Results for: Republican National Committee

Glass Half Empty, Glass half Full,_glass_half_full
– : I am not advising McCain, but if I were here are three ideas: On the negative campaign front, I would make certain the RepublicanNational Committee staff is closely tracking the attacks and counterattacks and keeping careful notes on what works and what doesn't … McCain had no trouble making news when he was not the Republican nominee, but just one of 100 US Senators.…
Democrats Hope for 60 Seat Senate Majority
– The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) has made it very easy to help avoid this situation.  Check this out.…
'Barack Hussein Obama'
– I was surprised at that suggestion since I’m not am employee of the Republican National Committee or someone on the McCain for President … payroll, I’m a radio talk host who happens to be a Republican. … Senator Obama reciting those words sort of makes his refusal to put his hand over his heart during the National Anthem or wear an American…
7 Senate Seats to Watch ...
– Tom Allen (D) The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) has made it very easy to help Republican candidates. …
Memo To McCain: Five Action Items To Prove Your Committment To Border Security…ve_action_items_to_prove_your_committment_to_border_security
– She’ll have to agree to fund the fence if she wants McCain’s support in reporting the bill out of committee. … In the past, some have debated that the Republican Platform is an unnecessary liability. … In fact, the subject fits squarely under an important title every American understands: “National Security.” 5.…
John, John, He's Our Man,_john,_hes_our_man
– Michigan and Florida, you may remember, were stripped of there delegates because they refused to obey the Democratic National Committee … That will signal the change of command at the Republican National Committee - moving from an organization dedicated to advancing the…
Personal Reminiscences of the late William F. Buckley, Jr.,_jr
– I had not always been well treated by the National Review crowd. … took the view that because I had not consulted with them in helping to organize the Heritage Foundation, the Senate Steering Committee … and the House Republican Study Committee, I must have believed that they had no legitimacy, since they had been there first.…
The Superfluous Woman
– Here was the Democratic chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Jay Rockefeller, endorsing Obama just as Hillary launched her … Rockefeller called Obama "the most qualified person -- Democrat or Republican -- to lead our country in the face of enormous challenges … If Hillary hangs on in Texas or Ohio, it will be because they doubted whether a novice senator who burst onto the national scene the…
The Party's Institutional Value
– Back in 2003, I wrote a long letter to all my fellow members of the Republican National Committee. … At the national level, we have three main organizations, the Republican National Committee, the National Republican Senatorial Committee … , and the National Republican Congressional Committee.…
Fraud Within
– Given that Democrats often have complained about voting fraud during national elections, the Republican Study Committee (RSC), … The Democratic National Committee told us yesterday that a whopping 2.8 million Democratic ballots were cast in the recent Texas primary…
Outside the Box
– Time to expand on the planning going into the Republican and Democratic national conventions, which, if you didn't notice by now … Kirshner revealed that Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean gave him a mandate to "break the mold and take our thinking … summer's Republican and Democratic national conventions.…
The Party's Institutional Value
– Back in 2003, I wrote a long letter to all my fellow members of the Republican National Committee. … At the national level, we have three main organizations, the Republican National Committee, the National Republican Senatorial Committee … , and the National Republican Congressional Committee.…
Crunch Time for Ex-Officios
– Altmire, a Democrat, took out Republican Melissa Hart in what was considered a “safe” House seat, and he faces a rematch this fall. … Yet he has another issue weighing on his mind right now -- his role as a Democratic National Convention superdelegate from Pennsylvania … “Very,” answers Mark Siegel, a former executive director of the Democratic National Committee who helped to devise the political algebra…
Sex and Experience
– Dan Burton, Indiana Republican, who later became senior staff member of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which was responsible … Long was among those who made recommendations on aid packages for the Colombian national police, including drug-fighting Black Hawk … Credit goes to Coach Larranaga for realizing he wanted to prepare his team for the glare of the national media.…
A "Magnificent Catastrophe"
– incumbent Republican senator, Mike DeWine, and another congressman, Ted Strickland, became governor. … He has everything Obama needs -- even an A rating from the National Rifle Association -- except national security experience. … If, however, McCain, whose strongest feelings and only competence concern national security, succeeds in making this a national security…
Michigan And Florida Deserve Do-Overs
– Despite their apostasy in holding early primaries in defiance of the powers that be in the Democratic National Committee (DNC), Michigan … He obeyed the national rules and pulled out of the contests, while Sen. … The national committee was craven in bowing down to the pressure from the tiny and unrepresentative states of Iowa, New Hampshire,…
Anti-McCain Union Targets Worksites
– The AFL-CIO said it will spend up to $53 million to engage in a campaign against Republican presidential candidate John McCain that … Alex Conant, Republican National Committee press secretary, issued a statement shortly after the AFL-CIO call ended.…
Live From New York, It's John McCain!,_its_john_mccain!
– WHY JOHN MCCAIN   John McCain Is Now The Republican Nominee For President John McCain Is Now The Republican Nominee For President … McCain has been involved in every major national security issue over the last two decades.          … Committee.…
A Worse-Than-Meaningless Intelligence Bill
Republican Sen. … Kit Bond of Missouri, ranking member of the Intelligence Committee, and committee member Orrin Hatch of Utah both noted this on the … Is it true, I asked the Republican staff of the Senate Intelligence Committee, that the executive can change the Army Field Manual…
Mr. Smiley
– Other cubicle conversations concur how wimpy Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean is to kowtow to the New York senator's … Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton are pro-choice, and Republican Sen. John McCain is pro-life.…
Teflon John? Democrat Attacks Fall Short
– The Republican National Committee fired back with a nine-page fact sheet tearing the ad's dishonest insinuations to shreds. … Poll after poll shows Americans trust McCain far more than his opponents on issues of war and national security. … His standing in national polls will ebb and flow.…
Concert Update
– The FECA "prohibits any foreign national from contributing, donating or spending funds in connection with any federal, state, or local … Jerry Weller, Illinois Republican, provided she not be compensated or else help manage or participate in decisions of the campaign … committee.…
A Veto-Proof Congress?
– The Republican committees have raised $20 million. … While the seesaw is somewhat righted by fundraising by the Republican National Committee ($22 million versus only $3 million for the … And Republican House members keep doing something that increases the Democrats' chances -- resigning.…
Portman for VP
– Platform Writer The platform committee chairmanship at the Republican National Convention, usually held by a prestigious figure … Tom Reynolds of New York was reflected in the terse statement from his successor as National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC … Republican colleagues criticized Reynolds for abandoning the national campaign in 2006 when his own seat in western New York appeared…
McCain: 'I Hate War'
Republican presidential candidate John McCain said his opposition to a premature withdrawal from Iraq is based on his hatred of war … Following their lead Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean issued this statement after McCain's speech: "John McCain's…
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