Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Why Social Security Privatization Will Hurt the GOP
– President Biden was absurdly optimistic about the 2010 congressional elections in an interview with ABC: "I don't think the (Democratic … Traditionally, when conservative candidates fail because voters found them "out of the mainstream," pundits blame social issues. … of Wisconsin is the most important proposal in domestic policy since Ronald Reagan embraced supply-side economics in the 1980 presidential
Clash of the Titans: Imagine a 2012 Clinton/Gingrich Face-Off…clash_of_the_titans_imagine_a_2012_clintongingrich_face-off
– Instead of commenting again on the ability of the Democratic House and Senate to ignore pay-as-you-go when they feel like it (i.e. … , the second from Democratic moderates in his party and the third from the far left. … By early this year, a dozen candidates were vying for the nomination.…
Majority Report
– In the heart of the Rust Belt last month, Boehner spent time raising money for House candidates in critical swing districts. … Pelosi and Boehner both grew up in Democratic households but the similarities between them end there: She was the daughter of a larger-than-life … having its press secretary, Robert Gibbs, admit that Democrats may lose the House but by elevating Boehner in importance in a presidential
The Price of Victory
– Instead, candidates hire pollsters to tell them what they should believe, and they then parrot whatever position polls best. … In the 2008 presidential election, 44 percent of Hispanic voters in Arizona voted for McCain over Obama. … He will likely still win re-election -- he's up about 20 points over his Democratic opponent.…
College-Bound: Turning Your Child Over to the Campus Liberals
candidates. … Even in southern Virginia, 82% of Virginia Tech professors supported Democratic candidates. … And at Texas’ Southern Methodist University, home to the Bush Presidential Library, liberal student organizations outnumber conservative…
Let’s Hear it for the Girls!’s_hear_it_for_the_girls!
– This year the GOP has nominated more female candidates than in any previous election cycle. … It may be early to predict a large scale exodus among women from the Democratic Party. … and congressional candidates, there could easily be a major change in the control of congress.…
Does Barack Obama want to be re-elected in 2012?
– rounds in Ohio, Washington State, Wisconsin, California, Florida and other key 2012 battleground states, amping up support for candidates … Then there's his gigantic fundraising machine, which has gone into overdrive for these candidates and doesn't show any sign of slowing … Then there's the question of who the Democratic Party would run if not The One.Still — reading through this piece is kind of a fun…
The Truth About the Pay Gap
– The three leading Democratic presidential candidates have all endorsed legislation to fix the problem. … That's a fact you won't hear from AAUW or the Democratic presidential candidates.…
When Truth Itself Isn't What Matters
– voters’ mouths and inadvertently raising the prospects of the Democratic candidate winning the governorship. … The article goes on to say that the two Democratic candidates’ positions on the issues that matter are basically the same. … But what good have all these truths done, both to the candidates themselves and to the larger public the candidates aim to serve?…
Romney Buoyed by Good Luck and Hard Experience
– In the current race for the Republican presidential nomination, Napoleon's favorite would clearly be Mitt Romney. … Romney has also been helped by surges of support for more conservative -- they would say less establishment -- candidates who did not … But his 9-9-9 plan is under attack from other candidates, and although Cain resembles Romney in some respects -- business success,…
The Politics of Race
– How did the national Democratic Party respond to their Southern comrades? … They welcomed them at the national Democratic conventions with open arms. … By “they” I mean the Kennedys, the Byrds, the Gores and other mainstays of the Democratic Party.…
At Last, Fun on the Hustings,_fun_on_the_hustings
– Some of the Republican candidates wanted to audition for Comedy Central the other night, aiming their one-liners at Herman Cain … Stand-up comedy is for professionals, and the comedy candidates, particularly Jon Huntsman and Michele Bachmann, showed us why. … The odds, the history and the harsh laws of presidential politics say there's no way Cain can win the nomination.…
Herman Cain to Blacks: Divorce the Democratic Party
– No, Cain is a clear and present danger to the Democratic Party -- and their invaluable near-monolithic black vote. … Cain asks this question: Why do blacks, in 2011, vote Democratic? … He is now close to cracking the "top tier" of candidates. Clearly, lots of people have begun to listen.…
White House Says GOP Candidates Lack Job Growth Plans
– approved by the Wall Street Journal and Herman Cain's 9-9-9 plan gaining steam, the White House is claiming none of the GOP presidentialcandidates have plans for job growth. … Referring to Tuesday night's Republican presidential debate, Plouffe says "none of the ideas we're going to see" will create jobs in…
Occupy Wall Street: Liberalism’s Continuing War With Normalcy’s_continuing_war_with_normalcy
– The GOP Presidential candidates score debating points by ritualistically flaying the occupiers. … Most of the Democratic Party leaders seem leery about embracing these people as a natural Democratic constituency. … Adding insult to injury, spokespeople for these various sub-groups find a ready welcome in the Democratic Party.…
Bobby Jindal's Triumph
– Bobby Jindal of Louisiana last weekend won re-election with a staggering 65.8 percent of the vote in a state that remains heavily Democratic … Jindal says Texas governor and GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry, whom he has endorsed, can best advance the conservative ideas … Bobby Jindal's electoral and economic successes should serve not only as a model, but also as an inspiration to Republican candidates
Does Romney Have a "Nixon Problem"?
– But grass roots activists felt far more excitement about candidates like Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater and California Governor Ronald … he employed in disappointing defeats in the 1994 Massachusetts Senate race (against Ted Kennedy) and the battle for the GOP presidential … intelligence and proven competence but raise fundamental questions about authenticity, offering frequent descriptions of the candidates
Money & Politics in Oklahoma Zito
– The Democratic Party, entrenched and isolated in liberal elite institutions, did not and they are paying the price,” he said. … “Can you imagine the electoral disaster if the Democratic Party embraced Occupy Wall Street? Worse than 1968 Chicago.” … “We send far more money to Dem candidates than is spent in the state during the presidential campaign,” said Ronald Gaddie, a University…
Guess Who's Still Raking In Wall Street Campaign Cash?
– still managed to raise far more money this year from the financial and banking sector than Mitt Romney or any other Republican presidential … The numbers show that Obama retains a persistent reservoir of support among Democratic financiers who have backed him since he was … an underdog presidential candidate four years ago.…
Wanna Know a Secret? When "Melrose Place" Meets Politics
– It's a little gossipy and involved, but it stars three presidential candidates, so it's topical stuff. … He encouraged me to run as a Republican in what was then an overwhelmingly Democratic state. … According to three Insider Advantage polls released this week, the combined support for Gingrich and Cain leaves all other Republican candidates
Exciting GOP Presidential Ideas the Media Ignores
– Some exciting developments in the Republican presidential race are being ignored by the media. … But our hope comes from other excellent proposals by GOP candidates that are being neglected in the news media. … Most of the plans would help, but three of the plans from different candidates if adopted together would supercharge the economy and…
The GOP and Occupy Wall Street: Party Like '68!!
– Optimistic Republicans like to view the upcoming presidential race as an echo of the epic battle of 1980 (when a triumphant Ronald … But they may more accurately anticipate unfolding events by recalling the fateful campaign of 1968 (when the Democratic Party collapsed … In Johnson’s case, his historic success in passing long-stalled items on the Democratic agenda (Medicare, major civil-rights bills)…
Media AWOL on Sexual Indiscretion -- When Jesse Jackson Was Front-runner…n_sexual_indiscretion_--_when_jesse_jackson_was_front-runner
– During the heat of the 1988 race for the Democratic presidential nomination, rumors surfaced of Jackson's alleged numerous and rampant … Democratic Underground, a left-wing website, recalls, "(After) Jackson won 55 percent of the vote in the Michigan Democratic caucus … And I know that sounds harsh." -- MSNBC Democratic strategist Karen Finney.…
Beyond the Beltway: Courting Silence
– Less well known to the nation and the GOP primary electorate is where any of the GOP candidates stand on some of the most pressing … Against the backdrop of these important developments, one wishes and waits for the Republican presidential candidates to articulate … Surely the candidates are capable of more.…
Bigotry and "Hate-Speech" at The Washington Post
– In an interview with Time magazine he admitted to “leaning Democratic” in his politics. … Birnbaum is also a Georgetown Professor Emeritus and former advisor to three Democratic Presidential candidates. … Within the MSM/Democratic axis such insults can only apply against Cuban-Americans.…
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