Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Self-Made Man or Mysterious Stranger?
– The air of unease at the Democratic convention this week was not just a result of the Clinton psychodrama. … So we must elect him -- I am currently unavailable -- to get Democratic things done. God bless America. … But simply as a reflection of a young life with a biography remarkably thin by the standard of presidential candidates.…
When Does the Vice Presidential Choice Count?
– Some political operatives calculate how many votes a potential vice presidential choice can bring to the ticket. … Others declare that the vice presidential choice is not important because the public votes for the top of the ticket. … McCain’s vice presidential choice will, like Obama’s, reveal how he adds the numbers.…
Rx For A Serious Bounce: What Barack Can Learn from Al…08/28/rx_for_a_serious_bounce_what_barack_can_learn_from_al
– At the 2000 Democratic Convention, Gore gave one of the best acceptance speeches in recent history. … With John McCain's vice-presidential announcement following hot on the heels of Obama's speech and the Republican convention coming … In fact, the Democratic nominee not only has realized no bounce from the proceedings so far, he may actually be the first candidate…
Obama Doubles Down Against History
– In the 2008 race, both presidential candidates are sitting U.S. senators. … As a result of this rarity, the selection of vice presidential candidates, while typically negligible on the outcome of the election … As for Minnesota, non-Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party candidates don’t win major statewide office unless a strong third party challenger…
Major Media Decide - Vote Obama
– Washington Post ombudsperson Deborah Howell wrote a column in her own newspaper comparing the paper's front-page coverage of Democratic … Last year, Harvard and PEJ studied presidential campaign stories from January through May in print, TV, radio and Internet outlets. … Yet only 26 percent of the stories on Republican candidates were positive, and 40 percent were negative.…
Hillary Was Born To Lose
– WASHINGTON -- I believe I made a mistake when I decided not to attend the Democratic National Convention. … In 2004, he campaigned for 14 candidates, 12 of whom lost -- but I repeat myself. Sen. … My Democratic friends, you all will be better off when these shameless opportunists are in retirement.…
The Scandal of the McCain Campaign
– A crucial turning point in the presidential race came when the McCain campaign ended its candidate's habitual informal interactions … The arrangement worked beautifully for both sides -- until McCain became the Republican presidential nominee. … In a column excoriating Republicans for historically launching successful attacks against Democratic presidential candidates in August…
Candidates React to Lehman Collapse
– The presidential candidates’ reactions to the meltdown of yet another massive bank strictly adhered to the major themes of their respective … Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said the GOP’s style of government led to the collapse of Lehman brothers, suggesting … Obama’s vice presidential candidate Joe Biden was stronger in his criticisms, calling a future McCain White House a bad “sequel” to…
Fightin' Republicans
– As Barack Obama and John McCain campaign into the electoral homestretch, both candidates continue battling for the “change” mantel … When Barack Obama chose Senator Joe Biden of Delaware as his vice-presidential nominee, Democrats praised the selection given Biden's … Even vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin used the word more often than Biden and Obama combined.…
Driving Miss Rowena
– Roberta McCain, 96-year-old mother of Republican presidential nominee Sen. … Congress, California Democratic Reps. … EYES ON OXFORD The University of Mississippi is gearing up to host the first presidential debate of 2008.…
Obama "Waffles" Stir Conflict at Christian Conference
– Last year the entire field of Republican presidential candidates was present and accounted for. … Although no Democratic candidates showed up at all, it gave values voters an opportunity to decide how to engage in the primary season … If the race is determined by the content of the candidates’ character and a sportsman like contest, Americans will have realized Martin…
Palin, Roosevelt, and American Originals,_roosevelt,_and_american_originals
– The rollout of Sarah Palin as the Republican vice presidential nominee appears to be morphing into a full-fledged juggernaut.  … She is young – so was Teddy when he became the vice presidential nominee in 1900 at the age of forty-one.  … He is more than a presidential possibility in 1904; he is a presidential probability.  …
Can McCain really win Pennsylvania?
– The last Republican presidential candidate to win Pennsylvania was George H.W. … Even if they call themselves independents, most voters more or less automatically vote either Democratic or Republican.” … Add the stereotypes that some voters hold about black candidates and Obama dilutes the Rendell rule.…
Obama Losing Traction Among Younger Voters
– All of these venues have been completely been dominated for the last two weeks by McCain's vice-presidential choice, Gov. … and be recognized was actually just an example of the kinds of gaffes to be expected of overscheduled and pressured political candidates … But clearly one more telling fact has emerged: The fate of the Republican ticket and many GOP congressional and Senate candidates rests…
Why I'm Voting for John McCain
– Frankly, I’m amazed that the Democratic party is anything more than a cult. … Although they tend to be secular in nature, they are strict fundamentalists when it comes to their candidates. … It is my own belief that Barack Obama is the single worst presidential candidate in my lifetime.…
The Palin Rape Kit Myth
– victim’s insurance companies when possible,” former chief Charlie Fannon told the Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman in 2000 as then-DemocraticDemocratic presidential candidate Barack Obama’s campaign advisers organized a conference call Tuesday with former Alaskan Governor … Fannon was one of three candidates considered for the job and the City Council confirmed him in a 5-0 vote.…
Frozen in Time
– especially wowed the Corcoran crowd, is of an obviously younger-looking Barack Obama following his keynote address at the 2004 Democratic … John McCain and in the coming weeks will endorse either his candidacy or else that of Democratic Sen. Barack Obama. Mr. … MacKay has yet to meet with the latter; however, he stressed that his party is carefully evaluating both candidates.…
Electoral Surprises in 2008?
– With every indication that the Presidential race will be close, the question that is far from settled is what will happen … Democratic projections for the House have suggested a gain of 12 to 30 seats. … Nearly all of the first-time Senatorial candidates ran ahead of Reagan.…
The John McCain I Got to Know
– In a broader sense, voters carry into the polling booth this ultimate question about presidential candidates: “Who do I trust to make … The federal judiciary is the Democratic Party’s vehicle of choice to enact policies that could never see the light of day if they were … required to go through the democratic process.…
McPalin Rattles Team Obama
– double-team strategy, Obama has found himself in the awkward position of sounding as if he's running against the GOP's vice presidential … Obama voted the Democratic Party line more often (97 percent) than McCain voted in accord with President Bush (90 percent). … The media will call fouls on her that they never call on the other candidates.…
The GOP Resurrection
– In the aftermath of that reversal, the entire presidential contest has been upended. … Moreover, voters -- by only 48-45 percent -- support the Democratic candidate in their congressional districts, the Democratic Party's … vice presidential junior partner.…
Fair to Compare Obama and Lincoln?
– In order to answer widespread objections to the Democratic nominee’s lack of leadership experience, his supporters have developed the … According to this misleading analogy, Lincoln lacked an appropriately presidential resume, just as Obama does, and shocked the political … establishment of his time in much the same way that today’s Democratic candidate threatens business-as-usual in Washington.…
Prelude to an Unpredictable Election
– Blacks had run for President before in Democratic primaries. They didn't do well. … So experience is with the Vice Presidential nominee among the Democrats and with the Presidential nominee among the Republicans. … Excitement is generated for Democrats with the Presidential nominee and for Republicans with the Vice Presidential nominee.…
We Can't Afford the Democrats' Platform
– The past two presidential elections taught the losing Democrats a couple of political lessons. … The powers-that-be in the Democratic Party have learned to tolerate a few pro-gun candidates. … The 2008 Democratic platform stridently toadies to the feminists on all their issues.…
McCain Palin Join the Club
– network that advocates public policies that promote economic growth and prosperity and provides financial support to congressional candidates … We did a series of very detailed white papers on the records in office of the various Republican presidential candidates when they … Obama is without a doubt the most liberal Democratic nominee for the White House since George McGovern in 1972, but probably going…
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