Results for: Republican National Committee

Health care, racism and the grand old party,_racism_and_the_grand_old_party
– The national debate on health care took an ominous turn last week as a number of high profile Democrats beginning with former President … In reality, this ludicrous racism charge shows that the protestors and, by extension, the Republican Party are winning the argument … The party must react sharply to the racism charges and must cultivate this emerging Republican majority.…
The Only Way to Beat Obamanism: Elect More Republicans
– terms) their election to the House and Senate would return Pelosi and Reid to power along with their ultra-liberal, Democratic committee … No third party in the history of the nation has ever won success on a national basis. … The Republican Party, for all its faults (and they are legion, as with any other political organization) remains the only hope, the…
Who Are These People And Where Did They Come From?
– "We do not support liberal Republicans and we are not affiliated with any Republican campaign committee." … most rock-solid, conservative candidates nationwide -- candidates who believe in the principles of limited government, strong national … The National Republican Senatorial Committee has been deeply damaged by its past support for some very unusual Republicans, chief among…
Tim Pawlenty Announces “Freedom First” PAC“freedom_first”_pac
– early signs of a likely presidential run, Tim Pawlenty today filed forms with the FEC to create the Freedom First political action committee … , Minnesota Bill Cooper, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, TCF Financial Corporation, and former Chairman of Republican … Party of Minnesota.Mark Davis, Chairman, Cambria  Megan Doyle, Founder, Hope for the CityJeff Larson, Former CEO, 2008 MSP Host Committee
Got Hope?' The Theological Virtue of Obama
– shower heaping praise on the president of the United States-Clinton or Bush, JFK or Reagan, Truman or Eisenhower, Democrat or Republican … The Republican National Committee, in its worst burst of cheap propaganda, wouldn't dare conjure up something like this.…
In Praise of No, No, No,_no,_no
– Well, Republican mavericks. Folks who say "yes." … National Committee's headquarters. … "The female maverick of the Republican Party is Sen. Olympia Snowe."…
Swing State Senators Face Health Care Reform Threat -- Losing Next Election…ators_face_health_care_reform_threat_--_losing_next_election
– By and large, the pundit class has it that momentum now favors passage of a national health care program. … My bet is that the oh-so-critical-vote in the Senate Finance Committee for a health care reform bill by the lone Republican to do so … They continue to praise some form of national health care bill, but one by one, they're all coming to the realization that erasing…
The Limits of Star Power
– And what role does presidential popularity play in building national standing? … The Norwegian Nobel Committee is not alone in its crush. … Former Republican Sen.…
How Concerned Women PAC Helped Hoffman
– Congress, Doug Hoffman, much to the chagrin of the Republican-endorsed candidate for Congress, Deidre “Dede” Scozzafava.  … The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) and top Republican Congressional leaders view Hoffman as merely a "spoiler" … This made sense because the Republican candidate is more liberal than most Democrats. …
In Case You Missed It...
– Palin for the GOP's Soul:The top and bottom of last year's Republican ticket represent the recent failed past and future potential … John McCain is, as Politico noted last week, "working behind-the-scenes to reshape the Republican Party in his own center-right image … Bush's National Security Council.…
Dems Change Stance on Military and Afghanistan
– At the Democratic National Convention in Denver last summer, then-Sen. … Buck McKeon, R-Santa Clarita (Los Angeles County), and the ranking Republican on the House Armed Services Committee, observed in a…
A Defense Bill Should Be About Defense — Not Liberal Social Policies…e_bill_should_be_about_defense_—_not_liberal_social_policies
– Therefore, it was with a heavy heart yesterday that I joined 130 of my House Republican colleagues in breaking that personal tradition … and opposed the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010.   … A defense authorization bill ought to be about the national defense.   Let us remember why they put on the uniform.…
NRCC Launches 'Fire Nancy Pelosi' Petition
– The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is urging folks to sign a petition to "fire Nancy Pelosi." ...…
Marco Rubio - Charlie Crist Matchup a Fundraising Game
– "A big part of our political attitude has been to address just about every Republican in the state...local Republican groups, different … The popular fomer governor has criticized the National Republican Campaign Committee for taking a stance in Florida's primary business…
Cloistered Media Libs Don't Get It
– But let's stay focused on the present, because Republican opposition isn't about paybacks or getting even. … House leaders are also threatening a national value-added tax. … Senate Finance Committee votes, with nary a protest from Mr.…
NRCC Goes After Hoffman; More GOP Heavyweights Lend Conservative Support…ter_hoffman;_more_gop_heavyweights_lend_conservative_support
– The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC), the Republicans' House campaign arm, has come out with some interesting language … commenting on Conservative candidate Doug Hoffman and the NY-23 race:Via National Journal:That financial picture has contributed to … a hard-charging Hoffman, with the Republican nominee flagging. …
Scozzafaza Suffers While Hoffman Racks Up The Endorsements
– it as a key litmus test for a Republican Party on the rebound. … The National Republican Campaign Committee (NRCC) and the Republican National Committee have given cash to Scozzafava and both organizations … "I would say to every Republican: you have a chance to elect somebody who has signed the no tax pledge; she's endorsed by the National
Breaking: Palin Supports Hoffman
– It's my honor to endorse Doug and to do what I can to help him win, including having my political action committee, SarahPAC, donate … Doug Hoffman stands for the principles that all Republicans should share: smaller government, lower taxes, strong national defense, … between the Democrat and the Republican in this race.…
Ken Blackwell In Support of Doug Hoffman
– Here's an excerpt: Doug Hoffman didn’t have a chance to make his case to Republican voters in a primary in New York’s 23rd Congressional … The Republican grass roots never had a chance to choose among qualified candidates. … And the National Republican Congressional Committee compounded this error by jumping into the contest with both left feet.…
Can Obama and Congress Order You to Buy Broccoli?
– When the Senate Finance Committee was debating its version of health care reform legislation this month, Republican Sen. … Hatch's amendment, he ruled, involved an issue under the jurisdiction of the Judiciary Committee. … The Finance Committee must not touch it.…
A Victory for America's Seniors
– is at it again.According to the House Ways and Means Committee, "the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) initiated an … Congressman Dave Camp, ranking Republican member of the Committee has taken CMS to task for this gag order. … In fact, the Committee notes, "AARP, which boasts the largest MA plan, for example, has directly communicated with its members via…
Maine Question 1: How it prevailed
– After all, Maine is one of the country's most liberal, least religious states, and hasn't voted for a Republican for president in more … and an executive committee member of Stand for Marriage Maine, told BP. … Brown said it is difficult to overstate the significance of Question 1's passage to the national debate.…
Health care bill's fate still uncertain
– The House Rules Committee is expected to agree to a rule Friday that would prevent consideration of a pro-life amendment championed … Instead, the committee may include a so-called pro-life compromise amendment from Rep. Brad Ellsworth, D. … Douglas Johnson, legislative director of the National Right to Life Committee, called Ellsworth's language "a political fig leaf made…
Quotables: 'Get Tough and Then Get Out'
– Maine Republican Senator Olympia Snowe, following her Senate Finance Committee vote with Democrats on ObamaCare: "When history calls … London's Sunday Times: "The National Health Service has spent (about $2.5 million) paying for hundreds of its staff to have private … We're going to pass a health care plan written by a committee whose head says he doesn't understand it, passed by a Congress that hasn't…
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