Results for: Republican National Committee

GOP Concedes Medicare Stance in Objection to Obamacare
– On Monday, the Republican National Committee (RNC) released its own "seniors' health care bill of rights," vocalizing the GOP's opposition … The Republican apple certainly has fallen far from the conservative tree.  To garner seniors' votes, President George W. … The Republican Party instead seems more concerned with wooing the votes of today's senior citizens. …
Democrats' Colorado Gold Rush Turns Into a Bust
– Roy Romer in the 1980s, and National Review's favorite Republican governor, Bill Owens, in the 1990s. … Scott McInnis in the polls and runs only even against a little-known Republican state legislator. … Republican Rocky Mountain states than like the hip states of the Pacific Coast.…
Uphill Battle for New Young Republican Leader
– The election of Audra Shay to chairwoman of the Young Republican National Federation in July shined a national spotlight on what is … Cassie Wallender, a national committeewoman from the Washington Young Republican Federation was one of the two individuals who were … “During Audra Shay's first session leading the National Committee, she brought forward an anti-discrimination provision,” she said.…
Too Big To Vote?
– Fiorina has voted in about one in four elections since she registered as a Republican in Santa Clara County in 2000. … Whitman didn't even register as a Republican until 2007. … John Cornyn, chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, is chatting up Fiorina.…
No Justice in Dems Politicizing Health Care
– But some of Christie's Republican allies already suspect that politics is the real motive behind the Justice Department's initiative … Waxman and other top Democrats on the House committee were trying to "silence the health-insurance industry and distract attention … And at the other end of the avenue, a powerful committee chairman is trying to dig up dirt on an industry that insures 180 million…
Obama Hits Anti-Government Nerves
– The difference was that while Kerry had a 9-point edge over his Republican opponent among moderates, Obama carried them by 21 points … After the election, then-chairman of the Republican National Committee Mike Duncan noted that the Democratic nominee supported offshore … "Put simply," he said, "Barack Obama just ran the most successful moderate Republican presidential campaign since Dwight Eisenhower…
The Revenge of Ross Perot
– I've been wishing for another Ross Perot -- a leader who would awaken the American people to the dangers of living beyond our national … Coming after the 2008 stimulus package, bank rescue program and automaker bailout -- steps toward "socialism" taken by a Republican … Maya MacGuineas, head of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, notes another cause for dismay.…
The Consumer Is Not the Customer
– The Republican National Committee claims "over 88 million people" who are covered through work "would lose current insurance under…
Carly Fiorina Won't 'Self Fund' Senate Race
– A call to her exploratory committee, Carly for California, led me to Beth Miller who told me that, in fact, Carly has never said she … would self-fund and had made that clear from the outset to the folks at the Republican National Senatorial Committee.  … Apparently her position not to self-fund also didn’t come as a surprise to the National Republican Senatorial Committee. …
Club for Growth Endorses Tim Huelskamp and Tom Graves
– CQ Politics is reporting:The political action committee for the conservative Club for Growth on Monday endorsed two 2010 House candidates … offer each candidate a boost from the right as they battle many GOP challengers in pursuit of their party's nomination in Safe Republican … My guess is that this Club for Growth endorsement will finally push national conservatives to fully coalesce around Huelskamp, just…
How You Know They're Panicking
Committee Chairman Tim Kaine used a speech Friday to single out those conservative critics whose hostility toward President Obama … “Republican leaders…rose up to say that he did not deserve honorary degrees from colleges that were giving him degrees last spring, … members of Congress, Republican members of Congress, are spreading bogus rumors about where the president was born, and they whipped…
A Small Gathering in the Capital
– None of the national evening news anchors were there to bring you breathless coverage. … The Republican National Committee didn't organize Saturday's march.…
The Convenient Fantasies of President Obama
– But they have failed to identify any "birther" that occupied a position in the Republican firmament comparable to that of "truther" … We are going to solve our fiscal problems with a program that will increase the national debt by $1 trillion over a decade. … But August town hall meetings and national polls have put the Democrats on the defensive.…
Liberal Lies About National Healthcare: Fourth in a Series
– (14) National health care will not cover abortions or illegal immigrants. … On July 30 of this year, a House committee voted against a Republican amendment offered by Rep. … On the same day, the committee voted 30-29 against an amendment offered by Republican Joe Pitts explicitly stating that government…
BREAKING: Senate Voting on Regulatory Czar Cass Sunstein Today
– According to the legislative calender posted on the Republican Policy Committee website, the Senate will be rushing to vote today to … ---Same article: "[T]ax day is not a day of national mourning. Without taxes there would be no liberty.…
Impending Washington Deal on Health Care
– (Deficit reduction had long been an argument for Republican tax increases that Bush had promised to resist.) … There was great national drama. … Before the vote, Ed Rollins, leading the National Republican Congressional Committee, split with the president and advised members,…
A 'Principled Conservative'
Republican Sen. Mel Martinez was elected in 2004. … In 2007 the Republican National Committee, worried about declining GOP strength among Hispanics, made Martinez, who was born in Cuba … Crist, says Rubio, "never thought he'd have to run in a Republican primary again."…
It’s Not Personal’s_not_personal
– It was because he was attempting the impossible: Build a permanent (Republican) governing coalition. … It was big-government Republican strategy. … Kaine grew so bored with Virginia that, in January, he accepted a second full-time job as chairman of the Democratic National Committee
Republican Mattie Fein Likely to Challenge to Jane Harman
Republican Mattie Fein, a political consultant and wife of prominent conservative lawyer Bruce Fein, has launched an exploratory committee … This is a point that does not escape Fein. [# More #] One presumable reason a female Republican might fare better than previous male … As such, Republican leaders I have spoken to tell me they are focused on ensuring there are "enough ships in the water." …
Breaking: Massachusetts Governor Names Kennedy Successor
– Kirk chaired the Democratic National Committee in the late 1980s and currently serves as chairman of the board for the John F. … Republican State Sen. Scott Brown has announced that he will run for the seat on the Republican side, while state attorney Gen.…
The Letter Joe Wilson Should Write
– If a Republican --especially a Southerner -- attacked Obama that way, former President Jimmy Carter would call him or her a racist. … What about the use of the race card by now-chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, Democrat Charlie Rangel of New York? … What about former governor/presidential candidate/Democratic National Chairman Howard Dean?…
Fact-Checking President Obama’s Health Care Talking Points’s_health_care_talking_points
– House Republicans offered two amendments in the committee process to correct this: the first would have prevented illegal immigrants … For instance, why not allow small employers to group together through national associations so they can buy health insurance for their … For his part, the President has talked about a “whole series of Republican ideas” being included in health care reform.…
Silencing its Critics...Again
– They couldn't let a little thing like facts get in the way of passing their cap-and-trade national energy tax.Well, gangster government … is at it again.According to the House Ways and Means Committee, "the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) initiated an … Congressman Dave Camp, ranking Republican member of the Committee has taken CMS to task for this gag order.…
Yes, health-insurance mandate is a tax,_health-insurance_mandate_is_a_tax
– Obama has repeatedly stated that promise throughout the healthcare debate, despite evidence to the contrary, and no one in the national … Pointing out that the Finance Committee plan contained just such a mandate whereby "the government is forcing people to spend money … The House Republican Study Committee, the caucus of conservative lawmakers, said it best this week in their "Shot of Common Sense"…
Media 'Shield Law' Stalls Over National Security Concerns
– were able to overcome a barrage of support by over 70 media organizations, and lodge complaints about the bill’s potential to put national … security decisions in the hands of judges with no national security experience. … The test would require a judge to determine whether it was more important to national security for a reporter to reveal information…
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