Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

The Deeds Campaign: Seven days out and 11 points down
– , may be scheduled to campaign for Deeds today but that fact alone can hardly negate the lack of enthusiasm for Deeds and the Democraticcandidates." … Several days after that endorsement, the campaign found itself in the midst of Democratic infighting. …
Polling Polls: Americans Independent and Irate
– In New Jersey -- a state that has been Democratic for years (the last time the state went for the GOP presidential candidate was in … 1988) – the Democratic incumbent, Gov. … Voters are left wondering what happened to the candidates they voted for?…
Virginia, New Jersey Races Showing Voters Changing Course,_new_jersey_races_showing_voters_changing_course
– In 1993, New Jersey voters rejected tax-raising Democratic Gov. … Democratic nominee Creigh Deeds in Virginia and Democratic incumbent Jon Corzine in New Jersey have refused to rule out tax increases … But a Corzine plurality win could scarcely be taken as an endorsement of Democratic policies in a state that Obama carried with 57…
Election 2009: Change I Can Believe In!!
– On election night, conservatives-eating-Republicans resulted in an 18-point landslide for McDonnell, who beat his Democratic opponent … Astoundingly, Jon Corzine, the incumbent governor of heavily Democratic New Jersey -- a state that Barack Obama won by 16 points just … When liberals take control of the Democratic Party, Democrats end up out of power for eight to 12 years.…
The Dede Media
– The Times lectured the conservative movement to embrace this candidacy, since "creative ideas and candidates, not right-wing zeal, … Lamont and his backers as wild-eyed radicals who want to punish the senator for working with Republicans and to force the Democratic … In presidential elections, every time Republicans nominate the kind of moderation-embracing D.C. dealmaker the media would select for…
A Big, Fat Political Mistake,_fat_political_mistake
– You can get a glimpse of it in the New Jersey governor's race, which pits the slim, distance-running, Democratic incumbent Jon Corzine … But a generous silhouette was never the presidential ideal. When one White House visitor met 260-lb. … presidential race: "Where's the beef?"…
Four Races Will Test the Strength of Obama's Majority
– Southern-accented Virginia hadn't voted for a Democratic presidential candidate since 1964. … Yes, the character of the individual candidates and local issues can make a difference. … Democratic Gov.…
Conventional Wisdom Recycles Lies About Recent Elections
– The most serious of these errors built upon gross misrepresentations of the presidential election of 2008 falsehoods repeated endlessly … Moreover, the district has been trending Democratic long before this years bitter split between the liberal Republican Congressional … The shift of a small percentage of conservative voters from the Republican candidate to the Democratic candidate didn’t seal McCain…
Scozzafava Repeat In California?
– Both candidates are extremely hopeful in a state where Democrats have a 13-point registration advantage. … “It’s going to be a rare year because of how tremendously mismanaged this state has been under Democratic leadership,” said DeVore. … She spent time at AT&T and Lucent Technologies before stepping up as John McCain’s financial advisor during the 2008 presidential election…
Get Serious, Sarah,_sarah
– Much will be said in the coming weeks about Sarah Palin and the Republican Party-- especially after the Democratic "upset" in the … In short, Palin is positioning herself to become the Republican Party's presidential nominee and getting involved in NY-23 was merely … If Palin wants to be considered a credible presidential candidate for 2012, she needs to not only release her book and go on Oprah,…
Obama's Indecision
– What will become of NATO, the most successful example of Democratic Party leadership? … That’s why Ike challenged Taft and beat him for the 1952 Republican Presidential nomination. All of that is now at risk. … Many candidates do. But it also means he had not spent enough time in the corridors of power even to recognize the word.…
Palin-Hating 101
– Her influence and allure are practically unprecedented among failed vice presidential candidates. … Apparently, the overwrought sensationalism of the Denver Democratic National Convention, where Obama stood amidst faux White House…
Who was the top G.O.P. vote-getter of all time?
– In his two presidential campaigns as Republican nominee, Reagan drew a combined percentage of 109.5 (representing 50.7% in 1980, and … McKinley), drew 56.4% of the vote against a listless, little-known Democratic opponent (Judge Alton B. … Republicans had made few inroads into Democratic control of the solid South.…
Leaky Coverage
– -- think there's a double standard on leaking: Key Democratic legislators yesterday joined Republicans in saying they do not condone … That's not hypocrisy; that is responsiveness, especially since Kerry and his fellow primary candidates had made such an issue of White … We all wish Senator Kerry the best of luck in his primary campaign for the 2008 presidential election.…
Predictions and Predilections
– [Jim’s observation/question: If the bottom fell out for Democrats in blue states like these, how likely is it that their candidates … He called the 2004 Presidential race on the button. … And he’s shown in the last week a dramatic close by the Republican candidates for both governor and Senator.…
Democratic Majority: How To Lose Your Way in 100 Hours
– A few more hours like this, and the New America of Democratic Prosperity will be seriously endangered. … actually supporting the reform they promised on a no-brainer of an issue: Among the Democrats siding with DeMint were possible presidentialcandidates Barack Obama, D-Ill., and John Kerry, D-Mass., freshmen Jim Webb of Virginia and Jon Tester of Montana, and Mary Landrieu…
What's the Matter With Kansas GOP?
– One fresh sign came from the Johnson County Sun, which said it would endorse virtually the entire Democratic ticket…after endorsing … Congress and the attorney general's post, witnessed a Democratic governor sail to a second term, and saw Democrats pick up some seats … Kansas Republicans have a lot at stake this Saturday -- and Huelskamp will have his hands full fending off other candidates. …
DNC Has Early Edge
– Mel Martinez on his way in, it seems like the RNC is falling behind the DNC ... at least when it comes to defining the rival candidates … According to The Hill: "The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has gotten an early jump on the 2008 election by launching an aggressive … communications campaign to discredit potential GOP presidential candidates, an effort that has not yet been matched by the Republican…
Democratic Cattle Call in Nevada Today
– Sadly, Obama and Hill won't be there together as Barack is the only one of the candidates who had a previous engagement: Eight … Democratic presidential contenders -- all except Illinois Sen. … But don't expect the candidates to be mixing it up with one another. They won't be sharing the stage.…
Obama/McCain Lead GOP Internet Insiders Poll
– Toeplitz of National Journal's "On The Download" asked "24 of the best Republican Internet strategists what they thought of the Democratic … and Republican Presidential candidates' Web sites."…
Rudy the Baptist: Will Iowans Take a Dip?
– Charisma is a huge part of the presidential electoral process (incidentally, it’s been a miniscule part of the last couple of Democratic … But even the grandest of candidates needs ground operatives, and social conservatives make up a part of the political machine that…
Interview with's Matt Keller
– Don’t you think his negatives are going to be too high to sustain a presidential campaign? … It’s the other Democratic contenders that should be worried. … He constantly polls around 3rd place, higher than one of the supposed “top 3” candidates currently running.…
Why a Pro-Life President?
– nominate, given the likelihood that they will face a Democratic majority Senate? … Instead, candidates parry the question by pledging to appoint strict constructionist judges. … Candidates make lots of promises on the campaign trail. Sadly, they often break these promises.…
Would It Have Been Better for Edwards if the Pink Sapphire Were a Strip Club?…en_better_for_edwards_if_the_pink_sapphire_were_a_strip_club
– I kid a bit, but I think the American people are more willing to forgive a presidential candidate for being overly hetero than for … If Edwards had won the Democratic nomination, he was already gonna have trouble shaking this old clip: Now, the Silky Pony can toss … Here's hoping liberals are oblivious enough to their candidates' hypocrisy to nominate this guy.…
Another Veto Cometh
– til September for a turn-around: Where, a few months ago, Giulliani beat (by 5-10 percent) and McCain beat or tied all Democratic … As neither the Democratic nor Republican candidates' campaigns (nor their parties' general efforts) have been strikingly strong or … statesmanship from John McCain, in one of my favorite quotes of his, upon being asked how success or failure in Iraq might affect his presidential
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