Results for: Republican National Committee

Some GOP Sens. Temper their Sotomayor Questions
– As chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, the job of Sen. … questions before the first Hispanic Supreme Court nominee, Sonia Sotomayor, were a bit more tempered than those posed by his Republican … Yesterday, Graham asked Sotomayor recite the controversial "wise Latina" remark in front of the Judiciary Committee and press.…
Immune to Reality
– The Gallup report concludes that, “for those seeking to understand why the Republican Party suffered such major election losses, they … On the opposite side, the Republican Party has been distracted by media fashioned internal fighting, (Conservative Radio Host Rush … Limbaugh, Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele, and former Speaker Newt Gingrich), made-for-TV soap-opera personal…
The Twenty-First Century Whigs?
– Moreover, during the open hearings on the nomination the Republican members on the Judiciary Committee largely concentrated on the … Michael Steele is an earnest and well-meaning fellow who might be the worst Republican National Committee chairman since the 1930s. … Today, the Republican Party stands at a crossroads.…
Pelosi Forcing a Vote?
– make the GOP's case for them that the health care bill is too extreme) or walk the plank, again, as they did on cap 'n tax.The NationalRepublican Congressional Committee should be licking its chops. …
Human Life is Much More than a Distraction
– Don't underestimate that transformation," then-senator Barack Obama told the National Urban League two years ago. … Wade," according to the National Right to Life Committee. … Jeff Fortenberry, a Republican from Nebraska, subsequently pressed Clinton on her expressed "awe" of Sanger, Clinton compared the unapologetic…
A Month of Gloomy Thursdays for Health Care Plan
– Signers included two committee chairmen. … Obama noted that Republican Sen. Jim DeMint and Weekly Standard Editor William Kristol want to "kill" the Democratic bills. … National Convention that if you subsidize something, you get more of it and that if you tax something, you get less of it.…
NRCC Announces Patriot List
– The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) has released the names of 25 members of their Patriots Program. …
Will Democrats Derail Health Care?
– No one questions that healthcare reform is an urgent, national priority -- as are efforts to contain the risks of climate change. … Committee running television ads against members of its party to pressure them into supporting Obama's plans. … And that's when the Republican lobbying machine will be running full throttle.…
Mel Martinez Shakes Up Florida Politics
– He resigned as chairman of the Republican National Committee after 10 months in 2007.UPDATE: Politico says that Martinez was rumored…
GOP Poised for a Strong Comback
– "Absent huge Democratic mistakes in the next few years, the Republican Party's road back could very well be a long one," said Simon … The National Republican Senatorial Committee, chaired by Sen. … challengers. -- Illinois: Republican odds of filling Obama's former Senate seat improved significantly when popular state Attorney…
Where’s Kay? Senator Absent from Key Senate Hearings’s_kay_senator_absent_from_key_senate_hearings
– reporting that Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, who recently announced she will announce her intentions to run against incumbent Republican … Governor Rick Perry, has a track record of missing key committee meetings as per her responsibility of being a U.S. … Senator:Legislation to permit law enforcement to jam prisoners' cell phone calls easily cleared a Senate committee on Wednesday, the…
They Think You Are Stupid: Why Resistance To Obamacare Is Growing Despite Intimidation and Slander…nce_to_obamacare_is_growing_despite_intimidation_and_slander
– It took Chuck Colson a couple of years and the repeated leaks of national security information and massive protests of the Vietnam … "The White House request that members of the public report anyone who is spreading 'disinformation' about the proposed national health … lawyers on the Senate Judiciary Committee who are examining the plan's possible implementation," writes Byron York in the Washington…
Obama Birth Certificate Spotted in Bogus Moon Landing Footage
National Committee. … Terry McAuliffe, then chairman of the Democratic National Committee attended the glittering Washington, D.C., premiere of "Fahrenheit … What is the likelihood that a birther will be sitting with former President Bush at the 2012 Republican National Convention?…
10 'Teachable' Race Summits in Search of a Beer
– Chairman Howard Dean, the Republican National Hispanic Assembly and the Asian American and Pacific Islander National Republican Association … During a meeting with the Congressional Black Caucus, Dean said, "You think the Republican National Committee could get this many people … It's clear." 2) House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charlie Rangel, D-N.Y., and Michael Steele, chairman of the Republican Party…
Obama Administration Finally Gets Something Right
– First, the number is so small compared to the national budget that is not a significant number; second, Obama was exploding the budget … John Kasich took over the House Budget Committee and cut 100 commissions and agencies. … I was somewhat disheartened to see a smart Republican, Paul Ryan, minimize these cuts in his comments to the Wall Street Journal.…
Eric Holder's Hate Crime Color Scheme
– Imagine further a Republican-run U.S. … Eric Holder, the newly appointed Attorney General of the United States, told the Washington Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights and … If DOJ can't make the case under Sec. 245 against armed Black Panthers who told Chris Hill, a white Republican poll watcher, "White…
Sotomayor's Ties to La Raza
– Last week, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee Patrick Leahy spoke out against critics of Sonia Sotomayor as playing “racial … “Republican Leader” is me. … The National Council of La Raza bills itself as “the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United…
The Prince of Darkness on Life...
– Lewis had no idea my wife was a prolife activist doing volunteer work for the National Right to Life Committee.  … She had changed her registration to Republican mainly because of abortion.  … If the Republican Party abandoned her on this issue, I knew she would abandon the Republican Party. …
Latest Poll: 54% Say Passing No Healthcare Reform Better Than Passing Congressional Plan…_no_healthcare_reform_better_than_passing_congressional_plan
– However, a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that most voters (54%) say no health care reform passed by Congress … To this point, there has been no Republican support for the legislative effort although the Senate Finance Committee is still attempting…
When Liberal Leaders Confront a Centrist Nation
– Speaker Nancy Pelosi is from San Francisco, and important House committee chairmen are from similar "gentry urban" locales -- Henry … Republican leaders tend to come from mostly suburban districts closer to the national political average. … Of the 19 lawmakers who are in the GOP's House leadership or who are ranking committee members, four come from districts carried by…
The Other 'Hispanic' Nominee
– Durbin in 2001 -- when the Democrats ran the Senate Judiciary Committee -- called Estrada "especially dangerous, because he has a minimal … But as to the sympathetic "back story" of a Republican nominee -- who cares? … A Republican nominee like Miguel Estrada becomes a "sellout" or a "Tio Taco."…
Obama Brings Chicago-Style Intimidation
– Democratic National Committee spokesman Brad Woodhouse mislabeled them as "angry mobs of rabid right-wing extremists." … There is no evidence that they are organized and financed by the insurance companies, or even by the Republican Party. … Darrell Issa, R-Calif., ranking member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, described the threat, which Issa called…
Obamacare: The Only Exit Strategy
– The 1,000-page monstrosity that emerged in various editions from Congress was done in by widespread national revulsion not just at … denying reimbursement to less favored (because presumably less effective) treatments -- precisely the triage done by the NICE committee … it's proxy, and because it will guarantee access to (supposedly) private health insurance -- something that enjoys considerable Republican
The First Election of the Obama Backlash
– He intended to support Republican Bob McDonnell for governor in November on Madisonian grounds. … McDonnell cut his political teeth as an intern at the House Republican Policy Committee. … National Republicans might learn a stylistic lesson from the Virginia race as well.…
Command Decision
– On May 27, 1964, President Lyndon Johnson had telephone conversations about Vietnam with McGeorge Bundy, his national security … Richard Russell, chairman of the Armed Services Committee. First, to Bundy, he said: "It just worries the hell out of me. … The war's natural supporters -- the hawkish right and center of the Republican Party -- inevitably will have at least their enthusiasm…
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