Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Red God, Blue God?,_blue_god
– in this exhilarating (and already exhausting, if you ask me) 2008 Presidential election. … In contrast, those who claim to rarely (if ever) attend religious services vote nearly 2-1 for the Democratic candidates. … This emerging Democratic voting block "think that Billy Graham is a liberal."   …
Pelosi's Chavez Rule
– -Calif.) is blocking free trade with Colombia to punish the White House, help out her union allies and boost Democratic presidential … On the campaign trail Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have used their opposition to the deal to … GOP presidential candidate John McCain supports free-trade with Colombia.…
National Security is THE Issue
– Have any of the Democratic presidential candidates ever been asked, for example, whether they've considered the consequences of withdrawing…
Get Over It: Social Conservatives, Business Types, and John McCain…ver_it_social_conservatives,_business_types,_and_john_mccain
– These astounding fundraising discrepancies are partially explained in two ways: (1) The race for the Democratic nomination continues … not generate enthusiasm in the business community the way other Republicans do — especially not to the extent other Republican presidential … Who — either of them — is one of the most pro-union candidates ever to seek the presidency?…
Rino Rage
– Many of those readers of last week's column who felt my portrayal of McCain was too sympathetic accused the soon-to-be presidential … nominee, regardless of who the Democratic alternative may be. … Consider the irony: Most media talk is about how the Obama-Clinton battle may have split the Democratic Party and improved McCain's…
A Country for Old Men
– But presidential elections tend to focus on the future. … First, he has voted twice against funding U.S. troops in the field -- a political necessity in the Democratic primaries, but a blunder … Obama -- the most reflective of candidates -- displays little self-knowledge when it comes to these political challenges.…
DNC’s Use of “Fahrenheit 9/11” Footage in “100” Ad’s_use_of_“fahrenheit_911”_footage_in_“100”_ad
– . [# More #] Dear Chairman Dean: I write regarding the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) advertisement attacking Senator … Second, it constitutes an illegal excessive in-kind contribution from the DNC to its presidential candidates. …
The Gift That Keeps on Giving
– worry that they are easily corrupted, there are legal limits to the monetary contributions that anyone can make to political candidates … In the spring of 1988, in a debate among candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination, Tennessee Sen. … His Monday speech demonstrated that he wants to be a central figure in this presidential campaign. He should be.…
Incoherence on Deterrence
– In response to questions about the Iranian nuclear threat, Democratic Senator and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has … Whatever the rationale, the Senator from New York has helpfully elevated a topic that should be featured prominently in the presidential … If so, are the candidates espousing policies that will ensure we have such a deterrent?…
The Racial Thing
– It is an ad aimed at the two Democratic candidates for North Carolina Governor. … napkin, (b) sounded like a really good idea at the time, because (c) it would tie the North Carolina gubernatorial race to the Presidential … The Racial thing in this cycle is between a White woman and a Black man for the Democratic nomination.…
After Pennsylvania, On With the Demolition Derby,_on_with_the_demolition_derby
– Or as the pollsters would say in their grating way, she's got the highest negatives of the three still-standing presidential candidates … This is a Democratic donnybrook only a Republican could love. … As a Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Clinton delivers a pretty good commercial for the Republican one.…
Disobeying the Pope
– They surely are not for four former presidential candidates and two princes of the church, representing Catholics who defy their faith's … Asked in 2004 whether Kerry as Democratic presidential nominee should be allowed to take Communion, he replied, "The minister of Holy…
McCain's Money Mess
– WASHINGTON, D.C -- Big-time Republican contributors are complaining that prospective presidential nominee John McCain is poorly … Also on hand will be two of McCain's defeated rivals for the Republican presidential nomination, Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee. … to publicly disagree with presidential nominee John McCain.…
Obama's New Ideas Turn Out to Be Same Old Same Old
– I've been cheering for Barack Obama in his Democratic war with Hillary Clinton for both positive and negative reasons. … Obama is also emerging as a more eloquent version of four recent Democratic presidential candidates—Mondale (1984), Dukakis (1988), … That idealism moves some millionaires to vote Democratic for environmental reasons and some poor folks to vote Republican for pro-life…
North Carolina is Finally a Player
– For the first time in my memory I matter in a presidential primary. … My state of North Carolina rarely gets to see the big presidential campaign show up close and personal. … In recent years Republican presidential candidates have been pretty comfortably ahead in the months leading up to the November election…
NC GOP Pulls Anti-Obama Ad
– North Carolina’s Republican Party has decided to pull a television advertisement linking Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama … Critics said the ad, which also discusses Obama voting record on crime, was possibly racist and Republican presidential candidate John … It is entirely appropriate for voters to evaluate candidates based on their past associations,” said Chairwoman Linda Daves after McCain…
'The Great Disappointment'
– Democrats lost the past two presidential elections by nominating candidates who had trouble connecting with down-scale white voters … The New York Times all but called on Democratic superdelegates to decide the race for Obama, and chided Clinton for her using Osama … How can he heal the nation's divisions when he can't even bridge the Democratic Party's yawning demographic divide?…
Yes, Voter, There Are Two Americas,_voter,_there_are_two_americas
– Recent comments on the campaign trail for the 2008 presidential election point to the red/blue differences that are readily apparent … It’s hard enough for people with heartland and urban ideologies to co-exist; when candidates embracing such disparate points of view … Liberals and so-called “progressives” are tired of seeing candidates with conservative and faith-based values win elections.…
Some of My Best Friends Are Liberals. None of Them Are Terrorists.
– When George Stephanopoulos asked Barack Obama about the presidential candidate’s friendship with William Ayers, the Clinton staffer-turned-ABC-talking-head … They have, of course, completely rejected many excellent candidates and policies I have favored over the years. … The Democratic voters of Pennsylvania, like those of Ohio, are the core of the old Democratic Party, the party of Roosevelt, Truman…
Politics and Religion
– The timing of the papal visit, coincidental as that timing certainly was, makes a little clearer the debased state of democratic government … As if the almost unendurable length of the presidential campaign, and the squalor of the dialogue, such as it is, hadn't made that … We like the slanging of political candidates better than we like appeals to "self-surrender," gentleness and generosity of spirit?…
Faith, Democrats, and Double Standards,_democrats,_and_double_standards
– On Sunday, April 13th, the Democratic Presidential candidates celebrated the Lord’s Day by participating in a “Compassion Summit”…
Can McCain Win a Third Bush Term?
– One of the most surprising things about the presidential election four years ago is that the already unpopular war in Iraq was not … Yet, both Democratic candidates insist they will withdraw our troops. … If he can do that, the Democrats could lose a third straight presidential election.…
The McCain surge
– Time was, not so long ago, when he was just one of several contenders for the Republican presidential nomination, along with Mitt Romney … This is all the more remarkable because, in the almost unanimous view of political observers, 2008 ought to be a "Democratic year." … Clinton and Obama are not instantly dismissible as presidential contenders, but both have obvious shortcomings.…
Soak the Very, Very, Very Rich,_very,_very_rich
– Maybe if ABC had made the 26th Democratic presidential debate this election season drag on for another couple of hours (on top of … Wednesday, when the candidates described $200,000-a-year earners as middle class, no one batted an eye. Hello. … Like that's a bad thing in the formerly soak-the-rich Democratic Party.…
The little party that could
– The Democrats and Republicans, on the other hand, elect candidates every election day. … The Libertarians, however, have never even garnered a million votes for one of their candidates. … As different as the two candidates may be, in both cases they are extremely concerned with the erosion of civil liberties under the…
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