. … Steele's book acknowledges where key Republican mistakes have been made.…
Conservatives Want Napolitano Out
– Brent Bozell Executive Director Conservative Victory Committee Grover Norquist President Americans for Tax Reform Wendy Wright … Executive Director Traditional Values Coalition Janice Crouse Senior Fellow Beverly LaHaye Institute Morton Blackwell Virginia National … Committeeman Republican Party…
The Democrats’ Massachusetts Meltdown’_massachusetts_meltdown
– Buzz over a possible “Massachusetts Miracle” persuaded national Republican organizations to belatedly transfer funds for phone and … Brown ran a simple mainstream Republican campaign aided by nationwide grassroots support. … An Army National Guardsman, Brown also drew sharp contrasts between his support for a robust, proactive national security stance and…
GOP: It's Sink or Swim in 2010
– Tim Kaine, chairman of the Democratic National Committee has a bit of advice for his Republican counterparts. … In many states, such as New York, Florida and elsewhere, the Republican establishment seems to get that. … So, you have to ask: What business does Mark Kirk have even calling himself a Republican?…
The Republican dilemma: Good Michael or Bad Michael?
– The problem is, on any given day, GOP politicos don't know which Michael is occupying the big office at Republican National Committee … on TV -- such as calling Rush Limbaugh's program "incendiary" and "ugly" and sitting quietly when an interviewer said the 2008 RepublicanNational Convention "literally looked like Nazi Germany."…
And Then There Were None
– But there's also the Arnold Factor, which could undercut that edge: California voters may be wary of electing another Republican political … The other Republican thrilled with Campbell's jump into the Senate race is Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, R-Irvine, who also had been a … John Cornyn, who heads the National Republican Senatorial Committee, was treating her as if she had won the nomination.…
Pennsylvania House races are political thermometer
– Attorney Mary Beth Buchanan, a Republican, to knock on doors and make friends in a district that has trended Republican in two consecutive … - Republican Rep. … Pennsylvania’s competitive seats have been emblematic of the decade’s national political shifts.…
Let the RNC Chairman Do His Job
– WASHINGTON -- If the latest family spat within the Republican National Committee about Chairman Michael Steele is ever turned into … full-time job is chairman of the party, but that in no way forbids him from adding to his income in his off-hours -- as many Republicannational chairmen have done before him.…
Harry Reid's Negro Problem
– The one sitting black Supreme Court justice, Clarence Thomas, was appointed by a Republican. … The head of the Republican National Committee is black -- medium-skinned, but liberals treated Michael Steele like a dark-skinned black … Committee.…
Martha Coakley: The Voice for Fat Cats and Corruptocrats
– Wilkerson attained national infamy as the lawmaker caught on film stuffing thousands of dollars of bribes from an FBI informant down … asked Republican lawmakers. Coakley let the feds take on the powerful DiMasi. … Host committee members each raised $10,000 or more for her coffers.…
Playing Race-Card 'Gotcha'
Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele said over the weekend that Reid should step down from his leadership position … For this we needed the first African-American head of the Republican Party? … What will Steele's position be when some tired Republican hack politician accidentally says something Reid-like down the road?…
Your Negro, My Macaca,_my_macaca
– And Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele opened up to full throttle, calling on Reid to step down as majority leader … one word, "macaca," that no one had ever heard of before (and may or may not have had racial connotations), was enough to sink Republican
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