Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Cain, Paul, Romney and Gingrich tied in new Iowa poll,_paul,_romney_and_gingrich_tied_in_new_iowa_poll
– With just seven weeks to go before Iowa holds the first nominating contest of the GOP presidential primary, voters in the state remain … The poll, which was taken Nov. 10-12, has a margin of error of 4.4 percentage points, meaning the four candidates are in a statistical … Just 25% said gay marriage was a “critical” issue in evaluating the candidates; 38% said it is “not important.”…
Tea Partiers, Like Peaceniks, Upset Political Order,_like_peaceniks,_upset_political_order
– But Johnson beat a competent and hard-working three-term Democratic incumbent and is now a U.S. senator. … But the things that make candidates attractive to movements can also make them unattractive to independent voters. … Since then, Democratic candidates have strived to meet peace movement litmus tests.…
The Third Party Possibility
– Four main candidates ran in 1912: a Republican president (William Howard Taft), a former Republican president turned “progressive” … other candidates the White House. … Howard Dean, a former Democratic presidential candidate and Vermont governor, likes the competitiveness and ideas that come from third…
INT'L DIGEST: Chavez facing major opposition
– Ramon Guillermo Aveledo helped opposition candidates in 2010 congressional elections, and those parties made major gains, the Associated … Now Aveledo has persuaded a diverse array of parties to enter the presidential primary Feb. 12. … In his role as secretary general of the anti-Chavez coalition -- the Democratic Unity Table -- Aveledo has helped leaders and candidates
GOP debate puts spotlight on hard-hit Michigan
– The GOP presidential candidates debate tonight in Michigan, where the state's economic woes will be on center stage. … The Democratic National Committee has been jabbing at Mitt Romney for his opposition to the taxpayer financing, replaying his comment … While Romney is confident he could win the state where he was born, no Republican has carried Michigan in a presidential election since…
Dems target Romney ahead of tonight's GOP debate
– Eight Republican candidates may be rolling into metro Detroit for tonight’s presidential debate at Oakland University, but the Democratic … President Barack Obama’s campaign and his Democratic allies have been hammering away at the point that Romney wrote an op-ed column…
GOP Primary Deadlock?
– Here's a thought: The GOP presidential primaries may well prove to be inconclusive, with the nominee actually being chosen at the … True, it has been generations since a presidential nominating convention actually made that decision, although, admittedly, this idea … The longest was the Democratic convention of 1924 that went on for over two weeks and took 103 ballots to nominate John Davis, who…
Deficit Reduction: Blaming Easier Than Fixing
– Apparently, Schumer represents the branch of the Democratic Party that cares more about blaming the GOP than it does about doing something … At a GOP debate last summer, all the GOP presidential candidates raised their hands when asked whether they would reject a deficit…
Poltics of Personal Destruction II
– It has been around from the beginning of the country when worse things were said about presidents and presidential candidates than … campaign) introduced Sharon Bialek, who read a statement that sounded as though a Democratic Party activist had written it. … In that one paragraph we see what troubles the media and their Democratic Party brethren.…
Web and Debates Change Rules of Presidential Race
– And TV ads cost money -- lots of it in big states.So political reporters anxiously scanned presidential candidates' quarterly campaign … In 2008, and especially this time, candidates are raising money through email. … size up their presidential mettle."…
I'll Gladly Pay You Tuesday For a Tax Increase Today
– At Tuesday night's Republican presidential debate on foreign policy, for example, CNN's Wolf Blitzer asked the candidates for the one-millionth … Maybe that's why Republicans won't agree to raise taxes in exchange for Democratic promises to cut spending. … As the next presidential campaign got under way, CNN interviewed a "Reagan Democrat," who said: "Bush says, 'Read my lips.'…
Democrats say new Romney ad distorts Obama's words
– Mitt Romney's first television commercial of his second bid for the Republican presidential nomination hits the airwaves Tuesday, … Programming note: GOP presidential candidates face off at 8 p.m. … The ad's release comes as the major GOP presidential candidates face off Tuesday night in a CNN Republican presidential debate in the…
Hillary Equals Obama
– Today in the WSJ, two Democratic pollsters said that for the good of the party, Obama must not run again. … The only people supporting him are either black, or Democratic apparatchicks. He has lost the rest of the country. … Two candidates for the Republican presidential nomination strike me as the people who could do it, Romney and Gingrich.…
So-Called Electability and MSM Bias
– It is open season for the liberal media on any GOP presidential candidate who displays the audacity to surge in the polls, the … GOP candidates magically become less competent or more corrupt the instant they show any signs of electability. … --Press him to explain his shaming Hillary Clinton during the 2008 Democratic primary race for proposing a health care insurance mandate…
RNC Strategy: Hey, Let's Not Attack Obama Personally
– Bush, encouraged Republicans to turn around Democratic attacks lobbed at the GOP presidential candidates (Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich…
Voters Like Newt, But Wait to See if He's Real,_but_wait_to_see_if_hes_real
– But this year, after watching Gingrich at Republican presidential debates, she sees him as a different man -- and the best candidate … The attacks that dredge up old stuff -- for example, the Democratic ethics charges from 16 years ago -- will likely go nowhere. … I was the leader of the conservative Republicans fighting with a liberal Democratic president.…
Too Big to Assimilate
– In the most recent GOP Presidential debate on foreign policy, immigration policy created the biggest hubbub. … All GOP candidates are missing one vital element to modern immigration, that being assimilation. … The Democratic Party is the party of “multiculturalism, mass immigration and the mortgage crisis”.…
What Does Adultery Tell Us About Character?
– With Herman Cain's announcement that he was suspending his presidential campaign because of the charges of sexual harassment and … This certainly seems to be the case with regard to presidential candidates. … Has it given moral acuity to the man who wrote a book equating democratic Israel with apartheid South Africa?…
Report: Networks focus on religion 7 times as much for GOP presidential candidates…_on_religion_7_times_as_much_for_gop_presidential_candidates
– , and compared it to coverage of the Democratic presidential primary candidates over the same period in 2007." … By contrast, Democratic candidates’ faith was brought up only 19 times in the same period of the 2008 election cycle.”The summary also … If religious beliefs are so important for candidates in 2011, what accounts for the paucity of such stories during the Democratic primary…
Clarence Page is Tone Deaf
– Additionally, many of the adherents of the Democratic party are used to following orders. … Gingrich is the latest in a series of candidates that have captivated the Tea Party. … Exactly what is wrong with trying on different candidates for size and seeing if you like them or not?…
Egyptian Elections Pose Danger for US
– What's more, candidates supported by the ultra-religious Salafi sect have won nearly 25 percent of the parliamentary seats so far, … Democratic nations depend on democratic values and institutions: the rule of law; due process; a respect for women and minorities; … Americans have a hard enough time focusing on our own elections this early in the presidential cycle.…
Obama's 2012 'Slash and Burn' Strategy: Chapter One
– As Katie reported yesterday, the Wasserman-Schultz led, Obama campaign-directed Democratic National Committee is test driving one … of its first direct attacks on a GOP presidential candidate this week.  … (Which isn't to say that various GOP candidates haven't done a fine job at demolishing themselves).…
A Quick Look at the GOP Field
– The GOP presidential nomination process is a roller-coaster ride -- sometimes uplifting, other times discouraging, but we press forward … That's why the grass-roots tea party phenomenon sprouted, and it's why there is so much scrutiny of the GOP candidates. … So we have a few fine candidates who are getting no traction, a few who are strong conservatives with perceived substantive weaknesses…
The Time is Right: Welcome EPU!!
– The whole relationship is about their needs (the Democratic Party)—not mine.” … Most blacks ignore their convictions about life and family and vote for candidates committed to views they opposed. … The optimum 2012 presidential race would be to have 2 black men on the ballot.…
BREAKING: Barney Frank to Retire After 2012
– Massachusetts lost one Congressional seat in reapportionment; two sitting members from the state's 100 percent Democratic House delegation … Here's just one example:   In a third blockbuster scandal, Massachusetts Democratic Rep. … candidates.…
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