Results for: sign up to vote

Hey California: Meet Wisconsin
– As Meg’s message began to get traction, the government employee’s unions offered-up all the more cash to Brown’s campaign - and Brown … Not surprisingly, one of the first “accomplishments” of Governor Brown after he took office in 2011 was to negotiate and sign a new … the same objective: providing salary and benefits increases to government employees who mostly vote with his Democrat party.…
Voter Apathy Isn't a Crime
– Ornstein and Mann suggest fining people, say $15, if they don't vote and using the proceeds to set up a lottery to bribe reluctant … Forcing people to vote, they hope, would put an end to that. … How far would the government go to compel these citizens to pay up or comply?…
Gulp: Do Today's Developments Hint At Obamacare Being Upheld?
– the individual mandate:   Those who say that Roberts' vote is in play point out that he asked critical questions to both … We might read this as a sign that Roberts, too, was hoping to bring Kennedy to his side in the health-care decision. … A few years ago, when Kennedy was a necessary fifth vote for extending his corpus rights to prisoners in Guantánamo, then- Justice…
Deficit Doves
– Every Democrat on Capitol Hill professes to be a fiscal hawk.  … But, they never seem to find the will to vote for anything that will actually move the nation even a little bit in that direction. … Sessions also tried to end the preposterous federal policy of paying some $500 million in bonuses to states that sign up more people…
Strangled by Tight Money
– It would get my vote.But the vote it needs belongs to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, and he isn't giving it. … exactly galloping to start with. … Sumner argues the central bank should commit to sticking with that tactic as long as it takes to get growth back to a healthy pace…
Is the Worm Turning?
– They can vote him out and deliver the Senate to Republicans. … Here's Bill Clinton in 2010, trying to persuade voters not to vote Democrats out of their congressional majority: "Give us two more … You can vote us out then." That's good advice to follow.…
The Outcome Of The 2012 Election Is In The State-By-State Jobless Numbers…_of_the_2012_election_is_in_the_statebystate_jobless_numbers
vote. … "As we get closer to the election and the so-called Fiscal Cliff, businesses are going to stay pretty conservative in their hiring. … They want a plan to grow our economy, but they're coming to the conclusion that raising taxes on investors, employers and risk-takers…
The Mob Presses on John Roberts
to pay. … It's a "big step" to sign up with the socialist justices who can't find a limitation to government anywhere in the Constitution. … But when Roberts caved to the left, now it was a "bold, defiant, grand decision." The tingle up the leg was back.…
Personhood is Pro-Life Principles in Action
– As one of the founders of the modern personhood movement likes to say, “We are not called to be kingmakers, we are called to be standard … Schlafly endorse for the highest office in the land the candidate that was first to sign our pledge? You can’t have it both ways. … We have not had the political courage to demand better from politicians, holding them to a high standard, and then following up with…
Chief Justice John Roberts: Trojan Horse?
– Americans who do not purchase health insurance will be fined up to $1900 per year. … The penalty for noncompliance is up to a year in jail or a $25,000 fine. … It is so unpopular it will drive more people out to vote, especially doctors.…
Obama Wants You to Use Less, Spend More
– Cut a little here, cut a little there, and hopefully it will be enough to add up to real savings. … These three cities—including my hometown—serve as a warning sign to all of us. We must cut a little here and cut a little there. … And, hopefully, the combined cuts will add up to real savings that can help pull a city back from the abyss of bankruptcy.…
Obama’s Losing the Youth Vote
– Well now, if the president wants to secure that same voting sector, he’s going to have to do a lot more to fire up the youth than be … A Gallup Poll released Friday shows that 58 percent of registered voters between the ages of 18-29 are “definitely likely” to vote. … That advantage won't matter if the young voters don't show up to vote, however. Come to think of it, Mr.…
The Obama Health Insurer Bailout Just Got Bigger
up for Obamacare. … To recap, a "risk corridor" provision in Obamacare allows the federal government to give health insurers a tax payer bailout if the … This will transfer billions more dollars from tax payers to insurance companies.…
Millennials Finally Turn Against Obama, Want Recall
– Obamacare needs 40 percent of those who sign up to be under 35, but only 29 percent of uninsured 18-to-29-year-olds say they intend … to enroll. … s vote.…
What Santa Should Bring for RINOs, Twerkers and Liberals…santa-should-bring-for-rinos-twerkers-and-liberals-n1761568
– He seems to thinks it’s a great idea to shaft the GOP base on immigration. … chance to try to sign up for Obamacare-compliant plans that give worse coverage at twice the price provided by doctors who practice … Now, if you really want to give a gift to someone deserving, how about sending a few bucks to the folks at Wounded Warrior Project?…
Remember When People Thought Obama Just Wanted to Tax the Rich? Yeah...…ople-thought-obama-just-wanted-to-tax-the-rich-yeah-n1763124
– You might notice that Boehner couldn’t even bring up his Plan B- or the “Morning-After Tax” as I like to call it- up for a vote. … If you are so damn sure the President is doomed to failure, you can rejoice because next time around you will be there to pick up the … The NIC is supposed to write intelligence reports made up of the most up to date, unbiased, accurate information, regardless of the…
The Recurring Circular Firing Squad On The Right
– As such, they aren’t likely to vote someone into a leadership position who is a good communicator or charismatic and inspirational … That leaves messaging for Republicans up to individual members, who are horrible at it, and outside groups, who are almost as bad. … Democrats would never go along with that and, like it or not, you need their votes in the Senate and President Obama to sign it.…
Respecting Juries
– In the process, jurors can send a message to the legislature as to how the law needs to change to better serve society. … to nullify. … Because the State had not proven the reliability of the machine, the jury was obligated to vote not guilty.…
Winding Down the Fed's Costly "Stimulus" That Didn't Accomplish Much…he-feds-costly--stimulus-that-didnt-accomplish-much-n1765970
– A further sign of the Fed's caution was its decision to hold short-term interest rates at near zero. … It didn't get much media attention, but initial unemployment claims in the first week of December shot up to 368,000, an increase of … The Fed's board was virtually united behind Bernanke's decision, voting 9 to 1 to begin easing its stimulus next month.…
Fed's Caution Indicates Economy Still Hasn't Recovered
– A further sign of the Fed's caution was its decision to hold short-term interest rates at near zero. … It didn't get much media attention, but initial unemployment claims in the first week of December shot up to 368,000, an increase of … The Fed's board was virtually united behind Bernanke's decision, voting 9 to 1 to begin easing its stimulus next month.…
Reduce Income Inequality; Shutdown Washington ...for 152 Days
– Every time you give the federal government power to regulate, you open up the ability to pick winners and losers in the economy.That … capital would have to forfeit 152 days of pay on a 365 day calendar to catch up. … There is no solid Catholic vote. It’s up for grabs.…
TARP Was Bad, but the Looming Obamacare Bailout for Corrupt Insurance Companies Could Be Worse…lout-for-corrupt-insurance-companies-could-be-worse-n1771668
– I hate to dredge up bad memories so early in a new year, but we need to remind ourselves of the awful TARP bailout of 2008. … …Do you really think vulnerable Democrats up for reelection will vote for a bailout? … Dare the president to stand up and say: “I’m willing to let the country default in order to preserve a massive bailout for insurance…
Reality Beckons
– Then some individuals would not have to take up their own individual mandate. … Is it any wonder the very demographic Obamacare needs to avoid bankrupting — the Republic — has decided it will not sign up? … Employers are refusing to hire. Insurance rates are going up.…
Anger Over Health Care Costs Will Be a Factor Next November…er-health-care-costs-will-be-a-factor-next-november-n1770499
– The surprising 4.1 percent GDP rate in the third quarter was not all it was cracked up to be. … In a recent CNN-ORC voter survey, 55 percent said they were more likely to vote for a congressional candidate who was opposed to Obama … "If too many sick people sign up, and not enough healthy people, the average ...…
Consumers Aren't Buying Reelection Yet
– “Indeed, consumers do not appear very impressed with the fall in gasoline prices, with the 5 year inflation view edging up to 3.0% … from 2.9% and the 1 year view seeing only marginal slippage, to 4.0% from 4.1%." … , senior economist at ITG Investment Research told his clients according to the WSJ.…
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