Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Biden's Toughest Opponent: Himself
Presidential candidates love to run against Washington and pretend they are outsiders, even when they have been insiders. … has a litany of criticism of Obama, which the McCain campaign will use to undermine whatever enhancements Biden brings to the Democratic
Interview With a Former Hillary Gal
– Bill Clinton was the first presidential candidate I supported and I have continued to support them through the years. … In both cases when there was a field of well qualified candidates they chose the candidate that polled the best. … In contrast to myself, I do know some Clinton supporters who are voting for McCain just to punish the Democratic party.…
Renewing America's Promise Means Lots of Goodies
– The Democratic National Committee draft platform is all goodies. … (You would never guess that half of this year's Democratic presidential candidates voted to authorize that war.) … The Democratic platform would raise the child-care tax credit, "provide every child access to quality, affordable early childhood education…
Is It Time To Elect A President Who Appreciates Communism?
– In past presidential elections, it might have been a deal-killer. … When I first saw the video, it struck me that I’ve never before heard a presidential candidate - - not even another Democratic presidential … Similarly, Democratic presidential candidates Jimmy Carter, Walter Mondale, Michael Dukakis, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and John Kerry,…
The Battle Has Begun
– Anyone who bothered to watch saw a seismic difference between the two candidates, a true display of wisdom, warmth, experience and … have the God-given sense to cite Islamic extremist terrorists as an example of evil when asked is about to officially accept the Democratic … The presidential election has to be about energizing the base, mobilizing the voters, and making us excited to pull the level for the…
Acceptance Speeches Can Actually Matter
– In fact, both candidates will do so – and we are better for it because we get to know more about the men themselves. … Kennedy accepted the 1960 Democratic nomination speaking at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum.  … It would be thirty years before local residents would have another chance for a presidential glimpse. …
What to Do?
– What are third-party candidates to do when the country's two major political parties exclude them from crucial upcoming presidential … McKinney, Georgia Democrat, will not only be in Denver during next week's Democratic National Convention, the third-party presidentialcandidates will stage an "Open the Debates" rally at Magness Arena on Wednesday evening.…
Presidential Debate Details
– The presidential campaigns issued a joint statement this morning, outlining the presidential debates: ARLINGTON, VA -- Today, … on Presidential Debates. … Schieffer - Staging: Candidates will be seated at a table - Answer Format: Same as First Presidential Debate - Closing Statements:…
What Happened to Common Ground?
– Since my Democratic friend Bob Beckel and I wrote our book "Common Ground: How to Stop the Partisan War That Is Destroying America … Candidates fear losing more than anything else and when confronted with the possibility of political death, they will cling to any … I had hoped it could be modeled on the fascinating Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858, during which the Senate candidates eloquently…
Woe Is Me, Said the Democrat,_said_the_democrat
– Toward that end, Democrats have crafted the conceit that Republicans are attack dogs, while Democratic candidates are not sufficiently … Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama knows how to play to that conceit. … And please, don't bring up the "swiftboating" of 2004 presidential nominee John Kerry -- not after Obama met with billionaire T.…
Suggestions to McCain to Keep the Straight-Talk Express on Track
– Alas, these are the same traits that plagued two of our most forgettable Presidential candidates. … He has spent a full generation in public life preparing for a Presidential run. … Minor candidates split the remaining two percent of the votes.…
Secrets Are No Fun for Unions
– So important is eliminating the secret ballot to Big Labor that a few weeks ago Democrat Senate candidates, Reps. … The three current Congressmen already voted to eliminate the secret ballot and likely, along with the other Democrat candidates in … In fact, this issue is so far out of the mainstream that even ultra-liberal former Democrat Senator and Vice Presidential candidate…
Good and Evil and Obama
– hosted by Pastor Rick Warren at his Saddleback Church in Orange County, Calif., everyone is focusing on the contrasts between presidentialcandidates John McCain and Barack Obama. … Wade expected of all Democratic politicians, "not because I'm pro-abortion," but because women "wrestle with these things in profound…
The Battle of the Party Themes
– The Obama convention contended that the Democratic nominees understood people's woes from personal experience and that their programs … Both candidates' vice presidential choices tended to undercut, at least marginally, their basic themes of change and experience. … But my sense is that the Democratic meme is less sustainable than the Republican' appeal. Which leaves things roughly tied.…
Barack Obama, For Real,_for_real
– to Freddoso on Wednesday by phone from Denver, where the 31-year-old self-described conservative-libertarian was covering the Democratic … When liberals and conservatives come together to defeat machine candidates -- as they did in 2006 with the Cook County board president … He also seems, perhaps, in this election – the general (presidential) election -- to have peaked early and is fading.…
John McCain, Master Strategist,_master_strategist
– of strategic wisdom in the public sphere was brought to the fore this week in the political uproar generated by US Republican presidential … Hillary Clinton splintered the Democratic Party base. … This age and rhetorical distinction is only magnified by the disparity of media coverage of the two candidates' campaigns.…
The Unexamined Life
– Members of the Fourth Estate behaved more like a Democratic fifth column this week than they did like honest reporters. … lack of curiosity about the behavior of another 17-year-old -- one whose story would seem to have more relevance to this year's presidential … Past drug use by presidential candidates was considered a legitimate subject of inquiry for Bill Clinton (who, famously, "didn't inhale…
What Do Women Want Now?
– Like none before it, this presidential campaign is redefining what it can mean to be a woman. … When Geraldine Ferarro, a Democrat, became the first woman vice presidential candidate, she had to put up with questions about her … When she came close but fell short of the Democratic presidential nomination, feminists cried "sexism" was to blame.…
Sarah Palin: An Everywoman Qualified by What She’s Done’s_done
– An African-American squared off against a woman in the race for the Democratic Party nomination, and a little known Republican woman … nabs the vice-presidential slot shocking the establishment and energizing the conservative base. … Vote Democratic and America elects an African-American president.…
Democrats Find Religion?
– All of a sudden, the national Democratic Party has found religion. … Democratic Presidential nominee Barack Obama talks often of his faith. … Edwards was nowhere to be found at the recent Democratic Party festivities.…
Want Real Change? Quit Nominating Lawyers!!
– In 2004, both Democratic nominees, John Kerry and Edwards, were lawyers. … Mike Dukakis, the 1988 Democratic presidential nominee, was a Harvard-trained lawyer and ran with lawyer Lloyd Bentsen. … In fact, every Democratic presidential nominee for president and vice president in the last seven elections -- except Gore who dropped…
The Media Bottom Feeders Take On Mainstream American Values
– It was clearly over-the-top sensationalism designed to promote the Democratic candidate. … When comparing the two presidential candidates, about half of voters described Obama as having liberal moral values, while nearly six … Not bad compared to the Democratic presidential nominee whose local political experience is limited to being a state senator and national…
The Four Stages of Conservative Female Abuse
– Thus, the onset of Palin Derangement Syndrome in the media, Democratic circles and the cesspools of the blogosphere came as no surprise … MSNBC hosts insulted former GOP presidential candidate Fred Thompson's accomplished wife and mother of two, Jeri Thompson, as working … Or when curdled NOW leader Patricia Ireland instructed Democrats to vote only for "authentic" female political candidates?…
Breaking the Congressional Deadlock
– "We just can't get anything done," they will lament, as only political candidates can. … John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay practically stole a presidential election from Andrew Jackson. Republican Sen. … Charles Sumner was caned on the floor of the Senate by Democratic Congressman Preston Brooks in 1851.…
The Perfect Storm: Palin Provides "Just Say No Dealers" Cover
– Throughout the Democratic National Convention, media outlets highlighted the faction within the Democratic Party composed of Hillary … Usually supporters of presidential candidates who lose in the primary eventually rally around the party candidate, even if reluctantly … This Democratic discontent along with McCain’s pick of Governor Sarah Palin as his Vice Presidential candidate provide a unique opportunity…
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