Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Surging to Stalemate
– When it comes to the Bush administration's strategy in Iraq, the Republican presidential candidates all seem to be auditioning … John McCain crows that the Democratic presidential aspirants "continue to deny the facts on the ground that we are succeeding." … The GOP candidates are hardly alone in calling the surge, announced a year ago, a stunning success.…
Obama or Clinton?
– After all, the student delegates will likely be introducing the next Democratic nominee for president. … It all started in 1908, when William Jennings Bryan, a presidential front-runner, visited the Lexington, Va., campus and according … Jim Webb, former Democratic vice presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro, former Texas Rep. Charlie Wilson, former Georgia Sen.…
Six Big Lies About John McCain
– He has never backed Democratic candidates for president or lesser posts – other than supporting his friend Joe Lieberman in his Independent … This would make it vastly more difficult for future Congresses (even under Democratic control) to take more money from hard-working … When that time period is over, they go home…” Alone among Presidential candidates, McCain has shown the courage to stand up against…
An Ominous 2008: Journalists and Voters To Regret Their Decisions
– There is little uglier in democratic politics than playing one aggrieved minority off against another. … And it's not journalism; it's flacking for the Democratic Party. … It is one of the low points of presidential politics in modern times. It is genuinely shocking.…
Oxford for Obama
– This evening, in far off Milan, Italy, we're told, backers of the Democratic presidential candidate will each pay a 40 euros cover … Lamar Smith, Texas Republican, says one study "has reaffirmed what many of us have long observed: media coverage of Democratic presidentialcandidates has been far more abundant and favorable than coverage of Republican presidential candidates."…
Ghettoizing Barack
– "I guess this is how the West was won," Hillary Clinton exulted at her victory rally in Las Vegas after the Democratic caucuses … And as African-Americans rally to him, Democratic women, a majority of the party, are rallying around Hillary. … For whites and Hispanics are the swing votes in presidential politics. In three weeks, Barack has been ghettoized.…
The Case for Rudy Giuliani
– They are all good and decent men who would be better for America than either of the Democratic front-runners. … And the Democratic candidates until now have shown no such understanding -- the term "Islamic terror," invoked by nearly every Republican … And Giuliani is far better on abortion than any Democratic nominee.…
Hillary Says She’ll Beat McCain’ll_beat_mccain
– Nearing the end of the South Carolina debate, all three Democratic presidential candidates addressed Republican John McCain, who has … Below are the remarks the Democratic candidates made about McCain in the waning minutes of the Democratic debate in Myrtle Beach Monday…
The Audacity of Truth
– It is hard to believe, but in just two weeks, American voters will all but determine the identities of the Democratic and Republican … nominees for this year's presidential elections. … On the Democratic side of the aisle, it is manifested in Senator Barack Obama's campaign.…
Sick of 'Change'
– spokesmen for Republican presidential candidates Mitt Romney, John McCain, Mike Huckabee and Rudolph W. … "As you might have guessed, we've been following your candidates for a while now. … candidates, regardless of party affiliation, promise "change" — whatever that means.…
McCain at CPAC
– Even if Warner had agreed, however, Reid could not immediately collect 60 senators because the two Democratic presidential candidates … John McCain's Republican vice presidential candidate on Jan. 30, when he joined with Pennsylvania's Democratic Gov. Edward G. … The very liberal Democratic Rep.…
Why McCain Endures
– Over the years, he has enjoyed poking angry bears with short sticks -- flirting with conversion to the Democratic Party and lashing … McCain has argued that the "protection and promotion of the democratic ideal" is the "surest source of security and peace." … The lessons of the McCain resurrection run deeper than the limits of talk radio: Candidates of unity are more appealing and electable…
Taking Issue with the Democratic Race
– If substance were water, the Democratic campaign would be a desert. … GOP candidates actually have to win over people who believe things. … I'm sure they ask Democratic voters similar questions, but it's telling how little we hear about that.…
Obama Skirts the 'L' Word
– After all, Barack Obama is a presidential candidate who likes to say, "There's not a liberal America and a conservative America -- … The National Journal put it this way: both Democratic presidential contenders "have emphasized their liberal policy positions. … But neither has embraced the liberal label the way Republican presidential candidates have proudly stamped themselves conservatives…
The Debates: A Preview of the Campaign Ahead
– Memo to the nation: We really do need a better schedule of presidential primaries, one that tests the candidates over time, not in … Elect one of us, said the last two Democratic candidates standing, or rather sitting in a Hollywood theater, and the poor we will no … One of the remaining Democratic hopefuls stresses Experience, the other Inspiration.…
How the Media Stir the Brew of Identity Group Politics
– This year’s presidential campaign coverage, especially of the Democratic contest, is much more about “identity group” politics – the … politics of race, class and gender – than about the candidates’ character, values and policy plans.  … According to ABC, 57 percent of voters in the Democratic primaries were women, and women favored Clinton by 11 points.…
Conservatives on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
– But imagine a Democratic presidential candidate who vehemently opposed American retreat from the battle with al-Qaeda in Iraq, clearly … Measured by a conservative’s yardstick, all the Republican candidates this season have been flawed. … What would Democratic Party bosses do with that?…
Weird Times, Weirder Election,_weirder_election
– In this weird presidential campaign, almost everything has turned out opposite from what pollsters and pundits predicted. … The Democratic nominee for the first time in election history will either be a woman or an African-American. … Romney is the first Mormon presidential contender with a real chance at the nomination.…
Primary in PA may 'matter'
– But matters were hardly settled on the Democratic side, where Sens. … Pennsylvania will have 188 Democratic delegates and 74 GOP delegates on the ballot. … Rendell isn't sure whether Pennsylvania will determine the Democratic presidential nomination; the campaign could remain split until…
A Personality Primary
– In 1910, Oregon became the first state to establish a presidential primary election to choose delegates to the national convention; … Kennedy battled for the Democratic nomination with Hubert Humphrey, Lyndon Johnson and Stuart Symington. … Perhaps the classic example of a Personality Primary involved the Democratic contest of 1984.…
Memo to Both Parties: Vote for Who's Best, not for Who's "Electable",_not_for_whos_electable
– their two leading candidates. … make the better president, but which one has the better chance of winning the presidential election. … If one of the candidates stumbles, everything can change.…
Looking Backward
– Yet, in both parties today, the presidential candidates seem to feel a need to identify with and connect themselves to what are now … Alone among the candidates, Barack seems to want to become a leader in the JFK-Reagan mold. … It is also a crashing bore, as that wonkish Democratic debate last week demonstrated.…
Republican Party Can't Afford More Liberal Leaders
– suppose I could be accused of over-dramatizing, but I truly worry about the direction this nation is headed when contemplating a presidential … In that case, the presidential candidates of both parties would be willing to use the bully pulpit and governing power of the presidency … We can't ever expect the ultra-liberal modern Democratic Party to vigilantly safeguard the pillars of self-government that guaranty…
Republicans for Hillary
– Hillary Clinton might be losing Democratic voters to Barack Obama, but she has a stalwart cheering section that won't abandon … She has the kind of negative ratings candidates usually have only after the battering of a general-election campaign, not before. … If Hillary wins the Democratic nomination, it will be because of strengths not apparent in her lowest moments.…
Gipper and Dubya
– Bush's Troubled Quest for a Presidential Legacy." As Ronald Reagan's former White House Chief of Staff Kenneth M. … election results since Herbert Hoover beat Al Smith in the presidential election of 1928." … candidates on what the 2008 political buzzword actually means.…
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