Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Back To The Future" For Social Conservatives?
– But did you hear the news about the influential conservative who won’t be voting at all in this year’s presidential election? … Those who would now be quickly identified as “social conservatives” by both pundits and candidates alike, were often ignored back in … And he tried to keep these “new voters” in the Democratic fold during his re-election campaign of 1980.…
Words Aren't Cheap
– When Hillary Clinton sensed her presidential hopes beginning to slip away, she turned to an attack on Barack Obama's rhetoric. … The construction of serious speeches forces candidates (or presidents) to grapple with their own beliefs, even when they don't write … Should he become the Democratic nominee, his own convention is likely to see hills and valleys of shrieking men and women.…
John McCain's Best Choice for VP
– It wasn’t buzz about any of the presidential candidates, and they all attended. … These groups are now divided by bickering inside the Democratic Party because of the nasty turn in the Obama vs. … McCain could trump the historic nature of a Democratic ticket with either Obama or Clinton by selecting Condi.…
How To Beat Obama! (Maybe)!_maybe
– Nor will Americans ever vote for presidential candidates based on what the candidates have done for us already. … The overall lesson to take away from the Democratic primary season so far is that big charges against Obama backfire on the accuser…
Notes on a Debate
– In contrast, the Democratic candidates' idea of supporting the troops is to deny them the victory they've sacrificed so much for in … But a close race tests presidential candidates in a way no easy victory could. … candidates is to make John McCain look even better.…
He Started It
– The program would limit each presidential nominee's spending to $85 million in taxpayer-donated dollars between the August conventions … Both the Democratic and Republican nominees will opt out of public financing in the general election. … A system designed to free candidates from having to go hat in hand to Fat Cats to fund presidential campaigns can't free them from…
A Visual Whisper Campaign
– The latest silly story in the campaign scrum involves a photo of Democratic presidential candidate Sen. … pronounce with much self-satisfaction that the cheesy media should concentrate on comparing the health care proposals of the candidates … (Obama refers to Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain's "half century of service to this country." Age-ism. Oops.…
Ralph Nader and Alan Keyes
– Maybe 300 people came on a Friday night to chat with each other, greet candidates, bid on tshatshkes placed on tables against the back … I reminded them that this is a 50-50 country and it was very likely that the Presidential election was going to come down to one or … the Democratic Party while still supporting the issue nearest and dearest - the environment.…
Words, Words, Words: The Decline of American Eloquence,_words,_words_the_decline_of_american_eloquence
– It was sad, watching the two remaining contenders for the Democratic presidential nomination engage in a civil little sparring … I would rather have heard less from my colleagues in the ever-intrusive media and more from the candidates themselves. … But that civic duty seems to get harder every presidential year as television whittles away at our collective attention span.…
The Perfect Storm for Conservatives... If They Don't Blow It
– The acceptable candidates in this category are whittled to a pencil point that can only scribe the name of Ronald Reagan. … If not, Hillary or Obama will win . . . depending on who gets the Democratic nomination. … She will be a pariah in the media, in the Democratic Party, and in the nation’s eye.…
It's Beginning to Feel a Lot Like '08
– Rising to claim victory in the Wisconsin Republican primary before the networks could declare Barack Obama the winner on the Democratic … That camera switch may turn out to be the beginning of the end of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. … This is not, to say the least, the view of most Americans, including very many who regularly vote Democratic.…
Ignoring Sharia's Advance Extremely Stupid
– Not surprisingly, then, Dionne thinks conservative concerns over mere "extremism" are a political liability that Democratic presidentialcandidates -- in their appeal to Americans bent on a leader "righting a jittery economy" and "rolling back extreme inequality" (did … That's why he wants Democratic candidates attacking McCain on it.…
What Some Might Not Know About McCain's 'Story'
– about the subject and acknowledged to another paper that he did in fact meet with the lobbyist in question regarding the 2000 presidential … Weaver or other Democratic support groups were aware of or end up taking advantage of the allegations concerning McCain, this story … Now we must wonder whether those who helped build McCain up will indirectly help powerful institutions, be they media or Democratic
Populist ‘Outrage’ Forgets People Behind American Business‘outrage’_forgets_people_behind_american_business
– You know the presidential race is in full rhetorical swing when candidates are rallying people against a dangerous enemy of America … You could substitute other Big Business names there, depending on the political climate, but this is the one today’s candidates are … Now the two Democratic contenders for president are running on that same warfare platform.…
Desperate Times for Clinton Campaign
– Such is the trivialization of today's Democratic presidential campaign. … Is this what the Democratic primary is about? Speech envy? … We judge our presidential candidates by their words and the way they convey them.…
"Race... Will Have To Be Resolved," Civil Rights Leader Says,_civil_rights_leader_says
– Black people who say Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama "is not black enough" likely are talking about his race-neutral … to affirmative action and other modern issues -- Obama's candidacy would not have been possible without Jesse Jackson's 1988 presidential … "I could have comfortably supported any of the candidates that were running this year," he said.…
The Test of a Candidate
– While the race for the Democratic presidential nomination could go on till the convention or just mutual exhaustion, the Republicans … , they remain deeply revealing when it comes to the character of the candidates. … Only in comparison to the other candidates Tuesday night was he eloquent.…
Iraq's Radical Impact on American Politics
– Every Democratic candidate and many of the Republicans at one time in the field, knew that in order to have any chance of winning the … truthfully, things have turned around in an unbelievable way there – the issue for McCain is whether or not it continues through this presidential … Were the other Republican candidates just that bad? Or is McCain just that good?…
McCain, Republicans, and "Global Warming",_republicans,_and_global_warming
– the matter that is far more moderate and reasonable, and far more hospitable to our free market economy, than those of his two Democratic … So what does all this confusion mean for our current presidential race? … But from there, the candidates diverge. Not surprisingly, Mrs.…
Clinton Has Only One Plausible Path to the Nomination
– Suddenly, the look and feel of the Democratic presidential race were different. Yet the delegate count has changed hardly at all. … On the night that John McCain officially clinched the Republican nomination, the course of the Democratic race seemed less clear and … The March 4 exit polls show increasing percentages of Democratic primary voters unwilling to accept the rejection of their candidate…
Nominate in Haste, Repent at Leisure,_repent_at_leisure
– The only sure thing about this year's presidential election is that it's going too fast. … Is this a presidential election or the Second Coming? Hey, what a country. … for the Democratic presidential nomination have been busy exchanging sound bites.…
Obama's Compelling Argument to Super Delegates
– This, of course, is because Hillary would presumably drag down other Democratic candidates in the states.  … Unfortunately, the presidential race has almost completely overshadowed the importance of congressional elections. …
The Assassins Among Us: An Unspoken Fear Stalks the Presidential Hustings…s_among_us_an_unspoken_fear_stalks_the_presidential_hustings
– The prospect of assassination is a legitimate concern for the presidential candidates, their families and the rest of us. … The Secret Service, which guards presidents and presidential candidates, naturally declines to talk about assassination, or any of … Some people who ought to know better even speculate about the likelihood of the assassination of specific candidates.…
Pa. Dems fired up for royal rumble
– Pennsylvania Democrats hoping to catch a glimpse of their favorite presidential candidate shouldn't have to worry. … And it’s likely voters "will be able to have breakfast with Barack Obama at your local diner," said state Democratic chairman T.J. … The candidates will be forced to focus on issues important to the people, and they'll give the tourism industry a boost as campaign…
McCain Again
– you will, but the gloomy media mood shrouding the McCain candidacy is a reflection of the lack of seriousness inherent in the presidential … By contrast, the Democratic front-runners would. Sen. … He was an early critic of our faltering tactics in Iraq, a brave proponent of the surge, and the first of the presidential candidates
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