Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

N.H. Politics: The Machine-Gun Fundraiser
– Chris Pappas, the city Democratic party chairman, called the event "not just in poor taste; it is downright offensive." … The Republican presidential candidates were invited, but none will be making an appearance at the ostentatious show of firepower.…
Rudy Wins Sunday Morning Debate
– This is partly because he performed the best, and partly because the other candidates under-performed. … Rudy has clearly thought-through the questions and answers to a greater degree than the other candidates. … Several times, he has injected a new idea which then, other candidates copied.…
Obama's Miami Strategy
– The Miami Herald is reporting:   Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on Tuesday called the Bush administration's decision … The Cuban-exile vote is considered key to winning Florida, and top presidential candidates have generally followed the recommendations…
Politics & Religion Update
– One of my favorite writers, Arthur Brooks, has a great piece in the WSJ today called "Our Religious Destiny:"   Recently the presidential … campaigns have been turning to talk of the candidates' religious faith. … Democratic candidate John Edwards is on the religious offensive, speaking for Jesus himself when he tells an interviewer he thinks…
How Important Are Bloggers ... Really?
– Now it’s evident that if you want to understand the future of the Democratic Party you can learn almost nothing from the bloggers, … In the first place, the netroots candidates are losing. … stated flatly that, "2008 is going to be the Internet election," before allowing that he has made identical claims for every presidential
Tripped Up: The Immigration Fall-Out Continues
– The Republican presidential candidates have taken note. … And the Democratic presidential nominee (unless Chris Dodd gets the nod) is going to have to explain why she or he believes it's a … The last several Democratic nominees could have said that they're just taking the same position as their Republican opponent.…
SpouseWatch: The Indomitable Ego of Bubba Strikes Again!!
– Bill Clinton said Tuesday that if reporters covered the candidates' public records better, his wife's presidential bid would be far … media coverage of the campaign ignores her experience—and, without naming him, the relative lack of experience of her closest Democratic
New Media Mania! McCain Meets Up With MySpace and MTV!_mccain_meets_up_with_myspace_and_mtv
– I'm in New Hampshire to cover John McCain's Presidential Dialogue, hosted by MySpace and MTV. … Dialogue series provides a national audience with the opportunity to engage with frontrunner presidential candidates from both the … Republican and Democratic parties by posing questions online, in real-time, via MySpaceIM, or…
Michigan, Florida Bitter Over Delegate Losses,_florida_bitter_over_delegate_losses
– It's one more quirk in a presidential election year that has begun with many of them: Votes cast for Democratic candidates in Michigan … Although a Democrat-controlled legislature and Democratic Gov. … Michigan held its 2004 presidential primary Feb. 7.…
Government Handouts Won’t Help Economy’t_help_economy
– Today he’s competing with presidential candidates and the Democratic Congress for airtime.…
Voters Should Reject Identity Politics
– looks at the heart." (1 Sam. 16:17 NIV) Americans should be duly proud of the fact that a woman and an African-American are candidates … So it should come as no surprise that there is a lot of enthusiasm for the fact that the two top Democratic contenders for the top … They will do better by ignoring the race and gender of the candidates and judging all of the presidential hopefuls on the basis of…
The Ins & Outs Of A Brokered Convention
– If “change” is the word overused by every presidential candidate, “brokered convention” is the overused political concept of the moment … Probably because it continues the drama of this never-ending presidential cycle in which the country is knee-deep. … difficult to imagine, but not impossible” says Mark Siegel, a longtime Democrat consultant and former executive director of the Democratic
What Would Reagan Do Now - - Now That It's Falling Apart?
– And as this three-pronged coalition has been meshing together over the past twenty-five years or so, the Democratic Party has often … But now, as we move forward through yet another presidential election cycle, the coalition is fractured. … But frustration with the candidates is a small part of the problem.…
Mostly Decent Politics
– Working with my boss Peter Hart in the 1974 cycle, when our Democratic clients seemed to be winning everywhere. … His winning candidates were fine and noble, his losers decent though limited. … Ronald Reagan, who was of Teddy White's generation, and who voted for 12 winning presidential candidates and only four losers in his…
Bipartisan Stimulation
– Boehner has advised Republicans not to criticize the Democratic proposals. … Doolittle's insistence on running again this year nearly guaranteed a Democratic takeover of the seat. … A footnote: The three leading Democratic candidates -- Sen. Hillary Clinton, Sen.…
Senate Endorsement Watch
– -Ill.) won a coveted Democratic endorsement from Sen. Patrick Leahy (D. … Republican presidential candidates Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul have been endorsed by any U.S. senators. … Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards has no Senate endorsements, either.…
Ma and Pa Clinton
– "Topic was that Bill Clinton is treating this election as his third, and that the missus looks far less presidential while he grabs … of the Democratic National Committee, does with this explanation he sent to Inside the Beltway yesterday: "You see, unlike the … They're divided because none of their candidates are what they're looking for."…
Stalking Condi Rice
– in the riches of diversity, they must also wonder at the cosmic alignment that produced both a minority and a woman as viable candidates … As an African-American and a woman, she neutralizes the two Democratic front-runners. … We have done much worse in selecting co-stars for the presidential drama.…
Putting the Brakes on the Politics of Change
– There’s something different about this year’s presidential campaign. … Lately the Democratic candidates have been sparring over race. Something about the differences between MLK and LBJ. … The liberal presidential candidates want to prevent any changes to the things they have no control over.…
GOP Candidates Should Court Young Voters
– GOP candidates should follow the lead of the Democratic candidates by paying more attention to young voters—not only because they have … This increase in voting by young people is not limited to presidential races. … We do not want presidential pandering. We want a real leader. We want a visionary.…
Fiscal Stimulus Folly
– That's the counsel now from some economists and all three major Democratic presidential candidates.…
Vetting Obama
– That was the first use in presidential campaign politics of an unusual word. After losing in Iowa Jan. 3, Sen. … This frequent use of "vetted" caught the attention of the Democratic community. … reliance on overwhelming support for the party's white candidates from black voters.…
Return the Political Convention
– WASHINGTON -- With the leading candidates for the Democratic nomination charging each other with racial bigotry, I think it is safe … It is time to return to nominating presidential candidates in national political conventions, the same kind of conventions that gave … In the time of competitive national political conventions, presidential candidates still had to campaign throughout the nation but…
The Elephant In The Room
– Unluckily for McCain, snowstorms in Michigan suppressed the turnout among Democratic "Independents" who planned to screw up the Republican … I had no idea that Republican voters in Iowa and New Hampshire planned to do absolutely zero research on the candidates and vote on … Are you familiar with our "no exchange/no return" policy on presidential candidates?…
The Perils of Pandering
– It's not about race or gender, we keep hearing from the Democratic front-runners. … In the end, the Democratic Party may be hostage to its own noble intentions. … And the Democratic Party made it this way.…
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