Results for: Republican National Committee

McCain's Money Mess
– When McCain clinched the nomination, Eisenberg was sent to the Republican National Committee as victory finance chairman. … A footnote: National Republican operatives are coming to the aid of Sen. … Norm Coleman, an endangered incumbent Republican in Minnesota.…
Carly for Veep?
– Fiorina has already joined the Republican National Committee as the party's "Victory Chairman."…
North Carolina is Finally a Player
– In recent years Republican presidential candidates have been pretty comfortably ahead in the months leading up to the November election … And it is making national news. … John McCain and the Republican National Committee have asked the state party that the ad not be run.…
Forgotten Hero?
– Hill; National Security Council senior director for defense policy and strategy William J. … Marsha Blackburn; Barack Obama campaign director of advance Emmett Beliveau; John McCain campaign national adviser Steve Duprey. … Study Committee staff director Paul Teller.…
Action Points: The Rocky-est of the Pennsylvania Primary
– Opinion sites like this one, as well as other conservative blogs, the Republican National Committee, and even Democrat researchers…
The little party that could
– Former Republican Representative Bob Barr, for the last few years a regional representative for the Libertarian Party National Committee … He has Republican roots. … The Liberty Party morphed into the Free Soil Party which morphed into the Republican Party.…
The Florida House of Cards Starts to Collapse: Clinton Can't Survive the Coup…se_of_cards_starts_to_collapse_clinton_cant_survive_the_coup
– But Howard Dean and the Democratic National Committee were determined to put the days of Bill and Hillary Clinton into history's rearview … Of course, national popular vote, taken as a collective whole, means nothing. It's a state-by-state race. … I'm proud to say our firm polled all but one contest (Democrat or Republican) with the correct winner.…
McCain Finds His Own Radical Friend
– The ones that told Liddy it was fine to break in to the office of the Democratic National Committee to plant bugs and photograph documents … The ones that made him propose to kidnap antiwar activists so they couldn't disrupt the 1972 Republican convention?…
Bush's "R" Is For "Right"
– My pal Jimmy Pethokoukis quotes Stanford professor Robert Hall, who heads the recession-dating committee at the National Bureau of … A Senate Republican group led by Pete Domenici has a much better idea: Expand drilling and production both offshore and in Alaska.…
Push for Anti-War Language in Dem Platform
Republican National Committee Spokesman Danny Diaz dismissed McGovern's assessnment.…
Latin Lessons
– Capitol subway yesterday with Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Sen. Patrick J. Leahy, Vermont Democrat. … Republican roots Last time we checked in with House Majority Whip Rep. James E. … Times and Democrat about the "Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican" national billboard campaign launched by the National Black Republican
Saga Diversion
– Hillary Rodham Clinton continue to duke it out for the Democratic nomination for president, Howard Dean, chairman of the Democratic NationalCommittee, is trying to refocus some of his party's negative attention on Republican candidate Sen. … "In 2006, Gore devoured nearly 221,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) — more than 20 times the national average.…
Remapping the Red and Blue
– Because, as former Democratic National Committee chairman Mark Siegel explains, “West Virginia is not central to the new electoral … Forget the Republican red-Democrat blue map the American electorate has followed since the 2000 presidential race between George Bush … Republican strategist John Weaver, who concedes the GOP is in trouble in Georgia, says the only thing that changes an electoral map…
Promises, Promises,_promises
– John Cornyn, Texas Republican, reminding his colleagues this week that it was 751 days ago when the soon-to-become House Speaker Nancy … But the embargo didn't stop Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean from reading the prepared text of the Arizona senator's … The venerable conservative think tank on Capitol Hill has been undergoing renovation, and the Kansas Republican cited the construction…
Primary Turnout Claims Turn Out To Be Half-Baked
– Nevertheless, in a memorandum to its supporters and the news media, the Democratic National Committee is crowing, "(R)ecord turnout … "It is true that turnout has been extraordinary this primary season, particularly in the Democratic party, but also in the RepublicanRepublican analysts who are closely studying this year's voter turnout statistics point to similar cases in which the party with the…
A Fire Bell In The Night
– The National Republican Congressional Committee spent $3 million on the special elections, about 40 percent of its cash-on-hand as … Republican rebound in 2008 aren't facing serious challenge. … Committee.…
McCain Joins Global Warming Cult
– In an effort to win over those "moderates" who believe that global warming is about to destroy the planet, Republican presidential … Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works held hearings and produced a document quoting anti-global warming scientists. … Among the noted converts is Claude Allegre, a member of the French Socialist Party and a former Minister of National Education.…
Mississippi Burning: GOP Should Heed Gingrich's Warnings
– In another recent example of a Republican-leaning congressional seat in the Deep South going Democrat, the battle to replace Mississippi … Newt accurately notes that McCain's non-traditional Republican image is what has him in the ballgame. … a victory for a Republican candidate.…
Guns and Judges: Electing the Supreme Court in 2008
– The presumptive Republican nominee will speak directly to guns owners about the Second Amendment at the NRA’s Celebration of American … private, law-abiding citizens, or whether it is a right of the people “collectively” to have guns only when they serve in the National … In contrast, presumptive Republican nominee John McCain joined bipartisan majorities on a Congressional amicus brief in the Supreme…
NRCC Chairman to Go?
– Having lost their third consecutive special election last night in Mississippi, some are now calling for the National Republican Congressional … Committee (NRCC) to replace their current chairman. …
Permanent Disaster
– Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., the senior Republican on the House Agriculture Committee. "There was give-and-take on all sides." … are better off than the people footing the bill for their subsidies, with a median income of $55,000 in 2006, compared to the national … median of $48,000, and median wealth about five times the national median.…
Real Change Requires Real Honesty
– And it is true that the Republican Party's crisis is the result of "catastrophic collapse of trust in Republicans." … That bill now has 178 Republican signatures on a discharge petition because it has been denied a vote in committee by Speaker Pelosi … Instead, he announces he will speak to the national convention of the National Council of La Raza.…
Clinton-Obama or Obama-Clinton? Not So Much
– On a hot summer night in July 1980, an unorthodox idea floated around the halls of the Republican National Convention in Detroit … Leap forward 28 years, and you have Hillary Clinton chugging along with a clear path to the Democratic National Convention but not … Former Democratic National Committee executive director Mark Siegel concurs: “The process to the nomination will come probably to a…
Vote for Justice
– Speaking at Wake Forest University, the Arizona Republican senator chided judges for blurring the lines between the branches of government … Howard Dean, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, has railed against McCain's "radical right-wing judicial philosophy." … When former Alabama attorney general William Pryor was before the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2003 for a seat on 11th U.S.…
Michelle Vetoes Hillary
– Joseph Lieberman if he goes through with plans to address the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minn. … MCCAIN'S MANAGER Republican insiders were surprised when Paul Manafort, prominent in national Republican circles for over 30 … Manafort has been a major operative at every Republican National Convention, starting as an aide for President Gerald Ford in 1976.…
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