Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Holder's Race-Baiting is about Obama's Re-Election, Not Voting Rights
– The twelve or so battleground states that will decide the 2012 presidential election suggest Obama’s reelection strategy. … Each such cancellation undermines our democratic republic and reduces the legitimacy of election results. … to gather enough information to understand the major issues facing our nation, state, and community, and to carefully vote for candidates
Why Veeps Now Matter
– They expected that electors meeting in state capitals would vote for two candidates from different states, with the No. 2 vote-getter … After the first Democratic national convention took on the task of picking VP nominees in 1832, Calhoun resigned and returned to the … And presidential nominees have not waited for the very last minute at the convention to pick their VPs since Ronald Reagan did it in…
Shining a Supreme Light on the Candidates
– The amendment, written to punish wealthy, self-financing candidates, said that when such a candidate exceeds a particular spending … And the provision conferred other substantial benefits on opponents of self-financing candidates, even though such candidates cannot … Second, government may not regulate fundraising and spending in order to fine-tune electoral competition by equalizing candidates'…
Obama's Long March
– ." -- Obama spokesman Bill Burton, Oct. 24, 2007 WASHINGTON -- That was then: Democratic primaries to be won, netroot … Normally, flip-flopping presidential candidates have to worry about the press. Not Obama.…
The Energy Quagmire
– Tackling this crisis has fallen prey to presidential politics and looms large as a top-shelf issue in this fall's election. … Voters are demanding action and the presidential candidates are scurrying around in response. … Energy is a major issue, and could decide this fall's presidential election.…
Obama's PowerPoint Pitch
– to Democratic fundraisers last week. … candidates running nearly head-to-head among independents. … campaign and by the rules the money that the RNC raises can be used for the presidential campaign.…
Is Obama Teflon?
– Consider what’s happened since he clinched the Democratic nomination and Hillary “suspended” her campaign: • Obama flip flopped … • The Democratic candidate was caught flat footed by the sudden spike in oil prices and even defended their high level, lamenting … • The head of the commission Obama set up to vet Vice Presidential candidates, Jim Johnson, had to resign after he was found…
Howard Dean, Winner,_winner
– Kerry’s evaluation of Dean began when Kerry won the party’s presidential mantle. … “He also changed the calculus in presidential politics by showing that one-issue candidates can be effective,” says GOP strategist … “He was so effective in his messaging that, by the end, all of the other candidates had adopted it,” he said.…
Obama Bows to Muslim Demands
– This is an especially crucial process in cases of presidents and presidential candidates. … And this is why, when Michelle Obama appeared at Carnegie Mellon University prior to the Pennsylvania Democratic Primary election last … And who are these people - - the Muslim activists - - who believe that they are entitled to appear on stage with a presidential candidate…
The Facts in Iraq Are Changing
– During the Democratic primary season, all the party's candidates veered hardly a jot or tittle from the narrative that helped the Democrats … That stance proved to be a good move toward winning the presidential nomination -- but it was poor prophecy. … Other examples of facts undermining Democratic narratives readily occur.…
Show and Tell
– The McCain-Zebari Father's Day meeting at the candidate's presidential campaign headquarters in Virginia showed that the two men know … That statement and the promised trip would be problematic for candidates getting more scrutiny than Obama has received. … For most candidates, reversing course on a major campaign issue would be a significant problem.…
Barack Obama's America
– And, oh, Hillary Clinton—a woman—garnered more of the popular vote in her race for the Democratic nomination than did Barack Obama. … with domination and arrogance,” Yousef said in response to a question about the group’s willingness to meet with either of the Democraticpresidential candidates.…
Obama Promises Change - But What Kind?
– By this point in the presidential campaign, the public knows that a charismatic Barack Obama wants sweeping "change." … Overall, Obama's announced policies are sounding pretty much the same old, same old once promised by candidates like George McGovern … Democratic candidates, traditional liberal agendas and Obama's own relative lack of experience.…
Battlegrounds Shift for Obama and McCain
– WASHINGTON -- It is always dangerous to make any forecasts about presidential elections based on national polls because we do not … partisan bent in recent presidential elections." … McCain has the edge in Democratic Michigan (17), where the economy is in a recession and Democratic Gov.…
Life Outside
– "I did not hear any discussion of the presidential election either," he adds. … candidates. … More than $14.2 million of that total went into Democratic coffers, the remaining $2.3 million to Republicans.…
The Election that We Need
– People would love to see the two candidates, Sens. … A presidential campaign would be the perfect place to discuss that. … But voters deserve to know exactly what the candidates intend to do once they’re in office.…
Fred Thompson's Remarks At The National Right Life Conference
– And as I watch the presidential campaign I am convinced more than ever of the importance of these principles and I bet you feel the … Recently, Democratic minions, including former General Wesley Clark, have been sent out to denigrate the importance of Senator McCain … Even more important to our future than how we view the candidates is how we view ourselves.…
The Conventional Cynicism
– WASHINGTON -- It is a very conventional bit of political wisdom that successful presidential candidates appeal to their base … pro-business, Democratic centrism. … Howard Metzenbaum founded the Coalition for Democratic Values to spark a fundamentalist, Democratic counterreformation.…
Can Obama Win the South?
– The second myth is that Democratic presidential candidates fare better in Southern states that have large numbers of African-Americans…
Beware the Supreme Court
– right to own a gun for personal use, and the other knocked out as unconstitutional a law allowing opponents of self-financed candidates … If a Republican president were to nominate a conservative to the Court, a Democratic Senate might well reject the nomination, or decline … It's often said that "this is a Democratic year."…
The "Fairness Doctrine" Is The Least Of Our Concerns
– Obama challenged Republican presidential candidates to join him in limiting their campaign spending. … Earlier this year he made it a point of reminding Democratic primary voters that he has spent much of his professional life supporting … Surely the Democratic Majority in Congress will be looking to President Obama for “leadership” on the issue next year.…
Sometimes a Flip-Flop Can Put You on Top
– The Democratic Party has put itself in a position where it appears to be rooting for America's defeat in that troubled land. … Both presidential candidates would be wise to do so here and there.…
Presidential Nominees
– Nixon suggested multiple times that a potential Presidential nominee run to the left or right in obtaining the Presidential nomination … The fact is that most candidates of either party tend to follow it. And so it is with Senator Barack H. … Still, Richard Nixon must be smiling as another Presidential candidate benefits from his advice.…
Leading Any Way the Wind Blows
– A year ago the Democrats were ecstatic over the prospect of tying the Republican presidential candidate to George Bush and his supposedly … Obama won the Democratic nomination in large part by criticizing Hillary Clinton for her initial support of the invasion of Iraq.   … Public opinion can change on a dime, but candidates changing their positions on such important issues find themselves with some explaining…
The Kibitzers
– A couple of past presidential wannabes now have done their ineffectual best for the Democratic attack machine: John Kerry - you … The moral of this story: Presidential judgment requires more than doing whatever the commanders in the field advise - as the current … Given the striking contrast between the experience of these two presidential candidates, not to mention the difference in their judgment…
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