Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

McCain's Solomon Moment
– It ended with the first toe-to-toe presidential debate between John McCain and Barack Obama. … Harry Truman was staying there when he was picked to be the Democratic vice presidential nominee in 1944, as was Dwight D. … candidates.…
Obama, Joe the Plumber, and the Democratic Socialists of America…a,_joe_the_plumber,_and_the_democratic_socialists_of_america
– According to a 1995 issue of the Democratic Socialists of America newsletter, the New Party required endorsed candidates to sign a … While the New Party has waned, the Democratic Socialists of America remain an active movement. … What do the Democratic Socialists of America believe?…
It's the Debt, Stupid,_stupid
– They received mega-bonuses and took cover through campaign gifts to their Democratic supporters in Congress. … Surely one of our presidential candidates can warn the American people to save a little more, use our credit cards a little less and … In this year's presidential race, the honest candidate who stops promising endless bailouts and has the guts to lead us out of debt…
Media Insulating Irresponsible Incumbents
– it could have been fixed, because doing so would remove the insulation they have installed to protect those incumbents - and candidates … We’re in the middle of a presidential election campaign in which, on the one hand, there is a candidate who talks change; and on the … Each day listen closely to the candidates own message. Ignore media spin.…
Two Inescapable Truths
– With three weeks to go before a fateful Presidential election all politicians and activists must confront two inescapable truths … THE DECIDING FACTOR If the candidates can’t grab attention for any issue other than the economic crisis, and if all prospective … Each of the candidates will concentrate on warning the public about his opponent.…
Obama is Getting Off Easy
– The Democratic nominee scorned the "prejudice and bigotry and hatred and division" on display in the Arizona senator's campaign … The Republican from Arizona - demonized by the Democratic and journalistic establishment - was Sen. Barry Goldwater. … Every single presidential campaign boils down to an argument about how the candidates "see America."…
McCain's Next Duty Call
– senate in 1996 by the unorthodox means of having surrogates successfully challenge the hundreds of nomination signatures that candidates … His Democratic rivals, including Alice Palmer, the incumbent, were all disqualified." Hmm. Obama's election to the U.S. … "In the Democratic primary, he was a long shot.…
McCain's Prospects Depend on Telling Truth About Obama
– The Democratic Platform adds, "We oppose the Defense of Marriage Act." … Voters, not polls or pundits, will decide this presidential election. … It's time to make sure the voters have as much information as possible about the candidates.…
The Christian Game Plan
– Recently, Democratic Vice-Presidential candidate Joe Biden made the observation that past is prologue. … Certainly, there is evidence from the past showing clearly that evangelical Christians can make the difference in the Presidential … It is a referendum on Barack Obama—one of the most liberal candidates for President we’ve ever seen.…
Q and A - How Would You Answer?
– Either presidential debates are getting more civilized, or my standards for them are falling. … Both candidates have come out foursquare against genocide in the world. … Another presidential debate is over. Another awaits. So does History.…
My letter to Bob Schieffer
– Dear Bob: I know you are terrified that Wednesday night’s debate will be a repeat of last week’s debate which allowed the candidates … service to Americans who would like to know what the candidates think and not whether they can successfully couch an answer into a … Presidential Integrity: Mr.…
Open Letter to Bob Schieffer
– Schieffer: You have an extraordinary opportunity that is rare in presidential politics. … While every presidential debate is potentially pivotal, only rarely has one carried the potential that yours does to change the race … What were both candidates’ relationships with these agencies and what role did the candidates play as this situation was developed…
There's Something About Sarah
– There's only one more presidential debate to endure. … By this time in a campaign, both presidential candidates are so programmed, their talking points so tested and trite if not necessarily … Bush became a fan of Dana Carvey's impersonations on the iconic show that has become a rite of passage for presidential candidates.…
Obama's "Radicalism" a Growing Chasm on Road to Victory
– opponent, but he isn't making the core case against him: namely, the case against Obama's deep roots in radicalism, which the Democratic … McCain, Obama and, coming up on the outside, Obama's radicalism: This three-way race has created a weird dynamic as the candidates … Once, America's political and media and social institutions would have reflexively rejected a presidential candidate with an alliance…
GOP To McCain: Attack Obama Now
– McCain can't afford to lose any of these red states, unless he can offset his losses by picking off a number of Democratic blue states … But with a little more than four weeks remaining in the presidential contest in a brutal economic environment, the grim reality facing … The contrast between the two candidates on experience alone is stark.…
McGovern Criticizes Dems on Big Labor
– Former Democratic presidential candidate George McGovern is taking a prominent role a $30 million campaign to oppose Democratic-backed … the Democratic Party for supporting the legislation, titled “The Employee Free Choice Act.” … Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has promised to sign the legislation if he is elected president.…
Sarah Palin for President
– For one thing, it is uncommon for any political party to win three consecutive presidential elections.  … The main point here is that we have an unpopular incumbent president, which is obviously a drag on Republican candidates this year.To … the nation (one could write an entire book on the topic), but the point is that there are specific reasons why this should be a Democratic
The Secret of Obama's Success
– But none of those explains how he managed to defeat a daunting Democratic rival and outshine an inspiring war hero with demonstrated … presidential candidates to imagine he might carry the staunchly Republican state of Indiana. … Michelle Bachmann (R-Minn.) suspecting the Democratic nominee is "anti-American."…
NRCC Changes Mind on Bachmann
– Michele Bachmann and using her controversial comments about Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama to rally supporters. … Obama (D-Ill.) holds “anti-American” views....The NRCC sent a memo Thursday making the case that it was not abandoning candidates like … Write the checks to the individual candidates you like. Not the party fundraising arm.…
Big Labor Payoff: Obama & Pelosi Plot to Destroy Secret Ballot Rights for Millions of Americans…ot_to_destroy_secret_ballot_rights_for_millions_of_americans
– stake is the American working men and women’s right to preserve their privacy during workplace unionization elections – a right Democratic … Not a very democratic one either. … Stronger Democratic majorities in both the House and Senate, however, most certainly would get the bill to a President Obama’s desk…
Don't Be a Media Dupe - Vote to WIN
– of Obama is so glaringly obvious that it’s clear - MSNBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, The New York Times – are nothing but shills for the Democratic … Those of you who “sent Republicans a message” by staying home or voting for third party candidates in 2006 helped create a Democrat-controlled … I can hear his sonorous voice now, proclaiming in the most presidential tones, that ‘we cannot afford the divisiveness and partisan…
The Consequences of Defeat
– Vice Presidential candidates almost always disappear as contenders for party leadership. … All of them won nomination as Vice Presidential candidates and then quickly dropped from sight in national politics. … The last time a defeated VEEP candidate actually made it to the White House was with the Democratic Vice Presidential nominee in 1920…
You Be the Judge
presidential candidate Barack Obama while she was a guest on MSNBC's "Hardball." … BARACK, JOHN & JOE Yes, Joe Wurzelbachers popularity is being tracked right alongside the support for presidential candidates … 'WITHER' GREEN Prefer one presidential candidate over the other because of his environmental wish list?…
Polls and Pols
– There has been a history of various polls over the years projecting bigger votes for the Democrats' presidential candidate in October … playing it straight on their last poll before election day, after having created an impression earlier that a landslide for the Democratic … Barack Obama's string of victories in early Democratic primaries against far better known white candidates shows that large segments…
Truths Denied
– How telling is it when the media denies a truth that in the end, brings it great shame while rigging our democratic process. … Be it newspapers, the network news, or a presidential campaign, chances are, the more experienced candidate is going to get the position … For the poll, I stripped off the gender, color and age of the candidates.…
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