Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Letter From McCain on Joint Townhall Meetings
– Kennedy agreed to make presidential campaign history by flying together from town to town and debating each other face-to-face on the … Unfortunately, with President Kennedy's untimely death, Americans lost the rare opportunity of witnessing candidates for the highest … What a welcome change it would be were presidential candidates in our time to treat each other and the people they seek to lead with…
Obama/Clinton Ad War Costs $121 Million$121_million
– Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have spent $121 million combined vying for the Democratic presidential nomination, swamping the $57 … million spent by all Republican presidential candidates through the primary season.I've got more numbers and details up in my story…
Clinton/Obama Ad War Costs $121 Million$121_million
– Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have spent $121 million combined vying for the Democratic presidential nomination, swamping the $57 … million spent by all Republican presidential candidates through the primary season. … All in all, the 2008 presidential candidates have spent nearly $195 million promoting their campaigns.…
Is Mitt McCain's top wingman?
– So far, the best branding on the 2008 campaign trail has been orchestrated by the Democratic National Committee and Barack Obama. … that their party is fractured between Obama and Hillary Clinton -- and the only way they seemingly can recover is to place both candidates … on the party’s presidential ticket.…
Obama's Test
– are liberal on economic issues but nonetheless vote for GOP presidential candidates for religious/cultural reasons: "If Sen. … Barack Obama can't do better with the Casey Democrats, his presidential bid may fare no better than [John] Kerry's." … Why have Casey Democrats defected at the presidential level?…
In Defense of Lobbyists
– has long said that his campaign will not accept contributions from lobbyists, and now that he is the presumptive nominee, the Democratic … Obama's initial choice to head his vice presidential selection committee was Jim Johnson, who as CEO of Fannie Mae in the 1990s ran … More important, both candidates are proposing healthcare, carbon emission and tax changes -- legislation that will, and should, face…
Pressed by Press
– The Democratic senator explained that Mrs. Clinton and Mr. … "You didn't personally fail in your lost bid for the Democratic presidential nomination," Ms. Osias opines. … And then Democratic women across the country punted." Now, Ms.…
American Politics Through a Glass, Darkly,_darkly
– But the unfolding of the American presidential campaign is understood mostly through stereotypes. … They don't see much difference between the two surviving candidates on Israel, as almost anyone who heard or read their remarks to … The Judeo-Christian tradition that is so much a part of American culture, fusing Biblical history with Western democratic traditions…
How to Pick a President
– Bill Clinton's selection of Al Gore changed forever the calculus presidential candidates need to use in choosing their running mates … Previously, presidential candidates usually used their VP pick to help them to carry a pivotal state or region, as JFK did in choosing … Instead, presidential candidates should use their VP choice to make a statement about their own candidacy.…
Give Me Clarity Not Empty Promises of Unity
– Only in presidential and closely contested campaigns does it pay to attract votes from the middle. … In primaries, most presidential candidates run to their base. … Demand more clarity from our candidates. Where do they stand on important issues?…
Obama nails it down
– So now it's all but official: The Democratic presidential nominee this year will be Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois. … candidates. … A Democratic victory at the presidential level, and at most others, is simply inconceivable without that overwhelming margin among…
– So recalled Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean, the leader of the pack in early polls for the 2004 Democratic presidential … Get real Maybe now that the Democratic Party has finally chosen Sen. … Barack Obama as its presumptive presidential nominee the so-called Democratic and Republican "strategists" we are subjected to on cable…
McCain's Evangelical Problem
– election in 1976, Christian conservatives switched to Ronald Reagan in 1980 and since have been indispensable for Republican presidentialcandidates. … It maintains that while the Republican candidate is no day at the beach, his Democratic opponent would be a weekend in hell -- even…
On Many Issues, Americans Favor McCain's Solutions,_americans_favor_mccains_solutions
– WASHINGTON -- If the presidential election hinged on who could best protect us from terrorism, veteran Sen. … An ABC News/Washington Post poll last week showed McCain leading his Democratic rival among white voters by 51 percent to 39 percent … To be sure, this election is in its infancy, with much of the electorate still sorting through their feelings about the candidates
Obama's War on Defense and Intelligence
– The defense and intelligence communities are skeptical when dealing with Democratic Presidents. … Democratic presidential candidates must trash both departments to win the primary votes of liberal activists. … December 29, Obama issued Executive Order 13526 which declassifies the most sensitive of national secrets, including the daily presidential
Messages From Massachusetts: The Meaning of Scott Brown
– hurt serious conservative contenders, just as liberal fringe candidates (Ralph Nader, anyone?) … hurt viable liberal candidates. 4. … contender (Teddy) and a universally admired Vice Presidential nominee (Lodge).…
Coakley’s Top Ten’s_top_ten
– She stated explicitly that obtaining endorsements from Democratic politicos are more important than winning the support from the actual … Her campaign aide (an Obama presidential appointee) roughed up a reporter during a campaign event. … candidates. 10.…
Dems Fall as Fast as Nixon Republicans in 1974
– Republican Scott Brown's victory in Massachusetts' special Senate election was for Democratic leaders a moment that can be described … Democratic officeholders know theirs is. Some are heading for the hills. … The victory of Scott Brown last week looks like something similar has happened to the Democratic Party.…
Obama’s Populist Impersonation of Truman Can’t Possibly Work’s_populist_impersonation_of_truman_can’t_possibly_work
– The problem, of course, is that the president’s own Democratic Party enjoys big majorities in both houses, and even with Scott Brown … Impassioned efforts to bash business and demonize corporate power have rarely paid off in the past (just ask three-time presidential … claiming to represent common people against the Washington and Wall Street establishments, but with two prominent fringe party candidates
The Perils of Presidential Failure
– won the Massachusetts seat in the US Senate that had been held by the Democratic Kennedy dynasty since 1952. … candidate and poor planning by the national Democratic Party apparatus. … Today, it seems likely that many Democratic lawmakers will refuse to fall on their swords for Obama.…
Bayh's Exit Leaves Door Open
– Bayh is the fifth Democratic senator who is not running in this year's midterm elections, handing the GOP one more vulnerable open … On Capitol Hill, Democrats were shaking their heads in disbelief at the number of Democratic incumbents and potential candidates who … And five more Democratic seats are considered toss-ups, at best, or leaning Republican: Arkansas Sen.…
You've Got to Live... a Little
– The problem is the president and the congressional Democratic leadership wants to expand government controls and raise taxes, while … Republican candidates for the House and Senate are ahead in polls in many states. … Second, they must find a strong presidential candidate who will bring experience and a realistic worldview to the problems that confront…
Were Tea Partiers Taking Notes at CPAC?
– Spontaneous, grassroots uprisings are exhilarating and the tea parties and health care townhalls last year helped flatten the Democratic … “Their trick is to ask, ‘What do we do to force Republican candidates or any candidates to earn our support?’” … Reagan in 1976 ended up remaking the GOP, and then they incorporated the Christian conservatives awakened by Pat Robertson’s presidential
Sis Boom Bah Humbug
– WASHINGTON -- The increasingly puerile spectacle of presidential State of the Union addresses is indicative of the state … The decision neither overturned "a century of law" nor conferred an entitlement on foreign corporations to finance U.S. candidates. … Nevertheless, the Democratic donkeys arrayed in front of Obama leapt onto their hind legs and brayed in unison, while the six justices…
Low-Tax Texas Beats Big-Government California
– His point was that the big government policies of the Obama administration and Democratic congressional leaders are resented and fiercely … No one would include Perry on a list of serious presidential candidates, including himself, even in the flush of victory. … Arnold Schwarzenegger's attempt to reduce the power of the Democratic-union combine with referenda was defeated in 2005 when public…
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