Results for: sign up to vote

Indoctrination Fridays: California Federation of Teachers Works Unionizing Propaganda into Curriculum…tion_of_teachers_works_unionizing_propaganda_into_curriculum
– A “Labor Studies Curriculum for Elementary Schools,” entitled “The Yummy Pizza Company,” takes up to 20 classroom hours over a two-week … Members of the Pizza Makers Union may “vote to accept offer, negotiate further or strike.” … Picketers walked back and forth in front of our stand, strikers came up and sneezed on the cookies, and told the other kids not to
Will and "Lean Six Sigma" Change GOP Presidential Politics?…canowcom_and_lean_six_sigma_change_gop_presidential_politics
– We need you to sign our Pledge and volunteer to support Strong America Now in your state, sign-up and volunteer today! … More than 15,000 Iowans have already signed on to the plan and have promised only to support candidates who take the pledge.   … New Hampshire primary vote.  …
The Market Direction: Fed Late to Party
– The early part of rate hike cycles tend to be bullish as they are a sign the economy is doing better. … The Fed's potential REALITY: The stock market continues to falter even before QE2 ends, the economy continues to show little sign of … to hike rates to contain inflation in 2012.…
Is Democracy Viable?
– weapons in the hands of the world's leading sponsor of international terrorism might seem to be something that would sober up even … Hard as it may be to conceive how the kind of world that one has been used to, and taken for granted, can come to an end, it can happen … those with a stake in the viability and progress of the country, and the knowledge to cast their vote intelligently.In our own times…
Transparency and totalitarianism
– In every jurisdiction in the union where red-light cameras have been put up for a vote, they’ve been voted down. … Many locales begin to issue citations for minor infractions to make the cameras pay. … Trouble is, that kind of impulse yields to totalitarian oversight. There is a reason why voters vote down red-light cameras.…
Our Blood, Our Sweat, Our Tears, Their Oil,_our_sweat,_our_tears,_their_oil
to come as long as I'm in this office. … "Reserves exist to help mitigate those kinds of disruptions and we helped to organize a coordinated global international response to … Would it be too much to ask for one (1) policy to come out of the administration that tries to leave the country better off than we…
Judging Nigeria's Election Season
vote. … On the other hand, these tools are also available to those looking to advance their narrow interests by stirring up and otherwise exploiting … President Barack Obama may visit if the elections go well is yet another sign of the importance Nigerians ascribe to the elections.…
The Long Retreat of Liberalism
– Fully 235 GOP House members signed a pledge in 2010 not to vote for any tax increase. … It will put the GOP on record as to where it stands and provide the Tea Party Caucus a chance to vote its convictions. … For, from Greece to Ireland to Portugal to Italy, from California to Wisconsin to New Jersey to New York, the crisis of the West is…
Republican Show-and-Tell
– Default would be averted without Republicans being forced to vote for tax hikes. Conservatives are split on the idea. … The president will have the bully pulpit to blame the Republicans for all of this destruction," setting himself up for re-election. … His refusal to sign a short-term debt-ceiling extension is, according to him, an act of moral leadership, high-minded pragmatism and…
Democrats Faking Debt Ceiling Crisis in Order to Continue Irresponsible Spending…t_ceiling_crisis_in_order_to_continue_irresponsible_spending
– If the debt ceiling is not increased by August 2, it is highly unlikely that even one member of Congress would vote to stop paying … He explained his vote at the time, “The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership … The House voted it down 319-97, and the Senate did not even bring it up for a vote.…
Is a Massive Special Election Upset Brewing in CA-36?
– Voters in California's 36th Congressional District are going to the polls today to elect a replacement for former Rep. … the DCCC would care to admit.  … promising sign for Huey’s absentee turnout effort.…
Millionaires and Billionaires
– Bush administration when congressional Democrats persuaded Bush to sign a bill increasing the luxury tax on yachts in exchange for … the weak, to aid them to become strong." … Another Coolidgeism: "Don't expect to build up the weak by pulling down the strong."…
Obama's Leadership Deficit
– Contrast President Obama's leadership to that of House Speaker John Boehner, who not only has worked diligently to come up with real … to come up with new ones that delivered what they promised. … As of this writing, the vote on the Boehner plan has yet to occur -- but win or lose, the speaker has demonstrated he's willing to
Just a Debt Ceiling Question or Two
– : Every Republican defection makes it necessary to find a replacement Democrat vote for debt ceiling legislation to pass.   … The more Republicans who defect, the more necessary it becomes to "moderate" the legislation to gain Democrat support.   … Republicans signing on, rather than forcing the President, and some Democrats, to sign a bill that is good-enough-for-now given the…
WSJ, National Review Endorse Boehner's Plan,_national_review_endorse_boehners_plan
– The least likely outcome is that liberals will sign a suicide note by acquiescing, in the next week or two, to the enshrinement of  … Reid says the plan will not get a single Democratic vote in the Senate, dooming it to fail.  … Speaking at a Wednesday press conference, Reid would not say when he planned to bring his own bill up for a vote, saying he is going…
Tide Turning: GOP Rank-and-File Rallying Behind Boehner Plan
– This is a very savvy way to frame the vote.  It makes it very hard for strong conservatives to beg off.  … This vote is currently scheduled for tomorrow, but I wonder if House brass might prefer to push it up to today, now that they've seized … UPDATE - National Journal has an up-to-the-minute whip count HERE.…
Conservatives At War Over Boehner Plan
– So if congress were to pass Boehner’s plan, and the president were to sign it, House appropriators would effectively be given an additional … and punts major reform to a commission of 12 that will only need 7 votes to raise taxes.  … "Shut up and vote yes" isn't particularly persuasive.…
Global Warming Panel to Earth's Rescue, on Our Dime,_on_our_dime
– come up with ways to make humans suffer for being jerks to the planet. … A sign, perhaps, that the IPCC has given up on stopping livestock from passing flatulence -- the primary source of climate change gas … First, if it's going to heat up, we all need to have access to glacial air-conditioning.…
Playing Chicken with the Debt Ceiling
– constitution is shaping up to come in the form of whether to raise the debt ceiling. … The only way to get either party's policymakers to face the cold reality of financial doom is to back them up against a wall and force … Every time this vote comes due, Washington needs to be constantly reminded of just how close to peril we stand.…
NEWS BRIEFS: Hawaii to legalize civil unions; Md. voters oppose 'gay marriage'…waii_to_legalize_civil_unions;_md_voters_oppose_gay_marriage
– Feb. 16 passed a bill by a vote of 18-5, sending it to Democratic Gov. … Neil Abercrombie, who has pledged to sign it. … The Maryland legislature is expected to take up a "gay marriage" bill in the next week.…
NEWS BRIEFS: Baylor to allow non-Baptist regents; Ind. marriage amend. advances…or_to_allow_non-baptist_regents;_ind_marriage_amend_advances
– WACO, Texas (BP)--Baylor University's Board of Regents amended the school's bylaws Feb. 11 to allow up to 25 percent of the board to … , sending it to the state senate. … required to sign affidavits saying they won't discriminate on the basis of "sexual orientation" or "gender identity."…
The GOP Splits Over Extending the Patriot Act
– The final vote came to 277-148, which was not enough since the Republicans brought the bill up under a special expedited procedure … Republicans have until February 28th, when the Patriot Act expires, to bring it up for a simple majority vote without the special expedited … In 2003, Obama said in a political questionnaire he would vote to repeal the Patriot Act, according to Fox News. As U.S.…
Berkeley Does Guantanamo
– City Council is set to vote on a resolution to invite "one or two cleared" Guantanamo Bay detainees to resettle in Berkeley.Peace & … As a candidate, Obama happily referred to Guantanamo Bay as "a recruiting tool for al-Qaida." The left ate it up. … It is futile because what happens to Gitmo detainees is up to the federal government.…
Tax or Spend? The Final Chapter
– Someone has to stand up to the intimidation. Likewise the bullying of the Washington, D.C. … The truly conservative move is to negotiate concessions -- preferably pension reform or a spending cap -- because it's time to settle … (b) Voters aren't likely to vote for his tax package without real reforms.…
MARRIAGE DIGEST: Many doubt Obama's 'gay marriage' position; Md. sen. passes bill…_many_doubt_obamas_gay_marriage_position;_md_sen_passes_bill
– SENATE -- Maryland moved one step closer to legalizing "gay marriage" Feb. 24 when its senate passed a bill by a vote of 25-21, sending … it to the state house, where a vote is expected to be close. … Martin O'Malley has pledged to sign it.…
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