Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

A Dark Cloud on the GOP Horizon
– To demand that Republican candidates toe the Tea Party Line - or else. … candidates how to gain ballot access in the 30 - 40 Districts which the Ds think are in most peril. … Republican incumbents won't lose to Tea Party candidates.…
Why Didn’t Obama Wreck the Economy When He Had the Chance?’t_obama_wreck_the_economy_when_he_had_the_chance
– Had he taken the opposite position – raising his voice as the Democratic presidential nominee to block the federal rescue of the banking … admired Presidential nominee of his party, Senator Obama easily could have shifted that support and doomed the bailout. … That experience helped persuade additional Democrats, and 91 of 199 Republicans, to go along with both presidential candidates and…
An Interview With Newt Gingrich
– strategy for Republicans given the long trajectory between now and the November election, and the even longer one before the 2012 presidential … And it is a tribute to the power and capability of the Democratic Party and the incompetence of the Republican Party -- it's a dual … Q: You have experience when Democrats were in the majority, as they are now, and with taking it back from a Democratic majority in…
The Sydney Carton Party
– In those 28 years, the GOP share of the presidential vote fell from 40 percent to 23 percent. … Richard Nixon and Reagan carried California seven times on presidential tickets. … If California, New York and Illinois are moving out of reach for GOP presidential candidates and the party is being annihilated in…
Strange Sighting in Iraq
– Naturally, there was talk of disputing the election results and disqualifying some of the winning candidates to reverse the outcome … Remember the Long Count in Florida that marked this country's presidential election in 2000? … Given an election in which the division between the leading candidates is smaller than the margin of error, trouble ensues.…
Tom Coburn, Nancy Pelosi, And The Likeability Factor,_nancy_pelosi,_and_the_likeability_factor
Candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton lobbed brickbats at each other over who was and wasn’t likeable, with Obama commenting … If the presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee can apply the likeability test to his top challenger surely Tom Coburn can invoke … What about current Presidential chief-of-staff Rahm Emanuel? Mr.…
GOP Obamacare Strategy: Repeal, Reform - and Cut,_reform_-_and_cut
– Mike Pence, head of the House Republican Conference, told me from Arizona, where he had gone to campaign for GOP candidates. … there for repeal, and even if there is, and the whole thing passes Congress, Republicans won't have enough votes to override a presidential … That's one glaring vulnerability in the Democratic strategy to pass national health care now but push its enactment years into the…
Presidential Politics: Unfair to Fatties?
– Some 68% of American adults are overweight and more than 30% are obese, but none of the serious presidential contenders in recent years … In the past, American voters cheerfully supported candidates of size: Grover Cleveland weighed 250 pounds when he won his first term … His Democratic opponent, scrawny jogger Jon Corzine, even aired some ads showing his portly opponent struggling to get out of a car…
Arizona Law Also Happens To Be Good Politics
– Bush's 44 percent in the 2004 presidential contest. Obama helped kill that bill, and he won 67 percent of the demographic. … In 2003, the Democratic California Legislature passed a bill to allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver's licenses. … And: California Democratic Sens.…
No Political Future for an All-White G.O.P
– With a record number of black candidates seeking Republican nominations in upcoming congressional races, the GOP may finally make … projections for 2012 suggest that self-identified whites will comprise 70 percent or, at most, 72 percent of those who cast presidential … him the GOP candidate would need to win an unimaginable 65 percent of all white voters -- whose numbers include such stalwart Democratic
It's Not 'Anti-Incumbency,' Stupid; It's 'Anti-Liberalism',_stupid;_its_anti-liberalism
– And candidates with ties to either better beware. … and Democratic leaders disappeared late Tuesday." … In Arizona, former Republican presidential candidate John McCain finds himself in a primary dogfight against former Rep. J.D.…
The GOP's Great Alienation of Latinos
Democratic presidential candidate John F. … Republican presidential candidate Barry Goldwater lost support by voting against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. … In presidential elections, Hispanic support can swing widely. In 1996, Bill Clinton got 72 percent of the Hispanic vote.…
Kagan's Defense of Censorship
– nonprofit corporation, from using cable Video on Demand to distribute a documentary -- "Hillary: The Movie" -- during the 2008 Democraticpresidential primary season. … accepted, would empower the government to prohibit newspapers from running editorials or opinion pieces supporting or opposing candidates
West of the Potomac, GOP Hopes Rise,_gop_hopes_rise
– After all this 2-1 Democratic district voted for Al Gore over George Bush by a staggering 55 percent-44 percent in the 50-50 presidential … Also, Democratic turnout was very high because loyal Democratic Party voters came out in droves to punish the top of the ticket turncoat … For those Democrats who hope to negatively caricature tea party candidates this fall, Harmer will be a difficult target.…
Race Based Politics
– Before the emergence of Barack Obama on the national presidential scene, lots of Democrats felt that Davis would eventually become … Therefore, he essentially used the same methodology in his race for governor as he did in the 2008 primary presidential contest for … Unfortunately after being ignored in 2010 just like they were in 2008, black Democratic leaders in Alabama did the unthinkable.…
Misdemeanors -- or Crimes?
– On this matter of offering federal jobs to potential candidates to induce them not to run against Senate Democratic incumbents … Second, as columnist Byron York reports, members of Congress are not permitted to sit on presidential boards. … But the report says "efforts" were made to determine if Sestak would be interested in serving on a presidential board "in June and…
Oil Spill Tars Dems' Reputation for Competence
– In the 2006 and 2008 congressional elections, the Democrats' campaign chairmen Chuck Schumer and Rahm Emanuel fielded candidates well … Looking back on all the presidential contests held since Obama as a Columbia undergraduate was parroting leftist criticisms of Ronald … Democratic victories in 1992 and 2008 were indictments of the two George Bushes for incompetence and in 1996 an endorsement of the…
He Blinded Me With Science
– This language was a carryover from the presidential campaign, when all of the Democratic candidates bemoaned the Neanderthalic "Republican…
Smearing Republican Women
– In 1992, the feminists in the media rejoiced at what they called "The Year of the Woman," when 10 Democratic women (and one Republican … In 1992, the evening newscasts aired 29 stories exclusively devoted to women Senate candidates. … In 1992, the morning shows interviewed women Senate candidates on 26 occasions. In 1990, there were zero interviews.…
Sarah Palin: Please Endorse Rob Simmons
– Even knee-jerk Democratic partisans, such as Chris Matthews and Bill Press, refused to defend him. … In 2004, John Kerry spent $6.4 million of John Heinz's money on his presidential race, and still lost. … lost, generally to more experienced candidates.…
On The Nature of Political Waves
– President Biden recently protested that he saw no "grand debacle" coming in November for Democrats, thereby giving a name to Democratic … And Paul is now neck and neck with his Democratic opponent in a race a Republican should easily win. … So far -- in Congress, among conservative leaders, among prospective presidential candidates -- that leadership has been lacking.…
GOP Steamrolling Dems In Early Electoral Indicators
– In that poll, the GOP led the Democratic Party by a very moderate 45 to 43 percent, but the cincher was voter enthusiasm; Republicans … “Reality is starting to strike the Democratic caucus.” … In the top 30 most-competitive seats, the margin is even higher: Democratic candidates trail their opponents by nine points.…
Irrational Events Affect Voters -- Why College Football Matters…ational_events_affect_voters_--_why_college_football_matters
– This same hypothesis is often applied to the political arena -- voters receive, assimilate and process information regarding candidates … The study looked at college football games played within 10 days of presidential, gubernatorial and Senate elections from 1964 to 2006 … During Bill Clinton's 1992 campaign, Democratic political adviser James Carville coined the phrase, "It's the economy stupid."…
Fidel Castro Predicts Nuclear War
– from the Soviets, but from the Stalinist regime hailed to the high heavens by the Congressional Black Caucus, befriended by DemocraticPresidential candidates (“Fidel Castro is very shy and sensitive, a man I regard as a friend," George Mc Govern) and preparing for…
Will Social Conservatives Play In to the Democrats' Plans?
– positioned himself as the anecdote to the corruption of Nixon’s incomplete second term and swayed many of these voters to the Democratic … A vivid illustration of this problem emerged in the 2000 presidential election, when the “pro-family” George W. … The “war on terror,” and the radically different visions about that war held by the two major presidential candidates, apparently wasn…
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