Results for: sign up to vote

Did Obama Lose to a Prison Inmate?
– And, as usual, the biased mainstream media decided not to cover it. Obama had a "Come to Jesus" moment. … A sign so devastating that he ought to consider dropping out of the 2012 Presidential race for the good of the Democratic Party...and … Obama squeaked out a 58% to 42% victory. You might ask, “Who got the 42%?…
CULTURE DIGEST: Methodists maintain biblical stance on homosexuality…_digest_methodists_maintain_biblical_stance_on_homosexuality
– In a vote of about 60 percent to 40 percent May 3, delegates to the General Conference, the denomination's governing body, maintained … Because the General Conference convenes once every four years, the denomination's stance on homosexuality is not expected to come up … Sam Brownback is expected to sign it into law. -- The Alabama Senate approved in a 30-2 vote April 24 a bill to bar plans in the state's…
Why France Elected a Socialist President
– I'd like to give Hollande a generous amount of rope in the wake of this election, if only to make an amusing yo-yo when he ends up … It's hard to tell what Hollande will end up doing policy-wise, since there's little record by which to assess the validity of his campaign … Perhaps it's a sign that regardless of who's captain of the ship, it's still considered to be on a crash course with the iceberg.…
Wisconsin Poll: Walker 50, Barrett 45
– This is a bad sign for Democrats. … cast a symbolic vote for him. … These weak numbers stand in stark contrast to the estimated 900,000 voters who signed recall petitions and are a disturbing sign for…
Obama as a God, not the God
– Both sides are quite adept at winning elections by allowing voters to vote against the other guy. … It’s a message that the GOP needs to heed. … Sign us up. I’m overawed and I’m not the only one.…
Democrats Panic as Wisconsin Recall Nears
– Schultz plans to travel to Wisconsin for a fundraiser with Mr. … “Do not let apathy be the thing that defeats us on June 5,” he says, urging the volunteers to keep up their efforts. … We just need to make sure that all those voices show up on June 5.” ...A Barrett victory would establish a dangerous precedent…
CULTURE DIGEST: Saying 'you're gay' is no longer slander, court rules
– The New York court threw out a lawsuit filed by a man who said a false accusation of his being gay or bisexual led to the break-up … Bobby Jindal is expected to sign both bills into law. … Both bills will go to Gov. John Lynch, a Democrat who has not announced whether he will sign them.…
Walker Victory: This is What the Tea Party is About
– and vote. … He then embarked on the grueling, but necessary, battle to require unionized teachers to accept slightly less generous pensions and … to make tiny contributions to their own health insurance.…
Big Lesson for Labor in Wisconsin Election
– Democratic legislators fled the state for several weeks in 2011 in order to try to prevent a final vote from taking place. … turn out in greater numbers and vote to kick out Walker. … After the new law passed, public employees had to sign up to have their dues collected -- and many decided not to.…
Do-Nothing, Vacation-Loving, Golf-Addicted, Underemployed, Underachieving Candidate (for Reelection)…dicted_underemployed_underachieving_candidate_for_reelection
– Quick:  Notify the Bureau of Labor Statistics toup” the official number of underemployed by one (+1) for May to account for Obama … Or even one vote on a budget. … To where? Outer space? I thought the DNC already got the China-to-PLO-to-Egypt small dollar donations cranking in 2008?…
Wisconsin: Bellwether or Just a Blip?
– (After Walker), most of those employees still pay only 5.8 percent of their salary toward their pensions and up to a maximum of 12.6 … But enough of these straws can add up to a mountain. … The outcome of Tuesday's vote in Wisconsin was another heartening sign for the health of the two-party system and democracy in general…
Obama's Great Temptation
– Senate voted 95-0 to tell President Clinton that it was the view of the Senate that the United States should not sign any international … Knowing how the Senate would vote, President Clinton never even bothered to submit this Kyoto agreement to the U.S. Senate.  … Now the President wants to assert his newly claimed power to taxation without representation in Copenhagen to make a climate deal with…
Obama's Great Temptation at Copenhagen
– Research director for Newt Gingrich, Vince Haley, wrote this insightful piece about Obama's up-and-coming trip to Copenhagen. … Senate voted 95-0 to tell President Clinton that it was the view of the Senate that the United States should not sign any international … Knowing how the Senate would vote, President Clinton never even bothered to submit this Kyoto agreement to the U.S. Senate. …
Missouri's arresting developments
– plan to a vote. … Roland points to a number of assaults against First Amendment rights that are in part tied to the government’s addiction to taking … Perhaps the most nose-on-the-face obvious is the continuing legal saga of the city’s attempt to force Jim Roos to take down his sign
The Roller Coaster Battle for Marriage
– The council feels that it has a right to vote on this issue, but it will not allow the citizens to vote. … Therefore, same-sex marriage proponents in the city will put up every obstacle they can to prevent a popular vote. … Paterson was poised to sign it into law.…
Day One: How Obamacare Will Alienate Americans
– The goal, of course, is to force them to drop Medicare Advantage and sign up, instead, for Medi-gap insurance -- offered, not coincidentally … Young people without health insurance can expect to start writing $750 annual checks to Washington to pay the fines written into the … There is no reason for the young to buy private insurance.…
Truett-McConnell adopts BF&M
to sign the BF&M until August 2011. … "I gave the faculty and administration 18 months to sign the Baptist Faith and Message because I wanted to be pastoral in my approach … For an institution to fail to live up to this standard is to misuse Cooperative Program funds entrusted to us."…