Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Hillary's Last Chance: An Interview With Howard Fineman
– Q: Both candidates are politically and ideologically pretty close. There aren’t any major distinctions between them. A: None. … done deliberately, and it was done to try to prove that he, Bill Clinton, was not in thrall to all the interest groups of the Democratic … I think there are different kinds of presidencies and presidential candidates.…
Lost In the Mail
– Mark Warner would be throwing his hat into the presidential ring of Democratic candidates, but it didn't happen. … If his solid polling numbers hold up, the Old Town Alexandria resident (Once upon a time, he and Republican presidential candidate … McCain a significant lead over Democratic presidential candidates Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton in Virginia.…
Obama's Gun Dance
– The front-running Democratic presidential candidate is doing the gun dance. … As campaign managers, they want to avoid re-enacting the fate of many Democratic candidates who lost elections because of gun control … party's House leadership last year pulled off the floor a bill for a District of Columbia congressional seat in order to save Democratic
Clinton Fails to Pay the Bills
– To be fair, all presidential candidates during election races have some amount of unpaid bills on the ledger, but the size of Clinton … Yet, truly there’s nothing funny about a presidential candidate’s priorities. … These proposals, these tenets that candidates stump on everyday are supposed to draw our eyes and win our hearts.…
InsiderAdvantage Poll in Pennsylvania May Signal an End to Clinton Campaign…e_poll_in_pennsylvania_may_signal_an_end_to_clinton_campaign
– The elite of her own Democratic Party are turning on her. The media generally are undercutting her campaign. … presidential campaign. … them" that they were never worthy of wearing the crown of "Democratic Royalty" to start with.…
'100 Year' Charges Misleading, Say News Orgs,_say_news_orgs
– A trio of reputable organizations say Democratic-led charges, including those made by presidential candidates Barack Obama and Hillary … McCain’s response was filmed by a Democratic field operative and put on YouTube. … The attacks formally began in February when the DNC, tasked with raising money to support the Democratic presidential nominee and their…
Dean Fiddles While Democrats Burn
– WASHINGTON -- Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean has a plan that will produce a nominee before his party's convention … Democratic leaders have begun complaining that he has bungled the party's nominating process and alienated voters because of his failure … He has also hired former RNC political director Mike DuHaime, who ran Rudy Giuliani's presidential bid.…
The Porkers are Still in Charge
– Despite support from Presidential Candidates on both sides; the Associated Press is reporting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has … House Democratic leaders have grown irritated at … calls for earmark reform by Republicans, and are contemplating … a moratorium on…
The Democratic Twins
– That brief encounter marked a rare departure from script last week as I followed the two contestants for the Democratic presidential … So do most of the other local Democratic worthies, who showed up at the opening of Clinton headquarters a few hours before the Obama … For Clinton's first visit to the state as a presidential candidate, her endorsers appearing at events around the state were at the…
Terri Schiavo: My Sister's Regret
– Recently, and for the second time in less than a year, presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama stated that his greatest regret … At a Democratic rally in Florida in February 2006, Senator Hillary Clinton scolded the Republicans in an effort to single them out … I often wonder if our presidential candidates would make such insensitive and callous comments if this were their child or if they…
Character Questions
– .” – Will Bunch, Philadelphia Daily News “Perhaps the most embarrassing performance by the media in a major presidential debate … presidential debate moderators possibly have done to elicit such vitriol from the elite liberal media? … ABC’S tough questions provided some insight into how the candidates might handle tough situations.…
The Rules Are Changing for Obama
– They are supposed to invite the candidates to expatiate on how generous their health care plans are. … made himself presidential candidate material. … candidates about these things.…
Mainstream Media Oblivious to Relevancy of Many Obama-gates
– Sufficient proof of this can be found in the liberal outrage at Wednesday night's Democratic presidential debate, where Obama was pressed … Stephanopoulos dwelled entirely on specious and gossipy trivia that already has been hashed and rehashed, in the hope of getting the candidates … If they're right -- that Americans don't care that this presidential candidate looks down on them based on categorical assumptions…
Obama At A Big Loss Over Capital Gains
– WASHINGTON -- When ABC News anchor Charles Gibson questioned Barack Obama in the April 16 Democratic presidential candidates' debate … fiscal reality throughout his exchange with Obama (probably the first time a network anchor has ever uttered this fact in a presidential … But the Democratic presidential frontrunner remained unmoved by the certainty that raising this tax on millions of investors, homeowners…
Why Didn't Campbell Brown and Jon Meacham Ask the Tough Questions?
– If Ben Stein watched CNN’s “Democratic Candidates Compassion Forum” Sunday night, he may be considering a sequel to his forthcoming … candidates about their faith and abortion: The transcript is available here.    … Brown did ask “end of life” questions of both candidates.…
Bilingual Tenors
– Ink pays If you plan on being one of the tens of thousands of Americans who will be attending any number of Republican or Democraticpresidential campaign rallies this summer and fall, try to get one of the candidates — John McCain, obviously, or Barack Obama or…
Casualties of the Campaign
– It is only four months into 2008, but the presidential campaign -- already too long and nasty -- is still a long way from over … We expect Democratic opponents Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to trash an incumbent Republican president. … Left-wing bloggers, liberal columnists and some Democratic politicians now despise Bill and Hillary Clinton -- even more than did "…
All Aboard the God-Talk Express
– The forum attracted Democratic presidential candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, but not Republican John McCain, who apparently … Democratic politicians see things differently.…
Democrats Answer for Rev. Wright and Bosnia
– Jeremiah Wright loomed large at the Democratic presidential debate in Philadelphia Wednesday. … Both candidates sought to tamp down the importance of these issues that have raised questions about their credibility. … The last Democratic debate was held on February 26 in Cleveland, Ohio.…
FOX: Hamas Leader Endorses Obama
– with domination and arrogance,” Yousef said in response to a question about the group’s willingness to meet with either of the Democraticpresidential candidates.…
Time Warp: Different War, Same Question,_same_question
– Though if, despite the odds, she turns out to be the next Democratic presidential nominee, the country will surely be treated to … The spirit of the exchange between an American general and his interlocutors, among them three presidential candidates this election…
Obama's Projections of Bitterness
– One of the silver linings of the mostly dismal presidential campaign has been that Democrats have finally come to see -- perhaps … charismatic figure -- are forced to deny or downplay the almost daily revelations about Obama that would have derailed less promising candidates … The contentiousness of the Democratic contest has just accelerated the process.…
McCain: The Biggest Loser in the Compassion Forum
– The one encouraging thing for me was the fact that faith has become such a prominent aspect of this presidential race. … All of the Republican candidates joined us at the event while unfortunately none of the Democratic candidates showed up. … Ironically, McCain’s absence from the Compassion Forum played into the religious strategy of the Democratic Party.…
Profiles in education courage
– Both Democratic presidential candidates, as they heap criticism on No Child Left Behind, oppose helping get education options into…
Uncle Sam Pays? Sure, Whatever,_whatever
– Obama and Clinton are also proposing a traditional Democratic remedy for recession -- more spending and new federal programs. … You haven't heard the Democratic presidential candidates campaigning much against it this cycle. … Voters have been concentrating on the curriculum vitae and character of the candidates, and the candidates themselves have made little…
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