Results for: Republican National Committee

"Gang of 12" House Conservatives Taking on Party Leadership
– Bill Hennessey over at BigGovernment reports that a small band of conservative House Republicans met Tuesday to form a steering committee … brass swooped in to “help” organizers by providing speaker lists and talking points, a band of conservatives formed a steering committeeRepublican Congressional Committee was pumping hundreds of thousands of dollars to boost Scozzafava.…
Who Are You Calling "Extremist"?
– "It's rather telling," Jarrett sniffed, "when the Republican Party forces out a moderate Republican, and it says, I think, a great … deal about where the Republican Party leadership is right now." … The Republican National Committee and National Republican Congressional Committee threw upward of $900,000 down the toilet for a candidate…
Pelosi Health Care Bill Factoid of the Day
– Telehealth Advisory Committee (Section 1191 (b), p. 589) 18. … Interagency Pain Research Coordinating Committee (Section 2562, p. 1494) 82. … National Women’s Health Information Center (Section 2588, p. 1611) 88.…
RINO Hunting in Upstate NY
– This split also resulted in the severe fracturing within the larger GOP, with the National Republican Campaign Committee shoveling … “When you dissect the [Republican] politics, it has a progressive look to it,” said Ruddy. … “For the Republican candidate to be threatened at all is just extraordinary.…
Don't Replay the '70s
– Liberals in the media found even better news to declare: a new low for the Republican Party, since only 20 percent of those surveyed … And the Republican Party got whomped, thumped, among those new emerging constituencies, among young voters." … Republican minority.…
Democrats May Regret 'Pass Anything' Strategy
– result was that voters were spooked by the attempted federalization of health care and expressed their displeasure by voting Republican … Bloomberg poll found that fully 62 percent would be willing to risk lengthening the recession rather than to further increase the national … Dan Rostenkowski, chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, had to literally flee an angry crowd of unhappy constituents wielding placards…
Lowden Shows Up Nevada
– It was April of 2008, at the meeting of the Republican National Committee in Albuquerque. … It would've been a massive PR blunder for the national Republican convention, and Lowden was the one responsible for preventing it … I wasn’t on that committee who chose the delegates.…
Pelosi's New Payroll Tax: A Whip for Socialized Medicine
– Joe Barton of Texas, ranking Republican on the Energy and Commerce Committee, set out a startling scenario in floor debate Saturday … The bill that passed the House sets up a national "health insurance exchange" run by the government.…
Pro-lifers: No room for compromise in health care
– Bart Stupak (Mich.) and Republican Rep. Joe Pitts (Pa.). … Right to Life Committee, said in a statement. … In reality, the White House and top Democratic congressional leaders have been working hard to create a national federal government…
Challenges for a Republican renaissance
Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele and the New York Yankees can look back on a good week. … No one was writing obituaries a year ago for the Yankees as was the case for the Republican Party. … Will voter discontent that led to these Republican victories be parlayed into a genuine Republican renaissance?…
5 reasons 'gay marriage' lost in Maine
– After all, Maine is one of the country's most liberal, least religious states, and hasn't voted for a Republican for president in more … and an executive committee member of Stand for Marriage Maine, told BP. … Brown said it is difficult to overstate the significance of Question 1's passage to the national debate.…
Will a Litmus Test Save the GOP?
– Several Republican National Committee members have proposed a conservative litmus test for candidates who wish to receive support … These committee members say the test is essential to fixing the RNC, and one step toward rebuilding the Republican brand. … “Conservatives have lost trust in the Republican Party, with government spending, deficits, and ultimately bailouts at the end of the…
Doc Fix or Doc Tricks?
– Chairman of the House Republican Conference. … Republican leaders have proposed an alternative method of increasing Medicare reiumbusements – a scheduled 2% payment increase for … House Republican Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) said it was the only viable alternative given the current economic climate.…
Obamacare Can Be Stopped:
– Which brings us to, a website launched this week by the National Republican Congressional Committee.  …
Obama's Doubletalk on Political Dissent
– A partner at the prestigious law firm Perkins & Coie, Bauer served as counsel to the Democratic National Committee, the Democratic … Senatorial Campaign Committee, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and Obama for America. … trolling campaign finance databases and targeting conservative donors with "warning letters" in a thuggish attempt to depress Republican
Democrats Censor Climate Skeptics in Congress
– The Democratically-controlled Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming held a hearing yesterday to examine the science … Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.), the ranking Republican on the Committee, think the Democrats and the Obama administration were just as … He has formally requested an additional hearing, which Markey will be forced to entertain due to Committee rules.…
Bet Blockers
– Barney Frank, D-Mass., chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, is holding a hearing on legislation that points the way … Meanwhile, National Endowment for the Humanities Chairman Jim Leach, who was one of the UIGEA's main architects as a Republican congressman…
Campus Protests of a Different Color
– A heads-up for College Republican readers or readers who are parents of College Republicans. … The College Republican National Committee is planning a nationwide "Finish the Job! Support Our Troops" Rally for January 30.…
H.R. 1606: Online Freedom of Speech and Its Bedfellows
– Freedom of Speech Act is headed to the House floor and may be scheduled for a vote next week, according to word I just got from the Republican … Study Committee. … It was voted out of committee today, and Tim live-blogged the mark-up, where he got a ton of great quotes: Ehlers -- "We don't want…
Painting the Map Red: Talking About the '06 Canvas
– of the President on national security issues and the War in Iraq. … There are many circuit court judges who are stuck in committee, and talking about them could help Republicans. … message behind the figure of George Bush and national security issues.…
The Nitty-Gritty of Primary Day: Jump In! You Know You Want To.!_you_know_you_want_to
– Laffey in the Republican primary for Senate in Rhode Island.Notoriously independent-minded Rhode Island Republican Sen. … Gregg also criticized the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) for pouring money into the district to benefit Huffman … House race, retired Vermont National Guard Gen.…
'Path to 9/11': Congressional Thuggery By Any Other Name
– The Democratic National Committee obtained more than 100,000 signatures on a petition demanding cancellation. … The NYT focuses on the heat a former Republican governor is taking for advising on the miniseries.…
Foley: What Did Hastert Know and When Did He Know It?
– Here's the Roll Call story: National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Tom Reynolds (N.Y.) issued a statement Saturday … The issue is going to the House ethics committee. … The most recent outing was that of Ken Mehlman, the new chairman of the Republican National Committee.…
Man of Steele to Head RNC?
Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman, whose party lost both chambers of Congress in the midterm elections, will step … Mehlman as national party chairman. Those Republican officials said Mr. … Other Republican Party officials said some Republican National Committee (RNC) members, including state party chairmen, have mounted…
Iraq Study Group: The 'Graveness,' the Redeployment, the Response (Updating...)…group_the_graveness,_the_redeployment,_the_response_updating
– Iraq's neighbors and key states in and outside the region should form a support group to reinforce security and national reconciliation … but this report will give us all an opportunity to find common ground, for the good of the country – not for the good of the Republican … Carl Levin, D-Mich., incoming chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee.…
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