Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

The Word from Huey Long
– What's the essential difference between the two remaining candidates battling it out for the Democratic presidential nomination … Huey's conclusion: "The only difference I've found in Congress between the Republican and Democratic leadership is that one of…
Our 50-50 political world
– battle of the fall, both parties prefer to ignore the painful reality of a narrowly divided electorate and to consider their candidates … Going all the way back to Kennedy's race in 1960, eight of the 12 presidential contests have yielded a winner who won less than 51% … All other presidential victories produced either minority presidents (Kennedy in '60, Nixon in '68, Clinton in both his races, Bush…
How Bush Hurt Hillary
– Delegates are broken down into senatorial districts, and the delegates are proportional to how the Democratic presidential candidate … while the system rewards the voters for good behavior (and punishes bad behavior), it seems to unfairly or arbitrarily punish the candidates
Beats the Boys
– And as for Republican presidential candidate Sen. … Hillary hits The Internet's unprecedented role in the 2008 presidential campaign seems to mirror the candidates' rise and fall … Spock, which dubs itself the Web's leading people-search engine, reports that Democratic presidential candidate Sen.…
The Party's Institutional Value
– Let me talk briefly about our 2008 Republican presidential nomination. … Today, the RNC is in much better financial shape than the Democratic National Committee. … But the NRSC and the NRCC are falling behind the National Democratic Senatorial Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign…
Give a Troop a Jake
– Such a powerful and understandable sentiment seems to be operating in the minds of millions of Americans currently backing Democraticpresidential candidates who promise, if elected, to begin immediately withdrawing our forces from harm’s way (at least the Iraqi part…
Market Competition, Capital Investment, Free Trade - - And Other Things That Obama And Hillary Loath…free_trade_-_-_and_other_things_that_obama_and_hillary_loath
– And it’s dumb-founding how, today, presidential candidates Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama can completely ignore the “direction … But the point here is obvious - - the Democratic presidential candidates are presenting economic plans that are chock-full of ideas … But while both Democratic presidential candidates promise “change,” they speak as though it is actually possible to avoid the very…
Bailing Out Barack
– Charlie Crist by promising him the vice presidential nomination. … candidates. … A recent Democratic poll (Global Strategy Group) showed the Democratic candidate, liberal businessman-physicist Bill Foster, taking…
Throw Out the Old Electoral Maps in 2008
– the same candidates and only four states' results were different. … Many votes that went Democratic in 2000 and 2004 are available to McCain. … And many of the new voters surging into the electorate may be available to both candidates.…
Finance's "New Day"
– Government-backed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac lending agencies also could be bailout candidates. … The populist prospect of a new Democratic administration and Democratic Congress that will impose higher taxes and trade protection … candidates preoccupied by Iraq.…
As Washington Dithers, the Fed Rides to the Rescue,_the_fed_rides_to_the_rescue
– The presidential candidates, one of whom will be elected in November, were focusing on other issues like Iraq, seemingly ignoring the … Barack Obama, the Democratic presidential front-runner, was striking back at Clinton's charges that his pledge to end the war wasn't…
Spending as if There Was No Tomorrow
– According to an analysis of the fiscal 2009 House Democratic majority's federal budget by Brian Riedl of The Heritage Foundation, … Worse (if that's possible) the Democratic budget proposal increases discretionary spending by 8 percent and does not eliminate even … All three presidential candidates returned from the campaign trail to vote for the measure. Sen.…
The Most Dangerous Topic: Race
– Unlike the other two major presidential candidates, I have never spent time with Sen. Obama, or spoken with him by phone. … But here's the real question: How will white voters react if Obama is the Democratic nominee? … He has won much of the Democratic white vote in many states.…
What Will Happen in the Next Eight Months?
– Both candidates have already won important primaries, and neither has yet pulled significantly ahead. … Many Democratic leaders fear that this will lead to bad blood and damage the party's chances in November. … As I have said before, 2008 is by rights a Democratic year.…
A Great Speech But For Deja Vu
– The Democratic front-runner, the first viable black presidential candidate, showed that a liberal can, in fact, abandon the calcified … Democratic politicians have carried the baggage of black victimology and white guilt for generations. … Whenever Republican candidates have tried to advance our politics without such baggage, Democrats have yelled, “Here, catch,” and crushed…
Fraud Within
– Good grief, candidates — and from the same party, no less. As Rodney King said, can't we all get along? … Unprecedented We keep hearing about unprecedented numbers of Democrats coming out to vote in the 2008 presidential primaries. … The Democratic National Committee told us yesterday that a whopping 2.8 million Democratic ballots were cast in the recent Texas primary…
Will Congress Choose to Stop Pigging Out?
– Jeff Flake, and current Republican presidential nominee John McCain have all drawn a clear line in the fight against earmarks. … Already, 10 current legislators and five candidates for office have promised to put a stop to this egregious practice. … Substantial opposition remains from Democratic leadership in Congress and, more troublesomely, from several Republicans whose seats…
The Party's Institutional Value
– Let me talk briefly about our 2008 Republican presidential nomination. … Today, the RNC is in much better financial shape than the Democratic National Committee. … But the NRSC and the NRCC are falling behind the National Democratic Senatorial Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign…
NAFTA Nay-Sayers Need a Timeout
– WASHINGTON -- The economy's emergence as the main issue in this year's presidential election means that the voters will be pounded … But campaign reporters remain woefully uninformed about economic issues and show little interest in examining whether the Democraticcandidates' negative statements regarding free trade hold up to serious scrutiny.…
The Rock Star and the Road Warrior
– Senators John McCain and Barack Obama share precious little in common aside from their mutual status as presidential frontrunners. … Few political candidates have the capacity to consistently raise goosebumps, cause swooning supporters to faint at rallies, and even … The Democratic base is desperate for change, and Obama captured this sentiment early on in the campaign.…
Racing Ahead
– Barack Obama’s presidential bid gives our country -- which is famous for striving but not known for introspection -- a perfect opportunity … In 1988 Jesse Jackson’s bid fell far short of the Democratic nomination, but he did manage to rile up quite a few people. … As the Democratic primary process drags on through the spring and summer in a virtual tie, candidates Clinton and Obama (and their…
Senate Kills DeMint-McCain Earmark Ban
– overwhelmingly rejected a one-year ban on earmarks strongly backed by a small contingent of fiscal hawks, including Republican presidential … In the run-up to the vote longtime earmarkers and Democratic presidential candidates Sen. Hillary Clinton (D.-N.Y.) and Sen. … McCain said in a statement directed toward Clinton and Obama before the vote , “I am encouraged by some of my Democratic colleagues…
Iraq War Could Help GOP Win in November
– The findings from the nonpartisan Pew Research Center come from two separate surveys, one on the presidential election and another … candidates and various issues in the campaign, including several questions on Iraq, Afghanistan and the war on terror. … And barely 14 percent favor Democratic candidate Sen. Barack Obama's position, removing all troops immediately.…
Two Americas
– But in recent days, Democratic leaders in the House of Representatives have not been providing those tools. … Check out the presidential candidates’ websites.…
For Democrats, the Worst of Times,_the_worst_of_times
– Eliot Spitzer, the most prominent Democratic governor in the country, who built his reputation on prosecuting the crooks on Wall Street … The stunning revelations about the governor have effectively wiped the Democratic presidential race off much of the nation's front … Then, in a scenario Democratic leaders fear most, the remaining 300 or so unpledged superdelegates will decide who wins.…
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