Results for: Republican National Committee

On Capitol Hill, A Fight for the Soul of the Republican Party,_a_fight_for_the_soul_of_the_republican_party
– The committee spot will provide Rep. … Flake to the Appropriations Committee. … Leader Boehner together with members of the Republican Steering Committee—specifically Roy Blunt (R-7, MO), Eric Cantor (R-7, VA),…
Brazilion Bucks
National Committee headquarters. … Gillespie went on to become a top congressional aide, successful lobbyist, chairman of the Republican Party, and since last June he's … Get busy We see at the very top of a "to-do list" that House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie G.…
Women vs. Oprah
– Joseph Lieberman would be McCain's vice presidential running mate on the Republican ticket. … He did not worry about endorsing against Edwards, his 2004 running mate on the national ticket. … Charles Schumer's Joint Economic Committee to get the Federal Reserve chairman to testify about the declining economy.…
Height Has It
– In fact, why not skip the increasingly pointless Democratic and Republican national conventions? … It's become apparent nine months before Election Day that the 2008 presidential election will pit Democrat Barack Obama against Republican … Hold still, Smokey Democratic National Committee blogger Michael Link got a kick out of Republican presidential candidate John…
Nomentum 2008
– Florida is an interesting microcosm of the Republican voting universe at large: a Southern state with significant Northeastern and … When the GOP-controlled state legislature moved the state’s primary to Tuesday – well ahead of the Feb. 5 date picked by both national … parties – the Democratic National Committee and Republican National Committee retaliated.…
Attorney General Edwards?
– John McCain in Florida's Republican primary Jan. 29. … Ted Stevens, the senior Republican senator and former Appropriations Committee chairman who is under federal criminal investigation … The event was chaired by longtime Republican finance powerhouse Lewis M. Eisenberg.…
Clinton and McCain Spar on Iraq
– As Ranking Member, McCain is the top Republican on the committee. … Clinton, on the other hand, only outranks three Democrats on the committee. … we know that once again we will have a general election about national security.…
A Battle for the Heart and Soul of Political Parties Boils Down to Florida…he_heart_and_soul_of_political_parties_boils_down_to_florida
– It remains my opinion that the winners of the Florida primaries will be the ultimate nominees of both the Republican and Democratic … This, despite that the Democratic National Committee has done its party a huge disservice by ruling that no delegates will be awarded … The leadership of the Republican Party in America is up for grabs. If Sen.…
High Stakes in Florida Debate
– The Florida Republican demographics are unique. … Because of this, the Democratic National Committee has stripped the state of its delegates. … The Republican National Committee only slapped the Republicans' wrists by taking away half.…
Open-Minded Liberals?
– To find out, a biennial survey conducted by the University of Michigan's American National Election Studies uses a scale from 0 to … Dick Morris, a former aide to Bill Clinton, described how Clinton berated his 1996 Republican opponent, former Sen. Bob Dole. … Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean characterized the contest between Democrats and Republicans as "a struggle of good…
Business as Usual GOP
– First, they could declare a one-year moratorium on Republican congressional earmarks. … Jeff Flake to a vacancy on the House Appropriations Committee. In fact, almost surely they will do neither. … Tom Cole, a major political figure in Oklahoma who currently heads the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC).…
– docRecNo=725&docType=0)prepared for, and recently accepted by, the National Defense Intelligence College. … Senator Jon Kyl convened a most informative Judiciary Committee hearing on the latter several years ago; it is time for an updated … To his credit, a freshman representative from Georgia, Republican Paul Broun, last week convened the first Capitol Hill briefing for…
2008's Optimism: It's Taxpayer-Funded Morning in America
– Though Romney's plan arguably could have an effect on the national security issue of energy independence and industries beyond the … Jim DeMint to Washington in 2004 over a protectionist Democrat and protectionist Republican primary opponent, former Gov. … Jeb Hensarling, President of the conservative Republican Study Committee suggests—will keep worried businesses from scaling back in…
The Audacity of Truth
– It is hard to believe, but in just two weeks, American voters will all but determine the identities of the Democratic and Republican … On the Republican side, this phenomenon is being played out in the campaigns of Congressman Ron Paul and Governor Mike Huckabee. … On August 29 Odinga wrote a letter to Kenya's pro-jihadist National Muslim Leaders Forum.…
Sick of 'Change'
– We had to laugh at the memo Karen Finney, director of communications for the Democratic National Committee, just sent to the four … White 'masters' In a scathing statement over the weekend, the chairman of the National Black Republican Association says the recent … by the executive committee of "Outright Libertarians."…
Why They Can't Vote for McCain
– I posted a squib on the National Review website about a robo call I received from John McCain (Virginia's primary is Tuesday). … Smith, a soft-spoken scholar, ardent patriot and lifelong conservative Republican, cannot, as a matter of honor, pull the lever for … He is far from alone, and that is the Republican Party's heartbreak in 2008.…
Romney Remarks to CPAC
– today as prepared for delivery (in other words: forgive any typos): Governor Romney’s Address to the Conservative Political Action Committee … I was in single digits in the polls and I was facing household Republican names. … Most politicians don’t seem to understand the connection between our ability to compete and our national wealth, and the wealth of…
Super Tuesday Primaries and a Presumptive Nominee
– The Republican Party's not-so-secret weapon always is the Democratic Party, with its entertaining thirst for living dangerously. … The surest way to unify the Republican Party, however, is for Democrats to nominate Hillary Clinton. … This great national coming together of the public in public polling places, this rare communitarian moment in a nation of restless…
Primary in PA may 'matter'
– John McCain of Arizona tightened his grip on the Republican nomination. … Even his predecessor, former Republican Gov. Tom Ridge, a McCain supporter, believes the state might be in play. … "We only really start to matter if the nomination goes to the convention," said Republican State Committee Chairman Rob Gleason, a…
Reaganauts For McCain
– Reagan believed that American power must be wielded cautiously but decisively in the pursuit of our national interests.  … Allen was active in all national Reagan campaigns, and from 1977-80 was Reagan's Chief Foreign Policy Advisor, then first National … Action Committee.   …
Reid Plans to Stall Budget Process Until Bush Leaves Office
– While most national media is focused on today’s Super Tuesday action, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is raging against the Bush … President, the Orwellian Bush Administration has now slopped over into the Senate, and now the Republican Leader is now becoming Orwellian … Republican National Committee spokesman Alex Conat e-mailed media a statement that said Reid’s speech was “complete with imprecise…
GOP May Regret Raising McCain
– The bill was harshly criticized by widely disparate groups, from the AFL-CIO to the Right To Life Committee, who deemed it unconstitutional … to make full use of this country's vast oil reserves, either offshore or in untapped parts of the country, such as the Arctic National … It's the reason why exit polls in Florida's Republican primary found that among those voters who described themselves as "very conservative…
Democratic Stalemate
– . -- Terrence McAuliffe, the multimillionaire wheeler-dealer imposed by the Clintons on the Democratic National Committee as its chairman … Democrats a year ago seemed to be emulating Republican practice in settling for an early anointed candidate, Sen. … So, the supposed national primary will settle nothing.…
NRCC Asks FBI to Investigate Possible Financial Fraud
– Roll Call reports: "The National Republican Congressional Committee said Friday that it has contacted the FBI about possible financial … improprieties at the committee." …
Getting Closer to the GOP Nominee
– John McCain will be the Republican nominee. I am neither rooting for nor against him, but that is the way it appears to me. … I gave a speech to a group of donors to the Republican National Committee the other night and told them that the perfect candidate … McCain won handily among independents who registered Republican to vote in the primary.…
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