Results for: Barack Obama Website

Texas Conservatives Question KBH's Abortion Stance
– contrasts John Cornyn and Rick Perry's conservative records versus Kay Bailey Hutchinson -- who is closely compared to President BarackObama. [# More #] This is especially cumbersome for KBH when you go to the WISH List website and see Senators Olympia Snow and Susan … Collins front and center considering they are two of the GOP Senators siding with Barack Obama on the so-called stimulus plan.…
Obama Again Breaks Campaign Promise: No Sunlight before Signing
– On the campaign trail, Barack Obama promised that he would "not sign any non-emergency bill without giving the American public an opportunity … to review and comment on the White House website for five days." … So Obama pledged during the campaign to institute "sunlight before signing."…
Tide Already Turning
– Fred Tausch was a maxed-out donor to Barack Obama's presidential campaign who has become so outraged about the stimulus bill he's now … I thought that when Obama talked about change, he was including that he would be more cautious about how we spend money," Tausch told … He's now spending more than $100,000 of his own money to promote his website…
Obama Campaign Advisors Losing out to Hillary Team
– Normally when a candidate wins an election, he brings his people on board to his least that is what Barack Obama's … directed to apply for a job on Obama's website -- along with hundreds of thousands of others.Retired Marine Gen. … Barack Obama is simply not ready for prime time and is doomed to be just another Carter presidency.…
Obama's Carefully Crafted Cloning Contradiction
– The lead paragraph said: "President Barack Obama says human cloning is 'dangerous, profoundly wrong' and has no place in society." … Obama said no such thing. … What Obama did say -- according to the official transcript of his remarks on the White House Website -- is this: "And we will ensure…
Let the "moderate" Obama voters' beware
– David Brooks is having a bit of "buyer's remorse" over Barack Obama? … Barack Obama signaled loud and clear who he is, what he believes, and what he would do -- as a "commie organizer," as a state senator … In this case, the disgruntled moderate voters who supported Barack Obama cannot claim they didn't know.…
Angie Harmon: It's not Racist to Oppose Obama
– Harmon is also tired of the double-standard that exists in the media today, speaking out on the recent trip by Barack Obama to the … But Obama does it and no one says anything," Harmon said. … Obama.…
Responding to My Critics
Obama is not, to put it mildly, my ideal. … Fields, and Barack Obama, who has Dumbo’s ears, have all been described in terms that would have made Cary Grant blush. … else’s website.…
Obligatory Charity - There Is No Such Thing
– operates from money and time donated by “corporations, private foundations and individual donors,” according to the Kate’s Club’s website … While trying to increase public service by spending more taxpayers’ money – President Barack Obama is at the same time stifling the…
Yes, Marriage Can Be Saved From the Gay Lobby,_marriage_can_be_saved_from_the_gay_lobby
– In his first campaign for the Illinois state Senate in 1996, Barack Obama wrote: "I favor legalizing same-sex marriages, and would … On his first day as president, the White House Website was updated to declare: "Obama also believes we need to repeal the Defense of … Will the Obama Justice Department do its duty and defend federal law?…
Back to the Future: Obama's Foreign Policy
– As Barack Obama finishes up his second major foreign tour, a pattern in his approach to foreign policy seems to be emerging. … Candidate Obama campaigned as the man who would lead us out of Iraq. … Obama campaigned as the candidate of hope and change.…
Double Standard Couture
– Michelle Obama was stylin' in her $540 French sneakers during a volunteering photo-op at a Washington, D.C., food bank this week. … Obama's supporters at the liberal Huffington Post website devoted an entire slideshow to John McCain's $520 Ferragamo loafers. … During the campaign season, President Obama sneered at McCain's houses. "John McCain has seven homes.…
Anti-war voices lose influence
– Certainly no voice for it is coming from Barack Obama’s White House. … “Is it all okay if Barack Obama does it?” … “Being against the war was something the left used to draw a bright line between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama,” he says.…
Obama's Catholic-Basher
– but rather condoms increase infection rates, is hurting people in the name of Jesus," said Knox in a statement posted on HRC's Website … Three weeks later, on April 6, President Obama named Knox to his Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. … Is virulent anti-Catholicism no bar to serving in the administration of President Barack Obama? It appears so.…
If You Disagree With Obama, Are You Anti-American?,_are_you_anti-american
– According to today’s left, the answer is yes: Barack Obama is America. … And opposition to Barack Obama or any of his policies is therefore, by definition, anti-American. … The website leads off with this Leninesque quote from Obama: "I’m asking you to believe.…
Obama: Not The First Head Of State To Design Cars**
– How does Obama fit into this? Well, did you see him riding that bike in his blue jeans during the campaign? … Obama is a dork, pure and simple – and now he’s going to impose all his control games on society at large. … * I am not saying that Barack Obama is Hitler, just that they have a similar propensity for vehicular design.…
The Civil Rights Challenge of Our Time
– An incensed Andrew Sullivan -- homosexual journalist and activist -- told CNN anchor Anderson Cooper the other night that Barack Obama … Listening to Sullivan, you'd think that Barack Obama is anywhere from apathetic to antipathetic to the homosexual agenda. … When Anderson Cooper asked him if Obama has "actually done anything", Sullivan darted back "No!"…
Where's the "Stimulus"?
– Preliminary results from Barack Obama's stimulus are coming in. The news is not good. … Four months on from Barack Obama's stimulus package, we're seeing an explosion of analysis of what's actually been happening to the … administration's propaganda website…
Obama's Personal Web Site Sends Mixed Messages on Health Care
–, the website of the Democratic National Committee and campaign arm of President Barack Obama, features an advertisement … However, no matter what the case, the fact that a notice advocating a protest of an Obama appointee was posted on a website dedicating … “I would think most of the people who end up at these Obama meetings support a single-payer system,” he said.…
Politics, Policy and the Future of the GOP,_policy_and_the_future_of_the_gop
– Shay is relatively less experienced with the online world — her hometown YRNF chapter doesn't even have a website — but what she lacks … On her website, Hoff emphasizes her endorsements from Sarah Huckabee and George P. Bush. … Barack Obama, 47, took young voters away from John McCain, 72, at a rate of 2-1 in the 2008 presidential election.…
Should President Obama Control The Internet?
– President Barack Obama wants to control the internet. … Sunstein laments the supposed “lie” that emerged during last year’s presidential race, that “Barack Obama pals around with terrorists … In a similar way, it appears that the Obama Administration may be ushering-in an era of harassment for website operators.…
FaceBook Advice For Politicians
– posted personal family information – everything from family photographs to the location of their home -- on the social networking websiteObama. … Then Obama speechwriter, Jon Favreau, was busted groping the breast of a life-size Hillary Clinton cardboard cutout in a photo posted…
An Hour Sir, Please?,_please
– At WORLD we criticize Barack Obama a lot but look for opportunities to compliment him. … Collins recently set up the BioLogos Foundation: Its website defines BioLogos as "the belief that Darwinism is a correct science." … For example, Collins' BioLogos website declares, "It seems likely that Adam and Eve were not individual historical characters, but…
MTV Acts Responsibly?
– It illustrated how childbirth and motherhood radically changes a young girl's life, and explained what Barack Obama meant when he clumsily … In fact, when MTV viewers go to the "16 and Pregnant" website and click on "frequently asked questions" about pregnancy, there's a … major push for the Planned Parenthood website, and teens are instructed how they can get birth-control pills at "health clinics where…
Playing Doctor for ObamaCare
– But the name "Roxana Mayer" does show up on Barack Obama's website as a Texas Delegate for Obama--a small bit of information the Chronicle … That woman, who accompanied Mayer to the town hall meeting, was Maria Isabel--the Obama devotee who ran a campaign office which proudly…
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