Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

WaPo Manufactures McCain Scandal
– The lines seem blurred when it comes to the media’s coverage of the land swap deals Republican presidential candidate John McCain has … It was even supported by Democratic Governor Janet Napolitano, and for good reason. … (Ruskin has, however, donated money to the Arizona Republican party and Senator Kyl, among other candidates.)…
Finding Ways To Win
– Barack Obama’s overwhelming win in North Carolina seems to have ended the lengthy Democratic presidential primary process. … Assuming Obama’s the nominee, there’ll be plenty of time in the months ahead to analyze a race between two candidates who are mirror … Every tax return contains a box asking if taxpayers want to contribute to the presidential election campaign fund.…
Sore Dems Want Out of Proportion Primaries
– WASHINGTON -- It's now virtually certain that Barack Obama will be the Democratic presidential nominee and Hillary Clinton will … Under the Democrats' proportional system, delegates are awarded among the candidates in direct proportion to the vote each receives … Last week, I asked the same question of veteran Democratic strategist Maria Cardona, who is also backing Hillary.…
Presidential Pariah
– We are in one of the longest presidential campaigns in modern memory -- and haven't even started focusing on the general election. … That means Bush is not just a lame duck but an easy target for all three current candidates -- none of whom have any investment in … John McCain has distanced himself from Bush as much as he can, even as his Democratic opponents dub him John McBush -- when they are…
Obama: Flawed or Fantastic?
– The Republican Party, suffering from public disrepute, faces major Democratic gains in each house of Congress -- leaving the defeat … The new Republican consensus considered Obama the weaker of the two Democratic candidates. … Jeremiah Wright but also any identification of the Democratic presidential candidate as "liberal" or as an advocate of higher taxes…
Personal and Economic Recovery
– If there is one assumption about this presidential election shared by both Republican and Democratic strategists, it is that the election … may dissipate and thereby deny the Democrats the full power of their economic argument against John McCain and the Republican candidates
Democratic Denouement Brings High Drama
– WASHINGTON -- Democrats are fast approaching the day of reckoning in the battle for their party's presidential nomination when they … But this time two candidates divide their party in a historic battle to nominate either the first woman or the first black man for … Ask former national chairman of Democratic National Committee Steve Grossman, a Hillary Clinton supporter who ran the party under Bill…
Give Voters a Clue
– The same goes for the Daedalian debate between Obama and Clinton over health care that consumed many of the early Democratic primaries … Presidential elections are not referendums on policy papers. … This is not to say that candidates should not offer details, but let’s do away with the charade that the dots on the “i” and the crosses…
Muddying the Evangelical Waters
– As a result, the major political candidates now have consultants to advise them on religious outreach to conservatives. … Since the 2004 election, over 10 percent of Evangelicals have switched parties, leaving the Republican for the Democratic Party. … They are prime candidates to embrace a less controversial and less demanding perspective and set of beliefs.…
How Not To Lower Those Pump Prices
– The Democratic impulse, in times of economic stress, is ever to pummel business just for standing there while voters are having hard … The conventional Democratic approach -- Democrats generally favor scowling at or socking business -- is to talk about investments in … The presidential candidates feel that pain exquisitely. They need tinier doctor's bags, that's all.…
How Hillary Became a Social Conservative (Sort Of)
– And what strange transformations are wrought by presidential primaries. … Candidates are often driven by their constituencies and the logic of their campaigns into unexpected places. … And in 2008, Hillary Clinton -- part of the McGovernite takeover of the Democratic Party -- is representing the Democrats' culturally…
Primary fires up Hoosiers
– Frank O'Bannon, said that as Tuesday's primary approaches, the Democratic presidential campaign activity has reached such a frenzy … Both candidates came here with decidedly different odds. … People here are paying attention to both of the candidates and weighing their words.…
Problems, Problems,_problems
– This is the kind of Democratic contest that only a Republican could love. … The party's two surviving presidential candidates seem ever more determined to beat each other into submission, and both may succeed … comes out of nowhere to lead the race for the Democratic nomination for president of the United States. And if Sen.…
Obama's 'Pastor Souljah' Moment
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama finally denounced Rev. … How deeply has one of America’s three leading presidential candidates been infected by paranoid radicalism?…
Appeals Court Shoots Down New York City Gun Law
– Gun control has become so unpopular that not even the Democratic presidential candidates dare brag about their views.…
Firing Back
– parliament, to denounce those who would negotiate with "terrorists and radicals" — a remark many believed was aimed at the top Democraticpresidential candidate. … In the book, she poses questions you won't hear the candidates ask, like "why aren't our borders run like Disneyland?"…
The Clinton Chorus
– encourage Clinton to pack it in are heartening evidence that the novelty has worn off: The female candidate is like all other candidates … On several occasions presidential nominees have felt the need to choose as their running mates the persons who were their strongest … The "solid South" was no longer solidly Democratic -- in 1952 Dwight Eisenhower carried Virginia, Tennessee, Texas and Florida, and…
An Unconventional 2008 Election Season
– What makes this presidential election different from all other presidential elections? … But Obama, like McCain, is not the consensus choice of a large majority of Democratic primary voters. … Finally, this election has been different because the most tested candidates didn't run the best campaigns.…
Campaigning on Ignorance
– Amazed by the dishonesty of the presidential candidates, The Washington Post's economics columnist lamented this week that "the candidates … Here all three remaining presidential candidates dwell in error. … There you have it: four public issues on which the presidential candidates spread only hot air.…
For Democrats, a Political Minefield,_a_political_minefield
– WASHINGTON -- Leon Panetta says the Democrats face "several land mines" in this presidential election, one of them being "this racial … Democratic adviser Maria Cardona, who helped forge her party's Hispanic outreach strategy in 2004, thinks so, too. … "There is no question that McCain would be more competitive with Hispanics than any of the other Republican candidates.…
Is There a Veep in the House?
– Paul Ryan himself has been floated as a potential vice presidential pick. … Ryan has much to recommend him (as do a number of other potential candidates). … presidential nominee.…
Lively Land
– You have one of the oldest candidates ever, [John] McCain, who defied all the forecasts of the polls. … campaign, and that many voters are supporting candidates based on the color of their skin. … Wright Jr., Democratic hopeful Sen.…
Assimilation of Immigrants and the Imperative of Pride in America
– What worries me is that all three of the remaining presidential candidates - Senators John S. McCain III (R-AZ), Barack H. … assimilation of our immigrant population, which includes learning English, American history and civics, and respecting the values of a democratic
Race Cards and Speech Codes
– , a strong black presidential candidate can be expected to do well? … an argument candidates have used since primary elections began. … Democrats, not liberal Democrats, are the swing votes who decide presidential races.…
There's Something About Al: Corporate America's Strange Attraction to Reverend Al Sharpton…orporate_americas_strange_attraction_to_reverend_al_sharpton
– And they vote his way, too, if not for him, then for candidates he endorses. … If Al Sharpton were the 2008 Democratic presidential nominee, I'd wager he'd win the black vote by at least a 90%-10% margin over Republican…
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