Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Isn't That Bribery?
– There is a disturbance in the Democratic Force which holds that Hillary Clinton might exit the race if Barack Obama would promise … presidential candidates in recent decades." … However, the Black vote in recent Presidential elections has been only a little over 11% of the total; so if Obama is only getting…
Salter's Responds to Newsweek's Hit on McCain
– The characterization of Republican presidential campaigns as nothing more than attack machines that use 527s and other means to smear … Do they really think other Republican presidential candidates were elected because they ran dirtier campaigns than their opponents? … Or could it be that they were better candidates or ran better campaigns or maybe more voters agreed with their position on important…
Is McCain Sailing Into a Storm?
– They have been watching two Democratic presidential candidates in an endless battle to destroy each other -- a process that does not … All this before Republicans even begin publicizing the worst that can be said about either of two candidates whose alleged defects … The bad news for Republicans is that objective factors are conspiring to produce a Democratic victory. The good news?…
In Defense of Second Chances (Why Hillary Can Run Again)
– in 2012 (if McCain beats Obama) came under attack yesterday by cable TV talking-heads who insisted Democrats don't give their candidates … a second chance.While I agree it has become tougher in the modern era (William Jennings Bryan famously lost 3 presidential races - … And it's certainly not heard of for primary losers to make a comeback -- even in the Democratic Party. …
Michelle Vetoes Hillary
– Barack Obama's presidential campaign are convinced he never will offer the vice presidential nomination to Sen. … The Democratic front-runner's wife did not comment on other rival candidates for the party's nomination, but she has been sniping at … John McCain's presidential campaign, though he desires to help out.…
The GOP Veep List: Pros and Cons
– CON: The same weaknesses that hampered his presidential campaign could also hurt him as a Vice Presidential candidate – including well-advertised … At age 43, Thune will be a factor in future Presidential races but probably not this time. … opponent 63% to 36%, in a heavily Democratic state in a nightmarishly tough year for Republicans.…
Michelle Obama: Fair Game
– The Democratic candidate for the presidential nomination tends to dismiss any inconvenient fact as a "distraction" and to label every … Part of the election process is getting to know the candidates.…
A Vice President for Abortion
– That put the church in conflict with a rising star of the Democratic Party, often described as a "moderate" and perhaps the leading … prospect to become Barack Obama's vice presidential running mate. … She controls Bluestem Fund PAC, distributing money to Kansas Democratic candidates.…
Beware Obama's Bus
– one could be forgiven for thinking these ruthless tactics are a new phenomenon--borne out of the unpleasant necessities of a presidential … Now this (hopefully unwitting) propagandist will represent Barack Obama at the Democratic National Convention in August. … All high level political candidates encounter a minefield of past associations, potential scandals, and skeletons in the closet when…
Obama's Tired Old Formula
– How else can you explain the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee's obliviousness to what is going on in Iraq at this very moment … The Democratic candidates -- Hillary Clinton only slightly less so than Obama -- have been counting on military and political failure … It's not so surprising that much of the Democratic Congressional leadership would fall into this trap.…
God Bless Ted Kennedy
– The issues outlined in Kennedy's speech still resonate today, except now it is the Democratic presidential candidates who are talking…
Activist Judges Gone Wild
– “Real activism in our country is democratic,” McCain said in his assault on judicial activism. … The presidential nomination of judges is not just some esoteric idea. … In the upcoming presidential election, this should be a matter of concern for every voter.…
'Skirmish Line'
– Third choice While presumptive Republican presidential nominee Sen. John McCain awaits a Democratic challenger — either Sen. … Hillary Rodham Clinton — the Libertarian Party tomorrow kicks off its national convention in Denver, where it will select its presidential … He explains that voters are tired of the "business-as-usual" politics from the current slate of candidates.…
Meeting Lou Barletta ....
– Of course, he was told he couldn't win because the city is overwhelmingly Democratic.  … Interestingly, during the PA Presidential Primary campaigns, Barletta asked all three presidential candidates to come speak about immigration…
Avoiding a Republican Rout in November
– In all likelihood, this is going to be "a Democratic year." … Still, there is no reason why the GOP has to watch the Democratic juggernaut descending on it like a deer transfixed in the headlights … But since there would be no definitive outcome -- no presidential nominee -- one could hope that the various candidates and causes…
Obama and the Convicted Felon
– The federal convict and the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee have known each other for the better part of two decades, with … In fact, his paper-thin presidential resume and far-left voting record really aren't that important compared to his stellar judgment … Was there another reason why he uninvited Jeremiah Wright to join him onstage at his presidential announcement last year?…
Barack, Bobby, and Bryan,_bobby,_and_bryan
– Robert Kennedy’s late entry into the already rambunctious 1968 presidential campaign in mid-March that year sent shock waves through … It bears the body of William Jennings Bryan – the populist and pacifist three-time Democratic presidential nominee. … But those presidential state funerals fell short of the everyday glory surrounding Bryan’s semi-divine passing.…
General Election Campaign Begins With New Playing Field
– McCain leads by 8 percent in Florida and by 18 percent in West Virginia -- until 2000 considered safely Democratic. … In these changes on the political map you can see reflections of the tribal warfare in the Democratic primaries. … But right now, at midpoint, this looks like a presidential race unlike any other.…
Catholics Debate Obama Vote
– Michael Pfleger, a longtime friend of the Democratic nominee who recently preached at Obama's former Trinity church. … Without researching, I assume all major candidates have no problem with contraception, therefore, no candidate should get Catholic … It is true that no presidential candidate is going to call for a ban on contraception. That's not a serious consideration.…
The Importance of the Veep Choice
– When voters watch a presumptive presidential nominee considering this or that running mate, they think: What if the president dies? … After some of the boilerplate geographic pitter-patter that today's candidates consider Periclean eloquence (" ... from the hills of … Selecting vice presidential candidates has recently become more serious than it was when Richard Johnson became Martin Van Buren's…
Tough Questions
– Barack Obama is, finally, the presumptive presidential nominee of the Democratic Party -- no mean achievement in this most hotly contested … He first made the offer in the heat of a presidential debate in which he was trying to contrast his approach with the current occupant … Political candidates make mistakes, sometimes saying things they don't quite mean. We all do.…
– After everything the nation has endured this primary season, the Democratic National Committee announced Wednesday that "two presidential … winners" will attend the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver. … Former presidential candidate Mitt Romney is visiting Virginia Thursday to campaign with Republican candidates running for state and…
Hillary's Latest Provocation
– They complain that, thanks to the Democratic Party's baroque procedures in picking a presidential nominee, Clinton has been defeated … That is an extraordinary result, running counter to a longtime Democratic advantage. … But seasoned operatives for both presidential candidates privately advise that the length and closeness of the Democratic race make…
The Next Female Candidate
– Hillary Clinton did not win enough delegates to capture the Democratic presidential nomination but she is not conceding to Barack … The nomination is not official until the delegates convene at the Democratic National Convention in Denver. … What would a female conservative presidential candidate look like?…
A Brave New World
Democratic Senate candidate Al Franken was stung by a blogger – Michael Brodkorb – who unearthed damaging details about Franken's business … Millions of small donors, people giving less than $200 per donation, have flooded into the presidential campaign process. … He's approaching 900,000 friends on Facebook, again vastly outpacing the other candidates.…
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