Results for: Republican National Committee

Proven Midterm Winner Weighs in on Where Races Stand This Year…ore-midterms-the-gop-finally-outlines-a-policy-plan-n2612419
– Rick Scott (R-FL), who chairs the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), vacationing on his yacht in Italy while calling … At the same time, pundits and reporters are ignoring the deeply positive, optimistic attitudes from the Republican National Committee … , the National Republican Senate Committee, and a host of other Republican Senate-focused groups.…
Republicans Desperately Need An Agenda
– There is no such Republican. … You are Republican politicians, and you can screw up anything. … of the House by rejecting our J6 Committee appointees.…
Buckle Up, Barack,_barack
– Inaugural Jewish Ball on Jan. 18, sponsored by Ohev Sholom, the national synagogue where Mr. … West Side Story made its world premiere at the National Theatre in 1957. … LIBERAL OVERDOSE There's a new chairman of the 100-plus-member House Republican Study Committee: Rep.…
No Honeymoon for You, Mr. President,_mr_president
– Panetta never even served on the intelligence committee in Congress. … Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Dianne Feinstein of California, Panetta's home state, loudly complained that she had not been … Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, the top-ranked Republican on the Judiciary Committee, unleashed a blistering attack on Holder's record…
The Need for the RNC
– next Chairman of the Republican National Committee than I have ever seen. … My idea initiative, The Center for Republican Renewal, will work with Republican elected officials and activists at all levels across … As we have seen this week, the future of the Republican Party is bright.…
Blackwell's Case for RNC Chair
– In the six-way race for Republican National Committee Chairman every candidate has earned some kind of short-hand description.…
The Exit Interview
– Bush defends himself against a charge by a member of the Republican National Committee that he has behaved like a "socialist" because…
A Failure to Communicate
– He never served on the Intelligence Committee when he was a Member of the House, but this has happened before. … Bush (Ford) had been Chairman of the Republican National Committee and Envoy to China. … Feinstein is also the Chair of the Senate Rules Committee, which has sway over whether or not to seat Burris, it would appear that…
Vying for the GOP
– During a 90-minute debate Monday at the National Press Club, only Michael Steele confessed to owning no guns. Say what? … The first-ever debate among contenders to chair the Republican National Committee attracted a standing-room crowd of more than 500. … He has also been endorsed by the College Republican National Committee.…
Interview With President Bush From the Oval Office
– Q: You may be aware of a resolution before the Republican National Committee that says, we can't be a party of small government, free … And what does it mean to be a Republican in 2009? … One of the big initiatives that I think the Republican Party ought to stand strongly for is the faith-based initiative, where we recognize…
There's Something About Harry
– Incidentally, can one imagine the firestorm if Mitch McConnell, GOP leader, was reported to have called members of the Republican NationalCommittee and told them all the candidates for party chair were acceptable, except for Ken Blackwell of Ohio and Michael Steele of…
Coleman Promises Long Legal Battle
National Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee Chairman Sen. … Cornyn said the GOP could also refer the board's ruling to the Senate Rules Committee, much like Leader Reid has said he would do to … The Rules Committee, filled by 19 senators, could take up to 90 days to make a recommendation on the fate of either senator.…
Current RNC Chairman Defends Losing Record
– The current Republican National Committee Chairman defended his losing record in the 2008 presidential election and promised RNC members … Americans for Tax Reform convened all of the candidates at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. Monday afternoon. … Dawson, from a southern ruby-red state, bragged about electing Republican Gov.…
George W. Obama
– NOTHING MAGIC The National Black Republican Association is calling on President-elect Barack Obama, on behalf of his fellow black … Markey, Massachusetts Democrat and chairman of the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming, pushed a bill…
New Zoo
– could have fun with this," writes a well-known Washington figure who shall remain anonymous, forwarding word that John Berry, the National … 'CLEAN BREAK' A press release issued by Maine Republican Sen. Olympia J. … Snowe, senior member of the Select Committee on Intelligence: "Senator Snowe ... went on to praise the Obama administration's call…
Not in the Loop
– "I am having the report posted to the Judiciary Committee Web site in order to make it available to other members of the committee, … Prepared by the Democratic staff of the House Judiciary Committee, the report details purported abuses by the Bush administration over … Ted Poe, a Republican, is proposing "that we get a big sign and put it out here on the U.S.…
Separation of Powers
– It is sometimes said that at the end of the day, the two national parties are not the Republican and Democrat, but rather the White … Better to have a Republican Speaker and full throated competition for the best ideas and to force inter-party cooperation. … directly from the successful and Henry Waxman, who is a near radica hoping to unseat John Dingell as Chairman of the House Commerce Committee
Howard Dean's Presidential Victory
– Amazingly, Democrats had the audacity to tap him to run the Democratic National Committee, where Dean's revulsion of George W. … Now, Howard Dean can return to Vermont, where, if he can find a hill high enough, he will not see a single Republican Congressman from…
Governator, the Sequel,_the_sequel
– The problem is, while Whitman, who became a Republican in September, was too busy to vote, she was not too busy to write checks to … Democratic causes -- something Poizner did as well when he wrote a $10,000 check to the Gore Recount Committee. … (By the way, I briefly met Whitman on a plane flying back from the Republican National Convention in Minneapolis.…
The new rulers' new rules
– Unprecedented for a president-elect, Obama made a national television address before his inauguration to urge swift action on the economy … On committee chair term limits, Democrats did the right thing by keeping the popular limits after taking control in 2006. … To their credit, Republicans have kept their term limits for ranking minority committee members.…
Shelve the Stimulus
– "In its current form," Feldstein wrote, "[the plan] does too little to raise national spending and employment. … Clinton economic adviser Alice Rivlin made the same point in testimony before the House Budget Committee. … Now all eyes will turn to Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell to see if he can keep up this drumbeat.…
Smoke Signals to Watch for the RNC Race Tomorrow
– A new Republican National Committee Chairman will be chosen tomorrow and trying to predict which way the 168 RNC members will vote … Saltsman, former GOP Tennessee chairman, wasn't even endorsed by committee members in his homestate.…
Obama: The Endless Honeymoon?
– Obama's inaugural committee budgeted about $45 million for the fun stuff -- such as balls and concerts and parades -- with taxpayers … And Obama's choice for national intelligence director, retired Adm. … Bush, by the way, wanted to close Gitmo, too (as did Republican presidential candidate John McCain), but ran into the same challenges…
Bailing Sod
Republican lawmakers on Capitol Hill have been complaining all week - including in person to President Obama on Tuesday - about … Geithner, a finance professional, won't continue to happen to millions of average folks," says Libertarian National Committee chairman … Gore's testimony before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, March 21, 2007)." Mr.…
– The National Republican Senatorial Committee is taking some shots at Harry Reid under John Cornyn's helm.…
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