Results for: Republican National Committee

Pork Three Ways
– On Friday [March 21], a House Appropriations Committee website was so overwhelmed by legislators' wish lists that it crashed, … forcing the committee to extend the deadline for earmark requests until Monday. … He warns that "every dollar irresponsibly spent by Congress is a dollar diverted from pressing national priorities."…
Candle in the Wind
– The Democratic National Committee (DNC), saying it has compiled streams of action video of the Arizona Republican, announces that Mr … You don't say The National Black Republican Association (NBRA) has erected the group's first "Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican … Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican." Ms.…
McCain's Mistake
– Obama is going to be able to stand up to the Republican attack machine." … MCCAIN'S LIBERAL John McCain's team that is taking over the Republican Party has decided on Bobbie Greene Kilberg, a liberal Republican … from Virginia long detested by conservatives, to run the party's national convention in St.…
The Speech Didn't Work
– Obama’s speech on Tuesday the Intelligencia Politica, largely declared it having accomplished its task of changing the national debate … Clinton has attempted to make the case that is was the Republican Governor and the GOP-controlled legislature who put the Democrats … It may well lead to fights in the Rules Committee, the Credentials Committee and, ultimately, a floor fight.…
Petreaus' Anaconda
– Petraeus briefly referred to the chart during his initial testimony this week before Levin's Senate Armed Services Committee. … Joe Lieberman, a member of the Armed Service Committee, deftly summed the last two years of Democratic Party posturing as well as the … Lieberman's maverick pal, Senator and Republican presidential nominee John McCain, spoke more bluntly, "Congress should not choose…
Hillary, John and the General,_john_and_the_general
– Both of these charges played out in more dramatic form during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, a committee both Clinton and … As top Republican on Armed Services committee, McCain delivered an opening statement to Army General David H. … Armed Services Committee member Sen. Joe Lieberman (I.…
Senate Payout Plan for Builders Lobby
– economic stimulus package Congress passed earlier this year and faced with a lagging housing market Brian Catalde, president of the National … In a February 12 statement he said, “Today, the National Association of Home Builders’ Political Action Committee BUILD-PAC, and it … Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D.-Mo.) and Ranking Member Charles Grassley (R.…
GOP Warns Against Politicizing Petraeus
– As the number one Republican on the Armed Services Committee and GOP’s presidential nominee, McCain’s handling of the hearing will … Republican Whip Sen. Jon Kyl (R.-Ariz.) said he’d like things to go more smoothly this time around. … The Republican National Committee, charged with fundraising and get out the vote activities for McCain, released a video that day titled…
GOP vs. Paulson
– The senior Republican congressmen grumbled that the former Wall Street titan had made the same mistake as Sen. … An ex-chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Hamilton won national acclaim as co-chairman of the bipartisan 9-11 commission … John Conyers of Michigan and conservative Republican Rep.…
Choir Preacher
– Dorgan, North Dakota Democrat, who it's worth noting has tried but failed numerous times to resurrect a "Truman Committee" to fight … "Do you know anything about the Truman Committee?" One can only imagine Mr. Dorgan's expression at that moment. … But as Republican Sen.…
Dean Fiddles While Democrats Burn
– WASHINGTON -- Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean has a plan that will produce a nominee before his party's convention … has picked conservative strategist Frank Donatelli, a former White House political director under President Reagan, to be the RepublicanNational Committee's deputy chairman and the campaign's liaison to the RNC.…
Pentagon Creating Jobs in Europe, not the U.S.,_not_the_us
– Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., the ranking Republican on the House Armed Services Committee, is leading the battle in Congress to overturn … It's even worse that government policies are deliberately outsourcing jobs that are critical to our national security. … America's industrial base is a vital part of our national security.…
Whither Hagel
– That does not mean, however, that Hagel necessarily will back the Republican candidate, his friend John McCain. … CENTCOM commander in chief (covering Iraq) during the Clinton administration, Zinni is a critic of President Bush's national security … Arlen Specter's Republican renomination in his 2004 bid for a fifth term from Pennsylvania, is now his strong supporter for a sixth…
Bush: Don't Shield Journalists
– . -- The bad news last week for conservative Republican Rep. … His measure passed the House overwhelmingly last October, and a shield bill has cleared the Senate Judiciary Committee. … Study Committee, who challenged the party establishment last year in running for minority leader.…
Lame 'Dodos'?
– Phil Gingrey, Georgia Republican, who has just introduced H.R. 5769 to "prohibit the sending of a text message containing an unsolicited … advertisement to a cell phone number listed on the national do-not-call registry." … conspicuously absent when the world tries to cooperate on renewable energy and global warming," the Democratic chairman of the Select Committee
Xenophobia: San Francisco Style
– Before he became Democratic National Committee chairman, Howard Dean voiced the same condescending view of voters in 2003 when he said … If any blue-collar workers vote Republican, it cannot be because they had good reason.…
Time Warp: Different War, Same Question,_same_question
– Since his last appearance before this committee, including three potential commanders-in-chief, there has been a far from complete … National Committee. … The general's current, cautious progress report evoked varied reactions from the committee.…
Making Joe Go
– Lieberman risked the usual punishment of ejection from the party caucus when he endorsed Republican Sen. … will not be running the party's national convention in St. … The McCain campaign immediately responded that Kilberg was merely McCain's "liaison" with the Republican National Committee (RNC).…
Spending Spree
– Bill Nelson, Florida Democrat, wrote a letter to Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean warning that the party faced the … "biggest train wreck you've ever seen" because of the unresolved issue of seating Florida and Michigan delegates to the national convention … Bunching Muslims Speaking of Howard Dean, the chairman of the Democratic National Committee says presumptive Republican presidential…
Wall Street in D.C.
– But this was not the customary confrontation between lame-duck Republican officials and majority congressional Democrats. … Bernanke, without Republican credentials, was mostly a potted palm at the hearing. … Since the SEC was the regulator, he implied the Republican witness was the guilty party.…
DNC’s Use of “Fahrenheit 9/11” Footage in “100” Ad’s_use_of_“fahrenheit_911”_footage_in_“100”_ad
– . [# More #] Dear Chairman Dean: I write regarding the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) advertisement attacking Senator … Now the Republican National Committee has learned that the ad features footage from Michael Moore’s 2004 conspiracy theory, “Fahrenheit … As a national party chairman you have an obligation to be straightforward with American voters. …
Disinvited Witness
– Indeed, his name remained on the witness list that was still posted yesterday by the committee. … Center for National Security Law, the professor has written two books on the War Powers Resolution and testified on the issue many … Rossiter "confirmed the invitation, e-mailed me an official letter of invitation signed by the committee chairman, and sent me some…
How Obama and McCain Keep Sister Souljah-ing the Wrong People…ow_obama_and_mccain_keep_sister_souljah-ing_the_wrong_people
– It was a mostly unremarkable ad, employing no more radical a line of attack than the Republican National Committee, now run by McCain … “We’re all Independents now, Senator,” Limbaugh hooted during each call from an angry North Carolina Republican.   … At just the moment when both the Republican nominee and most of the big media, thanks to the sanction of the Republican nominee, had…
RNC Says DNC Ad Is Illegal
– The Republican National Committee is accusing the Democratic National Committee of creating a misleading advertisement that doubles … RNC Chairman Robert “Mike” Duncan said a newly-produced DNC ad alleging Republican presidential candidate John McCain supports “100 … “The DNC is paying for a national ad buy attacking John McCain.…
Message to Conservatives: Don't Forget Woody Jenkins
National Democrats are working hard to take a house seat long held by Republicans.  … Washington Democrats attempted to paint a gloomy picture of the race in order to convince the National Republican Congressional Committee … Cazayoux's campaign has been funded entirely by trial lawyers, labor unions and national Democrats.…
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